The PETA (Yes, it's time to talk about them)

Do you support the PETA?

  • No. I'm a sane person.

    Votes: 59 89.4%
  • Yes. I'm an idiot.

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • I'm not sure. (Explain in thread)

    Votes: 5 7.6%

  • Total voters
well,thats your choice but I don't understand how you can support a radical group like that.
I think wearing fur is wrong,but this is a free world (mostly) and people have the right to make bad choices(as long as it doesn't infringe on the right of other humans).
And for meat eaters to be happy animals must suffer,thats just the way it goes,always has been too.
I don't care about the PETA. However, if they, or greenpeace, or any other stupid NGO come protesting in our waters again, I want our destroyers to blow them up.
Let me state this right now: Animals are a gray zone.
I don't care about the PETA. However, if they, or greenpeace, or any other stupid NGO come protesting in our waters again, I want our destroyers to blow them up.

do Koreans also use tiger testicles as an aphrodisiac?
You don't need leather to live. But yes generally a cow is more important then you specifically, a cockroach is more important then you. Hell an amoeba is more important then you.
Not to anyone but you it would seem.
Free range British beef is more ethical (and tasty) than the ever so natural lion slowly killing the gazelle.

Not to anyone but you it would seem.

Yeah, I'd stamp on every cockroach in the world just to save Solaris and listen to his crap on an anonymous message board!
I wonder how long it will be until we are eating nothing but cloned animals who were never in any state on consciousness.

Would this be a good or bad thing?
Good thing, even better would be growing parts of animals on massive scale. It would also be safer, since you can have a lot more control over diseases.

The research necessary to do that could be an offset of research to regrow human limbs, so spending money in that area would also be very beneficial to humans.
Free range British beef is more ethical (and tasty) than the ever so natural lion slowly killing the gazelle.

Sure, only slight difference there is lions don't throw their meal on a crowded farm torturing them for months or even years for the sole purpose of eating that meal.
Sure, only slight difference there is lions don't throw their meal on a crowded farm torturing them for months or even years for the sole purpose of eating that meal.
They're just not technologically advanced enough to, or have the need to.

Most farms aren't "crowded torture" anyway; travel about 10 miles outside any city and you'd see that.
Im sure the free range cow has a good quality of life until the 'humane' (I would hope so) slaughter.
This holocaust comparison is downright offensive, the animals are supposed to be humanely slaughtered and looked after properly before then. The animals are killed for food, not to try and eradicate them and cause suffering.

People should remember that just because someone is anti PETA doesnt mean they advocate suffering of animals. Im the sort of person who doesnt squash a spider:)
Well in that case you should eat it, your live is more important then that of an animal. It's a shame though.

:) Of course my life is more important than the animals I eat. It's not like they can do anything to stop their situation but I can.

And government has the right and moral obligation to steer the people in the right direction. Be it for a vegan diet, a non fat diet. Or concerning slavery. Being in a minority again does not make my argument any less right. IIRC Atheist are a minority in the US.

Luckily politicians down here love meat.

In any case I'm getting tired of you dancing around the issue, a 15 second look at your own argument would have made you realize it's faulty. Unless off course you have a sadistic nature and actually enjoy this.

In the beginning I was blatantly pissed off and then I began to enjoy it ;)

"Nemesis: what's a karma?"

I see what you did there.

Sure, only slight difference there is lions don't throw their meal on a crowded farm torturing them for months or even years for the sole purpose of eating that meal.

Did you know there are animals that injure their prey and wait until they die, slowly and painfully. And stop using the word torture it makes me sick and no not in a way that would somehow make you think your shock tactics work. Tell ya what you come down to Aus and I'll arrange for you to be put in an acre size lot with one solitary pregnant pig raised in an open environment. If you live, well you live.
Did you know there are animals that injure their prey and wait until they die, slowly and painfully. And stop using the word torture it makes me sick and no not in a way that would somehow make you think your shock tactics work. Tell ya what you come down to Aus and I'll arrange for you to be put in an acre size lot with one solitary pregnant pig raised in an open environment. If you live, well you live.

