The person above you

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has a name that reminds me of cock fights and poodle hats

lol.... some dude actually had the balls to give me that nickname of K-Pax
^posted about Bad^hat not hl2stone and broke the rules and now is going to get a penality.
^trying to steal tampons from his mothers room
:no offence all in good fun:
needs to get a tan (keep this going and keep pressin f5)
and has a pink rabit sidekick that cant spell his sig.
likes telling people about prok chops *think that demon within has some weird porkchop obsession.*
Hasnt seen the video yet.
Go to the fricken video!! Get the F*ck out!! Were all F*cking dead!
I said get the F*ck out you F*cking idiots!!
That smelt damn good!
Mmhmmah detectve and you tell me two thin i dun righ.
Holy crap demon, that's the funniest damn thing I've ever seen!!!! LOL
Was wrong
hahah its funny man, comon! Alot of random shit happens and thats funny. please buy a sense of humor ;)
I guess there are two types of people: Those who watch stuff like this and get it, and those who don't. I feel sorry for the people in the latter category. Kind of like people who don't like monty python and the holy grail I guess.
thats how its written on the shirt I beleive, a pink shirt with a pink bunny holding a revolver, and under it it says "PINK BUNNY SEZ: SHOOT TO ILL" though i could be wrong... let me check

o im wrong...

shut up

EDIT: I just watched the G.I. Joe movies, and i've never laughed so hard in my life, especially the fair one.

EDIT 2: Won't leave people alone about thier sigs.
Has a sense of humor :cheese:

Originally posted by MrWhite
I just watched the G.I. Joe movies, and i've never laughed so hard in my life, especially the fair one.
lol yeah I watched through them all and unintentionally unclogged my nose in the general direction of my monitor.
is logical

are you serious? wow, thats halarious haha, well atleast your nose isnt clogged up, messy moniter though
is practically jacking this thread with me

I'm white, and my last name is white

oh my god those are the funniest things ever. in the history of the world.
^is a funny guy there for should understand the humor in that joke :cheers:
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