The one thing that could ruin HL2 for me - The citadel


Sep 7, 2004
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Now I don't know if it's been confirmed or not but what if we never get to rampage in the citadel?

I was thinking of ways the game could end and thought hey wouldn't it be a shock if the game had ended before we could get to the citadel. The aim isnt to totally eradicate all enemy forces but just to liberate a small part of the city or something. Maybe just knock the power to the citadel out and then find another way to rid the city of them. It seems a very mysterious place and seems to be the main place that people think the game will end. But for such a big place we've heard or seen almost nothing about it. By now at least one shot of the thing should be out.

Half-life 1 - Everyone thinks the main objective was to escape but still by the end of the game that hasnt happened (apart from a brief stint on xen). It starts and ends in black mesa and you never see beyond that on earth. They shocked us then they could do it again.

Just my thoughts. Im sure someone will come along and blow this out of the water.
Well, there'll be a Half Life 3... and and HL2 expansion pack, etc.
I'm mostly curious whether there is a hotdog salesman outside, I hate to kill on an emtpy stomach.
Well HL2 is just there for the sake of HL3 ( ;) ), so we can expect one hell of a cliffhanger which will cause us to bash out heads against our computer desks.
Rog said:
Now I don't know if it's been confirmed or not but what if we never get to rampage in the citadel?

I was thinking of ways the game could end and thought hey wouldn't it be a shock if the game had ended before we could get to the citadel. The aim isnt to totally eradicate all enemy forces but just to liberate a small part of the city or something. Maybe just knock the power to the citadel out and then find another way to rid the city of them. It seems a very mysterious place and seems to be the main place that people think the game will end. But for such a big place we've heard or seen almost nothing about it. By now at least one shot of the thing should be out.

Half-life 1 - Everyone thinks the main objective was to escape but still by the end of the game that hasnt happened (apart from a brief stint on xen). It starts and ends in black mesa and you never see beyond that on earth. They shocked us then they could do it again.

Just my thoughts. Im sure someone will come along and blow this out of the water.

Yes I'm looking very forward to going into that beast
"I was thinking of ways the game could end and thought hey wouldn't it be a shock if the game had ended before we could get to the citadel."

For some reason this made me think of Gabes comment "you cant show someone a really big bomb and not let them blow it up".... or something along them lines lol
"His most significant contribution to Half-Life was his statement "C’mon, people, you can’t show the player a really big bomb and not let them blow it up."
Well you could blow the citadel up....but that still means you might not get inside the damn thing
I am sure you are going to end up in it at some point. and to confirm this the reason why there is not 1 screenshot of the inside is because it would be a MAJOR SPOILER!! If someone showed me some of the ending scenes in a game I would be pissed. I am kind of upset that they had the volcano in the background of the trailer for Farcry. I would of loved to be suprised to come up to that moment, but it was known well ahead in the game that you were going to end up there.

I think (GUESS) the Citadel cliffhanger is going to happen somewhere near the top of the building, you enter in the adminstrators room and he is at his desk and he says "Welcome Gordon to my administration office here at the Citadel". "Would you like some coffee??". and then they both go in the breakroom and enjoy a cup and then the game fades out and says "Gordon Freeman: The Administrators right-hand man."
Merc playtested inside it when he visited Valve.
dawdler said:
I'm mostly curious whether there is a hotdog salesman outside, I hate to kill on an emtpy stomach.

Was that some sort of vague reference to Invader Zim, when that other Invader makes a huge hot dog stand?

Or am I watching Invader Zim too much? :|
maximus0402 said:
I am sure you are going to end up in it at some point. and to confirm this the reason why there is not 1 screenshot of the inside is because it would be a MAJOR SPOILER!! "

Yea, and we wouldn't want to spoil people, right guys? :flame:

no further comment, because I'm not sure on this.
My fear is that I'll get into the citadel and it will be a 20 level corridor crawl to the top.
i wouldnt mind if there was a cliff-hanger ending, it wont be a problem unless the next game takes ages to come out. when i played through shenmue, iwas totally phyched up for going to china, and had to wait ages for the next game (which finished with ryo inside a cave of all places) it would totally suck though if the story was never resolved, so lets hope that halflife doesnt go down the same road the shenmue series seems to be
yes you do get to go into the citadel, you travel there on some kind of delivery system from a dropship base on the ground. Its a sort of cable car ride high up into the citadel.
or the game could end on the know, like the movie "the thing", where all the mayhem in city 17 was because of some mysterious creature or force that lives in the bottom the submarine...I don't know anymore...I'm talking out of my ass here...

but I would imagine that you'd eventually get to the citadel...
I'm not sure I'd bet all my money on it being the end of the game though...that would seem a little too obvious for Valve to make that the ending...
NeLi said:
etc etc...