I'm sorry you don't like the word torture, I guess if pretending this isn't torture makes you sleep better at night then what the hell, to each his own. Enjoy your delicious meat without having to think about where it came from.

But I will not stop using the word torture, when you see some of those videos that Stern posted, when you see the pictures of pigs locked up in pans where they have no room to move, and all the other nasty shit that goes on there and you refuse to admit this is torture you are in denial. It has nothing to do with shock tactics, the fact is that the reality there is simply shocking. How people here defend this type of torture is beyond me.
I'm sorry you don't like the word torture, I guess if pretending this isn't torture makes you sleep better at night then what the hell, to each his own. Enjoy your delicious meat without having to think about where it came from.

But I will not stop using the word torture, when you see some of those videos that Stern posted, when you see the pictures of pigs locked up in pans where they have no room to move, and all the other nasty shit that goes on there and you refuse to admit this is torture you are in denial. It has nothing to do with shock tactics, the fact is that the reality there is simply shocking. How people here defend this type of torture is beyond me.
I agree completely.

Just becuase we have the right to kill animals for food, doesn't mean we don't have the responsibility to do it as painlessly and ethically as possible.
I wonder how long it will be until we are eating nothing but cloned animals who were never in any state on consciousness.

Would this be a good or bad thing?

good for animals, probably not so good for humans

I don't care about the PETA. However, if they, or greenpeace, or any other stupid NGO come protesting in our waters again, I want our destroyers to blow them up.

ah numbers, only in your warped deluded mind can a free nation exist where all manner of protest by the people against the government the people elected is to be dealt with to the extreme: death ...complain abut global warming and it's a cruise missle to the starboard bow <dem koreas is ka-razy?

on an unrelated note this community sure has had an influx of stupid people lately ..oh some of our older members have become stupid as well's an epidemic I tells ya, observe:

"CptStern: I support Nazism."

:upstare: The PETA, too, but that would negate the point of the (mis)quote.

Anyway, Venturon, if you noticed, there's a slight hint about the Nazi party at the end of the video where you see the hellbitch of the PETA saying that resistance is futile.

you sir are an idiot

but what do I know? I support nazism...yes we're back baby! although this time, screw the jews were rounding up the idiots instead ...step into the chamber Mr Nemesis ...
The war of '07, annoying liberal Cptstern vs. annoying republican nemesis6, with his manager,mtgunNut
I agree completely.

Just becuase we have the right to kill animals for food, doesn't mean we don't have the responsibility to do it as painlessly and ethically as possible.

Thats not what Peta wants though,otherwise I agree.
Here's my stance:

I know this will never happen, but all "food" livestock should be raised on a farm, not like they are now. They should live a full life, even though the outcome is the same. Animals will continue to be raised for food; there's no changing that. Their life should be as a normal cows on the farm. This might create a space problem, but wholly better for consumers and the animals. The prices might rise, but home grown farm food tastes a **** load better than the shit in the stores. There's an Amish farm nearby and their chicken eggs are ****ing delicious. I think I'll go cook one now.

Mm, cool, bottom of this page. No one will see this post.
Energizer Batteries, it's just a name, but omg they abuse bunnies!!

what about Kleenex? wont someone please think of the Kleeni?!? or is it Kleenexes?

ok, whom ever yo are, you've gone completely off the deep end ..are you comparing the nazi party and a brutal dictorship with peta? but of course not, that would be crazy, ah you must mean that those two groups are completely unrelated to peta in any way shape or form except that they have a name ...really what's your point? because it sure as hell doesnt sound like you understood my point ..the name describes what they stand for doesnt indicate tone, it doesnt describe their methodology, it doesnt identify them in any way with what side of the political fence they're sitting on just describes their outlook with as little non-political language as possible. But it matters not because ultimately people dont listen to the message as they're too busy attacking the messenger ..but by all means do go on with describing how peta is morally equivilent to the nazi party

Well done fool. You completely missed my point, which was that trying to insinuate that the message of a group can be derived from their name is utterly absurd. I was illustrating that this assertion of yours was completely false with two examples, the Nazi Party and the DPRK. If you think the name of an organisation is any indication of 'what they stand for', you are very, very stupid. This might come as a shock to you, but many labels are useless and/or misleading!

