The Official Chess Tournament Thread

Im quite surprised you resigned there Dan, you still had a game there by the looks of things. Either way, congrats Anti!

I assume another tournament will happen after a small break. Maybe before that happens can do a bit of chess learning or something? Or just some silly practice games.

edit- either way ive challenged you solaris for a little game.
_Z_Ryuken, I hope you have learnt from that game why this opening is always avoided.

_Z_Ryuken, I hope you have learnt from that game ehy this opening is always avoided.

I'll never use it again, on you anyhow.
You know, you are the only person to have ever challenged me at this. :|
What game opening did he use? Ill have a game with you if you want <3.
Heh nice.

Ill challenge you sure, but it's 2am here so ill start tommorow.
Well I can safely say that Dan making it into the finals was no fluke. I've lost 3 in a row to him...

My record is now 1 WIN, 6 LOSSES, and 1 DRAW. The good news is I have a .500 record when I play White. The bad news is I have yet to win a game when I play Black.

Also, I didn't mention it yesterday but congratulations on being tournament champion AntiAnto!! :D
I was playing pretty sloppy. You had several opportunities to trounce me but for some reason you kept throwing away your bishops and rooks. Simple stuff like putting them infront of my queen with no cover.
After one game I know you are better than me though. :/
I pretty much just want to obliterate everythign on the field but you two get all strategic and owninate with queens.
I may sit out the next tourney and stick to Street Fighter.
Meh, im not deliberately mirroring your actions Anti :p.

Im about to beat someone else in one of my game slots so if anyone else wants a game just ask and ill put you in queue :P.
I've been away for the last week.

Well in that case, this is what's happened since the finals were announced:


Raeven0 v bliink


DanDaMan v AntiAnto
WINNER: AntiAnto via forfeit/disqualification by DanDaMan

I've also went back and re-did the unofficial rankings (seen here). They'll be completed once Raeven0 or bliink win their Round 2 matchup.
Well, Anti. Ive never had a game like this before. Sorry for the slow speed, ive been out quite a lot lately.

(Shameless bump tbh)
Haha nice.

We really should have another tournament, but maybe as a league instead. I.e everyone plays everyone else twice and the total wins vs losses can be totalled up and some accurate rankings can be made up. That way we can let people whom want to join in halfway through in.