The one time I condone animal cruelty.

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The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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So,, I hit a deer tonight. And I hope it's dying.

I was driving along a back road (pitch black, no street lights, this is in the country), and just cruising along 10 miles UNDER the speed limit because these roads always sketch me out (at night).. So anyways me and my friend are driving along and on his side he sees a deer in the ditch (already crossed, you could tell), so then he starts yelling out BREAK BREAK. Now I just assumed it was because he saw a deer so close he was freaking out, because where he lives he doesn't see them that often (he lives in the country too, I was actually driving him home, but his area doesn't see them ever). So I was just thinking "whatever, it's just a deer I see them all the time, I'm not stopping", but no, he was talking about that deer in the ditch's friend, across the road who didn't cross yet. So I'm going 40, this thing jumps out of the pitch black, the stupid thing hits my car on the passenger side in front, and goes FLYING, like a rubber ball it just bounced. It's legs hit where my headlight was, and it's head hit my fender.

When this happened the first thing I thought was 'oh **** my ****ing car'. So I pull over and check it.. Yup, the headlight doesn't stay in (the mounts it was on broke, I just put chicken wire to fasten it, it's fine now, shouldn't go anywhere), dents in the front corner of my hood, and my fender (where the stupid thing hit it's head). Now just when I was ready to go, I hear it limping (the way it sounded you could tell it was limping), and I couldn't see it until I turned on my phone for light, and it was about 4 ft away from me just staring.

So I just left at that point, I hope it's leg is broken and it dies. Now I can't buy a sweet ass telecaster because a god damn deer decided to cross at the last minute and I probably have to pay for this :flame: There goes my entire xmas paycheck bonus included.

Moral of the story is: Deer are good for nothing, **** them I hate them all.

EDIT: It's sort of ironic, I don't even have my license, but my parents still let me drive (the DMV has been on strike for like 5 months, I can't go for my road test even though I passed traffic school..), and I went out this 2am (with permission, my dad even knew why I was picking up my friend) to pick up my drunk friend who couldn't drive home. I was just trying to be a good friend, but NO. ****ING DEER.
So your own mistrust in your friend lead to the slow death of an animal?

It's like every post you make shows me how much more and more lame you are, man.
If animals weren't for being hit by cars, they would know how to build crosswalks.
Should have backed up, jerk.

Anyway, reminds me when my Dad ran over a puppy or toy dog and just kept going, but when we turned around and drove past it, it was still moving. :( But he didn't seem to care :hmph:
Poor deer. :( Stuck in the cold with a badly mangled body.

There are a few ways it could die. It's probably rendered pretty much immobile at least as far as being able to travel and do anything worthwhile. As a result, it might slowly and agonizingly freeze to death.

It likely has some bad internal bleeding and may bleed out or otherwise die from those injuries which will probably be a fairly slow death.

Lastly, a bear or wolves or something might smell the blood or otherwise happen upon the animal and the last things it will know in this world is being devoured alive.

Should have backed up, jerk.

Anyway, reminds me when my Dad ran over a puppy or toy dog and just kept going, but when we turned around and drove past it, it was still moving. :( But he didn't seem to care :hmph:

Second that notion.

You left it to die. You should be ashamed of yourself. Just because the deer isnt human, doesnt mean you have the right to think of yourself as a superior species.

You have no heart. Tin man.

Ive only ever seen a deer get hit once, it was on my way to work one weekend a few years ago.
Transit van stopped ahead of me, back lights were going on and off, he rolled forward slowly and a deer crawled out from underneath the van with a clearly broken leg. It was trying to drag itself off the road, the driver got out and was clearly in shock as he had his hands on his head and just looking around as if to get someone to help him.

I got out, and as I did a car screeched to a halt next to me, coming the other way. The guy inside that car got out, ran over to the deer, checked its leg, ran back to his car, opened the boot, moved some stuff around, and came back loading a round into a revolver.

