The person above you

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doesnt realize that was supposed to go under DarkelP's post but I was just to damn slow
lives less then 5 mins from me.

I live in that can you kicked today, please dont kick it again :D
seems to be of the few who knows where the second line of his sig comes from
is considering the possibilty of someone else in the world possible being able to begin to think about starting to comprehend the second line of the sig
had a man come up to him and go 'oi! what the f*ck you doing on my f*cking lawn??!?' and got scared
had a black army guy come up in a jeep an say "who wants a body massage?" Then pick up an electical cable while saying "mr body massage machine GO!"
had some guy come up to him and go 'memememememememememe mememememememe mememe meme memememe'
has still not yet revealed the wonders of the 2nd sig line to the masses
has a very revealing sig...becasue he hasnt got one!!!

I'll reveal it when more people want to know about it.....which will be never:D and the 1st line of my sig is even more mysterious!!!! *cackle of lightning*
fails to realize that the second line is, in fact, more mysterious

btw... has hair?? wtf
Could very well be unable to comprehend the mysteriousness (sp? its 1.00am here, i need to sleep) of both lines combined!!!!!
replied to someone who doesnt realize that the masses do not care to know the un-secrets of the 2nd line.
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