Oh but I won't sell you short. It was a fabulous strawman, Stern. Except for the fact that in my post I did not mention the 'methodology' of PETA, 'tone' (which, by the way, a name does have), 'what side of the political fence they're sitting on', nor did I describe 'how peta is morally equivilent to the nazi party'. In fact, I made no mention of PETA in my entire post, and made no grounds for comparison between PETA and Nazism.

The reason for this is that I was not actually arguing one side of the issue, I was calling you out for your bullshit. It could have just as easily been No Limit, Rep, Nemesis, or any of the other people who spend their time quoting each other to death in the political forum. I don't care about PETA.
The war of '07, annoying liberal Cptstern vs. annoying republican nemesis6, with his manager,mtgunNut

Nice. It'll be like the old Rocky movies! But in all fairness, CptStern should have NoLimit. :cheese:

Anyway, PETA and the Nazi party both have one thing in common: They both trivialize the Holocaust in order to further other hidden agendas. So, Stern, you obviously don't agree when PETA says that blind people can't have guide dogs, and neither do you support calling people who own animals as pets slave-drivers, so what part of PETA's agenda do you agree with?
I'm sorry you don't like the word torture, I guess if pretending this isn't torture makes you sleep better at night then what the hell, to each his own. Enjoy your delicious meat without having to think about where it came from.

Oh but wait I do, I just don't use the word torture.

But I will not stop using the word torture, when you see some of those videos that Stern posted.

I don't need videos, I'm aware of pig conditions and they are quite unethical. Theres a word for you try using it in a sentence. The bloody holier than thou attitude really pisses me off btw. You are not somehow better than me as a person for what you believe in, thinking so only means your delusional. I applaud you (Vegans, etc) for simply refusing to eat animal products thats your choice but other than that have you done anything else? Member of any animal welfare groups? Participated in any rallies or meets? Done anything at all other than sit in your chair and bitch at meat eaters?

If you have good for you! That means you do actually give a damn. People who cry about an issue simply for the sake of crying, and having the opportunity to try and yell at people are idiots. I think people (read: meat eaters) simply gave up trying to debate the issue with vegans and the like. Because in a vegans view it is impossible to lose a debate however, a fundamental rule for debates is being prepared to lose. I'm not somehow trying to make Vegans and other folk eat meat they made a choice and they can stick with it. If you somehow support groups that hope to give animals better standards of living you are on the same side as me. We are not enemies yet greenies/greenpeace always try put that view across.

Just for the sake of nailing the idea into your thick skull. I am for better standards of animal care and I do not simply ignore the problem. However, there are reasons for certain (read: not all) scenarios that while cruel have to be done for the protection of not only workers but the animals themselves.

I love how I've already explained this and yet you still seem to think I'm some sort of generic monster. At least you come off that way in my eyes.

"I'm for better animals care. btw you know there are other words than torture you can use to spruce up your arguments and have a touch of flavor in them?"
"I'm sorry you don't like the word torture, I guess if pretending this isn't torture makes you sleep better at night then what the hell"
"Uh what?"

Anyway look at my next post for an explanation for that one. I already know your going to call me a torturer, but meh the past is the past.

Just because we have the right to kill animals for food, doesn't mean we don't have the responsibility to do it as painlessly and ethically as possible.

Not going to happen overnight, takes time to implement, industry standards, demand for product, space limitations, worker safety, animal safety OMG, etc.

/me listens to: Meat Loaf - In The Land Of the Pig, The Butcher Is King!, 320KBPS, 5:30.
Oh but wait I do, I just don't use the word torture.