He wrapped his hand around the deer's mouth and held it steady, pointed the gun down into the deer's head and didnt even hesitate, he just pulled the trigger (weird how dull and unexciting a real gun sounds when going off, stupid movie sound effects).

He then wrapped up the deer in a big blanket and put it in the boot of his car (which was an estate so he had tons of space).

Turns out he was a vet, who are allowed to keep such things in their car boots.

Really fortunate he happened to be going by when he did.
So your own mistrust in your friend lead to the slow death of an animal?

It's like every post you make shows me how much more and more lame you are, man.

Mistrust? How is that mistrust, he said BRAKE BRAKE while looking at a deer in the ditch, your first instinct is to look the opposite direction? Also even if I did look the opposite direction, I wouldn't have seen anything, it was pitch black, the only light was from my headlights.

I thought he said brake so I could stop and he could see the deer more closely, he was drunk that seems plausible, he doesn't see them ever.

Poor deer. :( Stuck in the cold with a badly mangled body.

There are a few ways it could die. It's probably rendered pretty much immobile at least as far as being able to travel and do anything worthwhile. As a result, it might slowly and agonizingly freeze to death.

It likely has some bad internal bleeding and may bleed out or otherwise die from those injuries which will probably be a fairly slow death.

Lastly, a bear or wolves or something might smell the blood or otherwise happen upon the animal and the last things it will know in this world is being devoured alive.

I hope it's leg is broken and it dies.
Mistrust? How is that mistrust, he said BRAKE BRAKE while looking at a deer in the ditch, your first instinct is to look the opposite direction? Also even if I did look the opposite direction, I wouldn't have seen anything, it was pitch black, the only light was from my headlights.

"he was talking about that deer in the ditch's friend, across the road who didn't cross yet."

Listen to him?
"he was talking about that deer in the ditch's friend, across the road who didn't cross yet."

Listen to him?

Do you drive? Have you ever hit a deer? You ever even see one run across a road? This was a one lane road, literally one step and the thing was in the middle of the road. I had like 3 seconds to react by slamming on my brakes, don't even give me that shit. There is always one person like you in every thread anyone ever makes who sits there and tries to make either the OP or anything who disagrees with the OP look like an asshole. You in my situation wouldn't have changed anything.

Also I should add, there was no blood. It seemed pretty ok, if anything it either has one broken hip, or one broken leg. It could stand just fine. I'm also wondering, this was unavoidable, any of you in the same situation would've hit it as well, there is nothing I could do, yet you still call me names. One question: Would you have liked my story better if I went offroading with a sedan to run it down? Or should I have just left it there limping along?
Sell your car, avoid further damage and animal cruelty, and use the cash you get to buy xmas presents.
Three seconds is heaps of time, bro. Don't think Australian roads are just barren strips of gravel in desert or anything, now.

There is always one person like you in every thread anyone ever makes who sits there and tries to make either the OP or anything who disagrees with the OP look like an asshole. You in my situation wouldn't have changed anything.

You go around with that troll-grin shit and then have a whinge like this.
Why blame them? It's us who put fast moving killing machines through THEIR homes.
I picked tons of fur out my grill too guys.
I'm also wondering, this was unavoidable, any of you in the same situation would've hit it as well, there is nothing I could do, yet you still call me names.

I don't blame you the slightest for what happened- accidents like these are as common as commoners. But you should feel ****ing bad about it, you heartless monster!
I picked tons of fur out my grill too guys.

Well ***k me, how wrong we were.

Yeah, damn that deer for making you do something you cant be arsed to do for 30 minutes of your life in sacrifice of its own life....
Do you drive? Have you ever hit a deer? You ever even see one run across a road? This was a one lane road, literally one step and the thing was in the middle of the road. I had like 3 seconds to react by slamming on my brakes, don't even give me that shit. There is always one person like you in every thread anyone ever makes who sits there and tries to make either the OP or anything who disagrees with the OP look like an asshole. You in my situation wouldn't have changed anything.

