The person above you

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i didnt spell my name wrong its just that on the other forum i screwed up with it by first making modder and then making moder so now im just moder who cares.

edit: has photocopying sex.
Doesnt realise that the kids in the gijoe movie are supposed to be saying random things and your nto supposed to understand completly what they are saying.
Those other movies that logic linked arnt that funny i found, another good movie tho besides porkchop sandwhiches is body massage.
Mr body massage machine GO!
Body massage!
Is one of the many people who doesn't seem to understand that my last name is White.
couldnt think of a name for the forums so he just smashed his hands on the keyboard and took what he got
actually, theres a history to my name, but i wont get into it...


i guess i could say the same thing to nw909, so i will:

couldnt think of a name for the forums so he just smashed his hands on the keyboard and took what he got
iz t3h wrongz0rz cuz u can oc to 4 ghz or more if u got super duper 1337 ass cooling
^ is partially right because i have super cooling but not super duper.:|

Water cooling sucks, vapochill too expensive. I got a zalman 7000-Cu, people hit 3.6 fairly stable with it.
has an avatar to which i dont understand

wtf is that thing, dude?
Should be wondering why he has this obsession with telling me i have the cutest avatar ever.
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