You've said exactly (Or there abouts) the same thing in two threads. Now, I know you've posted more than me, but that's against the rules to say two words just to get post count up. Yeah, I read what Munro had to say! If you haven't got anything decent to say then don't post.

So back to the topic: I doubt the citadel would be where it ends. I bet you get sent back into status, or maybe you free the citizens of City 17, and then all those aliens one of the "Fan fiction" or "Theory's" said were outside City 17, and how they were apparently keeping them there for safe keeping. Anyway, Gordon frees them and then it all starts to crumble and people start dying and stuff and then you get sent back into stasis. Just my thoughts on the subject.
dekstar said:
You've said exactly (Or there abouts) the same thing in two threads. Now, I know you've posted more than me, but that's against the rules to say two words just to get post count up. Yeah, I read what Munro had to say! If you haven't got anything decent to say then don't post.

But I'm not a decent man. :monkee:
lazicsavo said:
Well HL2 is just there for the sake of HL3 ( ;)

hhmm.....then id rather they hold HL2 back now until HL3 is finished.

Everyone ----> :sniper: :x <-------- me
In the E3 2004 videos there is one instance where the G-man speaks and behind him you can see some kind of conveyor system with pods moving around. This looks to me like it is inside the citadel or at least in a Combine structure around it.
Rog said:
Now I don't know if it's been confirmed or not but what if we never get to rampage in the citadel?

I was thinking of ways the game could end and thought hey wouldn't it be a shock if the game had ended before we could get to the citadel. The aim isnt to totally eradicate all enemy forces but just to liberate a small part of the city or something. Maybe just knock the power to the citadel out and then find another way to rid the city of them. It seems a very mysterious place and seems to be the main place that people think the game will end. But for such a big place we've heard or seen almost nothing about it. By now at least one shot of the thing should be out.

Half-life 1 - Everyone thinks the main objective was to escape but still by the end of the game that hasnt happened (apart from a brief stint on xen). It starts and ends in black mesa and you never see beyond that on earth. They shocked us then they could do it again.

Just my thoughts. Im sure someone will come along and blow this out of the water.

The levels Merc played were inside the citadel. :) You wouldn't put that thing there unless you let people go in!
Isn't that just the experiment from Half-Life? - The test chamber-gone-portal-from-Xen.

They’re waiting for you the Test Chamber.....
KagePrototype said:
Was that some sort of vague reference to Invader Zim, when that other Invader makes a huge hot dog stand?
Or am I watching Invader Zim too much? :|
"Tell me everything you know about these red, bearded men who smell of ham. And VOMIT!"

The levels inside the Citadel seem to me to be the successor to the original's Xen levels. They're going to be so eery. There was concept art for them too and that all looked splendid. Oh yes.

Fatpie - both the TestChamber and what appears to be the inside of the Citadel appear on the G-Man's face.
SubKamran said:
The levels Merc played were inside the citadel. :) You wouldn't put that thing there unless you let people go in!

Well there ya go it gone blown out the water :p But now I no we're gonna get in it :)
Ok, maybe its been too long since Ive played the original, or maybe I havnt been paying attention to anything but got lost in the graphics but what is the Citadel?
theres a level in the beta where you can go inside the citadel
The citadel is the huge building in City 17 that the combine seem to be protecting. You can see it in the Strider Bink and i think the Barricade also.
Rog said:
Now I don't know if it's been confirmed or not but what if we never get to rampage in the citadel?

I was thinking of ways the game could end and thought hey wouldn't it be a shock if the game had ended before we could get to the citadel. The aim isnt to totally eradicate all enemy forces but just to liberate a small part of the city or something. Maybe just knock the power to the citadel out and then find another way to rid the city of them. It seems a very mysterious place and seems to be the main place that people think the game will end. But for such a big place we've heard or seen almost nothing about it. By now at least one shot of the thing should be out.

Half-life 1 - Everyone thinks the main objective was to escape but still by the end of the game that hasnt happened (apart from a brief stint on xen). It starts and ends in black mesa and you never see beyond that on earth. They shocked us then they could do it again.

Just my thoughts. Im sure someone will come along and blow this out of the water.

dont worry

i was under the impression this one's supposed to be inside:

it also occered to me that since hl2 is all on earth, then hl3 may be all in space: ie you distroy the citidel and the combine by the end of hl2 and then are launched back out at the end. if they put alot more thought and creativity into the outer world this time the third game could work in that respect - just no more platforming, etc.
there is definatly a inside not only because of merc playing it but Gabe said that you don't go to Xen in this game but Xen comes to you. I am sure there is some of the alien world existing within the citadel a floor or two.
I still think it would be awesome if you teleported back to Black Mesa research at the end or something. maybe for hl3.
ohhh you can't even imagine what awaits you in the game >:-D

and specially what the combine has.... and yes obviously you go to the citadel
Oh I can imagine.

I'll just be wrong.

Realllly wrong.