I don't need videos, I'm aware of pig conditions and they are quite unethical. Theres a word for you try using it in a sentence.
Well it is torture.
Listen to the screams those pigs make, it's unnerving to ones very core.
Well it is torture.
Listen to the screams those pigs make, it's unnerving to ones very core.

Fine allow me to elaborate for you. The workers are not the torturers the company owners are. Can we agree on that? You may think this is a tad redundant but it's unnerving being called a torturer when I was simply doing my job as instructed. Having worked at the farm gave me enough reason to try and do something about the matter.

I know this part will come across really badly for my argument but it's true from a workers experience: You get used to it. What I could do is stop representing the thoughts of the meat industry here in Aus, but hey if I went and did that you'd think you won. It just goes against my beliefs to let some snobby group think they are 100% in the right. I'm looking at you PETA.

Here's my stance:

I know this will never happen, but all "food" livestock should be raised on a farm, not like they are now. They should live a full life, even though the outcome is the same. Animals will continue to be raised for food

Works for many animals, I think cows are probably one of the better examples. Thing is it only partially works for other types of animals.

Anyway, Venturon, if you noticed, there's a slight hint about the Nazi party at the end of the video where you see the hellbitch of the PETA saying that resistance is futile.

Resistance will be futile when I shove a thick steak down her throat, god she pisses me off that much. - Note to people who like to quote, just a personal hate campaign this infers nothing else.
Fine allow me to elaborate for you. The workers are not the torturers the company owners are. Can we agree on that? You may think this is a tad redundant but it's unnerving being called a torturer when I was simply doing my job as instructed. Having worked at the farm gave me enough reason to try and do something about the matter.
That didn't work at Nuremberg and it will not work here, you tortured pigs for money, you are responsible. The concentration camp guards were only doing their job but that didn't excuse them.
That didn't work at Nuremberg and it will not work here, you tortured pigs for money, you are responsible. The concentration camp guards were only doing their job but that didn't excuse them.

oooh, a valid point...(dramatic chipmunk music), your rebuttal Kyo?
That didn't work at Nuremberg and it will not work here, you tortured pigs for money, you are responsible. The concentration camp guards were only doing their job but that didn't excuse them.

lol is that some awful attempt to compare the whole Nazi thing to Pig farms? because it didn't work. Have you ever eaten pork, ham or bacon? If you have you indirectly contributed to workers "torturing" those animals.

Feeling bad now ain't we?

For the record I had the following duties; tractor driver, animal feeder, animal burial and on occasion I'd help a fellow worker move a few animals on/off a truck.
For the record I had the following duties; tractor driver, animal feeder, animal burial and on occasion I'd find a pig who looked insecure and made fun of him for hours.

lol is that some awful attempt to compare the whole Nazi thing to Pig farms? because it didn't work. Have you ever eaten pork, ham or bacon? If you have you indirectly contributed to workers "torturing" those animals.

Feeling bad now ain't we?

For the record I had the following duties; tractor driver, animal feeder, animal burial and on occasion I'd help a fellow worker move a few animals on/off a truck.
I am responsible for it yes.
Hey Kyo, when you're torturing the pigs, do you prefer choking them or prodding them with red hot pokers up the ass?

I can't decide between the two.
I'm torn between joining this debate and not, seeing as how Godwin's law has already been evoked.
well, everyone inherently thinks its bad....the debate really is how MUCH they suffer, not whether or not they should.
Well it is torture.
Listen to the screams those pigs make, it's unnerving to ones very core.

Pssh, god shouldn't have made bacon so tasty.


Seriously though, I love animals, and I think animal torture is horrible, but i also don't think animals and humans are equals. If a slaughtered pig feeds one starving village in Africa, I lose no sleep. I do eat meat, btw, and somehow, i feel no guilt while doing it.
For the record I had the following duties; tractor driver, animal feeder, animal burial and on occasion I'd help a fellow worker move a few animals on/off a truck.

Well, you can't really say that animals are equal, if they were equal, which they're not, they would all be in jails for killing each other, shitting, etc, as Penn & Teller said.

