The person above you

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looks around the room then back at his screen.. hm....

PS i dont spam i only talk in off topic and some times media..... so thats why u see alot of me?
Is obsessed enough with the ever-badly drawn strong-bad to use him as an avatar..... explain? :cheese:
Is wrong, actually. There's a lot of funny HSR stuff, I just don't like the way strong-bad is drawn, and I'd never use it as an avatar (it would just make people who haven't seen it before think 2 things: 1: I drew it myself, and 2: I can't draw. )
Is wrong again :cheese:

They're the cutest animal capable of tearing your face off that I know of. I'm very much an animal person - meesa likes aaallll kiiiindsa animals.
is crazy about ducks.

Dont diss my avatar, its a great avatar, just cause you dont like it doesnt meen you have to insult it or me.
Once got told 'good catch The DemonWithin....but shame your ass got saaasssseeedd (I have no idea what he says lol)'

Those cartoons are so damn funny
Has a good taste in humor.
He says sacked. Nice catch blanko nino, but too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaacked.
just corrected me and told me the answer to a question that has been bugging me for ages
(To DarkelP) doesnt realize that the guy in the G.I Joe video is saying "to bad your ass got sacked"
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