Also I should add, there was no blood. It seemed pretty ok, if anything it either has one broken hip, or one broken leg. It could stand just fine. I'm also wondering, this was unavoidable, any of you in the same situation would've hit it as well, there is nothing I could do, yet you still call me names. One question: Would you have liked my story better if I went offroading with a sedan to run it down? Or should I have just left it there limping along?

I know you're not talking to me, but let me say that my post wasn't to make you feel bad or make you out to be a bad guy or anything. You hit a deer, the deer is gonna die. So what, other than the fact that dying animals in such a way is sad to me. We always razz each other on these forums, and that's all I'm doing here.
Well ***k me, how wrong we were.

Yeah, damn that deer for making you do something you cant be arsed to do for 30 minutes of your life in sacrifice of its own life....

Oh that logic is sooooo flawed.. What about the hundreds of bugs you kill while driving down the street? One splatters on your windshield - you gotta clean that shit! IS IT REALLY WORTH THE SACRIFICE?!? THINK OF THEIR BUG FAMILIES!
Oh that logic is sooooo flawed.. What about the hundreds of bugs you kill while driving down the street? One splatters on your windshield - you gotta clean that shit! IS IT REALLY WORTH THE SACRIFICE?!? THINK OF THEIR BUG FAMILIES!
Oh that logic is sooooo flawed.. What about the hundreds of bugs you kill while driving down the street? One splatters on your windshield - you gotta clean that shit! IS IT REALLY WORTH THE SACRIFICE?!? THINK OF THEIR BUG FAMILIES!

Bugs? Bugs are never cute at any stage of their lives... unlike deer and other mammals!


Erm... ahem. Nevermind.
Think of the bacterium you kill via disinfection!
I could swear there was some collection of religious/environmentalist nut-jobs that tried to push a movement to stop people from driving, as insect numbers were diminishing due to excessive driving on motorways and alike.

Insect numbers lowered and birds would be affected as a result.

'Think of the lesser-spotted jingle-plummed greater brown-feathered blue tit'

Errr no, Im too busy, like any man should, thinking of sex.
Thinkin' of buttf*ckin' shouldn't get in the way of Jesus and the preservation of our insect bretheref*ck insects nevermind pieces of shit are disgusting.

I don't get it. :/

However, I'm glad you're not hurt. Hitting a deer can kill the driver.
Take it home and eat the ****er... nom nom
Strap it on the roof.

EDIT^ Exactly.

What you hit... is the jackpot.

Besides you've already got some meat on the grill.
That's karma douche bag.

That poor deer, your bitching about how it ruined your christmas, how do you think that deer is enjoying it's christmas?
I think I blame dog. If a passenger shouts 'brake' and it is safe to do so, you should brake. However, you presumed you knew better than your passenger and you didn't. The result was you killed a deer, but with your attitude, it could have been a person in different circumstances.
I think I blame dog. If a passenger shouts 'brake' and it is safe to do so, you should brake. However, you presumed you knew better than your passenger and you didn't. The result was you killed a deer, but with your attitude, it could have been a person in different circumstances.

He'd of hit and run anyhows let's be honest here ppl. The wretch is little more than a sociopath.
It's almost 2010 and still people are gunning for 'classiest thread of the year'.
Dog you're a dick. You could deem the situation seemingly unavoidable. Even if you had started to break at your speed you may not have stopped.

The problem with you is how you've come away from the incident. You've killed an animal which has suffered for the last part of it's life. The other deer was probably related to it and is now without it's relative for safety.

Even though it wasn't your fault, I would certainly feel guilty and horrible about that. I would hate to hit a squirrel. I've swerved to a avoid a hedgehog! The fact you come here with a macho attitude "DARN DEER DENTED MY HOOD & MADE ME LIGHT ALL WOBBLY" is just pathetic. Stop the act.

You are most likely in shock from the incident and not sure how to react. You've focused on the one thing you can still see (your car) and shifted your emotions through that. Sit back for a second and think about it again.
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