By the way, you're a vegan?
Well, you can't really say that animals are equal, if they were equal, which they're not, they would all be in jails for killing each other, shitting, etc, as Penn & Teller said.

By the way, you're a vegan?

No. I was bieng sarcastic and just joking around. xD
I don't need videos, I'm aware of pig conditions and they are quite unethical. Theres a word for you try using it in a sentence. The bloody holier than thou attitude really pisses me off btw. You are not somehow better than me as a person for what you believe in, thinking so only means your delusional. I applaud you (Vegans, etc) for simply refusing to eat animal products thats your choice but other than that have you done anything else? Member of any animal welfare groups? Participated in any rallies or meets? Done anything at all other than sit in your chair and bitch at meat eaters?

If you have good for you! That means you do actually give a damn. People who cry about an issue simply for the sake of crying, and having the opportunity to try and yell at people are idiots. I think people (read: meat eaters) simply gave up trying to debate the issue with vegans and the like. Because in a vegans view it is impossible to lose a debate however, a fundamental rule for debates is being prepared to lose. I'm not somehow trying to make Vegans and other folk eat meat they made a choice and they can stick with it. If you somehow support groups that hope to give animals better standards of living you are on the same side as me. We are not enemies yet greenies/greenpeace always try put that view across.

Just for the sake of nailing the idea into your thick skull. I am for better standards of animal care and I do not simply ignore the problem. However, there are reasons for certain (read: not all) scenarios that while cruel have to be done for the protection of not only workers but the animals themselves.

I love how I've already explained this and yet you still seem to think I'm some sort of generic monster. At least you come off that way in my eyes.

"I'm for better animals care. btw you know there are other words than torture you can use to spruce up your arguments and have a touch of flavor in them?"
"I'm sorry you don't like the word torture, I guess if pretending this isn't torture makes you sleep better at night then what the hell"
"Uh what?"

Anyway look at my next post for an explanation for that one. I already know your going to call me a torturer, but meh the past is the past.
I don't really get what you are talking about. Your knee-jerk reaction to my post earlier was that I was calling what was happening torture, I guess you didn't like that very much. I responded that it was in fact torture. Now you are saying I am wrong yet you admit that it is torture, you just don't want to call it torture?

For the record I am not a vegan, I eat every kind of meat out there. Also for the record I do not think I am in my eyes holier than anyone here. I just try to call it how I see it, and what I see is torture. So thanks for your little speech but I don't see how it has anything to do with why what happens on those mass production farms isn't, in your eyes, torture which I guess was your original problem with my post.
For the record I am not a vegan, I eat every kind of meat out there. Also for the record I do not think I am in my eyes holier than anyone here. I just try to call it how I see it, and what I see is torture. So thanks for your little speech but I don't see how it has anything to do with why what happens on those mass production farms isn't, in your eyes, torture which I guess was your original problem with my post.

The fabulous thing about my posting habits is that I never explicitly target only the person I'm quoting. My words where intended more or less towards everyone that's had a go at me. Like I said I call it unethical treatment. Companies listen to you more when your are not calling them evil torturers. It's one thing to demand better standards of animal care, it's another to then call the industry torturers, it may very well be true but again it's not how you try to get your view across. Which again reminds me of the Greenies freeing animals and getting them killed anyway.

Can't you hear the choir now?
Listen to the animals sing!
Can't you hear the slaughterhouse bells?
In the land of the pigs the butcher is king!

Can't you hear the choir now?
Listen to the market-place sing!
Can't you hear the slaughterhouse bells?
In the land of the pigs the butcher is king!
In the land of the pigs the butcher is king...

This thread is basically: Loud people + People who actually care V Kyorisu who cares but tries to make people understand why certain (not all) cruel things will never be stopped. No matter I've had my fun and I'm still on your side. I feel I've tried to get my point across one too many times and I just give up. Lord forbid someone actually tries to argue the industries side of things. Hey doing so only allows me to see their view of you guys in another light. That light being somewhat similar to the one I saw when a bunch of guys decided it would be fun to slash my tires and write some rather rude words on the doors of my car.