The person above you

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Has an avatar that reminds me of a guy who used to be around here a long time ago, but doesnt seemt o have posted lately.
doesnt appreciate one of the best and well-balanced rts games ever made

(i haven't played it in a while though :) )
Uh..Posted before me.

Is that, an hour after you first played the game?

I really enjoyed it, for one thing it introduced three very individual races which most games didn't do. They were all unique to a point which added a lot of variety to strategy. The story was pretty good, and the for the time the way they presented it was great to. The amount of maps produced for the game is immesurable. Its a great game.

Of course, that last part is just my opinion.
Should not play SC and play desert combat instead. also should have a porkchop sandwhich.
^ Is obviously wrong, i am teh pwnz0rz at BF and all its mods.

Seriously, back in good old vanilla days, i was ranked in the 200's for a month on bfstats, then i changed my name and started playing DC.
Should play me sometime.
-if your in a jet, your done. im the anti air for my clan. now wit the patch tho, i have troubles wit heli's. now i jus use tanks or anti air vehicles to take em down.
Spouted figtin' words.

-If im in a tank air assaults should watch their asses.
Bigger spammer than me...which is quite a feat.
Has the only comp that can compete with mine.
Doesn't know that for sure :cheese:

My system's very similar, minus the cathode light bullcrap, and add a few soundcards, sound modules and a pro-tools rig (I make music) and you pretty much have my system.

Ok, I admit I have a geforce 4 ti4600 rather than a beastly ATI card, but it'll run HL2 just fine. I use my system more for music and graphics related stuff than games anyway though.

You get to a certain point where, if you're just using your system for stuff like games, it's overkill and you're wasting your money by keeping the system up to date. I never spend more than $1500 AU (about $800 US) on a computer, and I play all the latest games when they come out.

Edit: d00d my post was way to late lol, I was replying to guinny :cheese:
Should be faster when posting in this thread. :p
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