The physic system is now many games , why is it special in hl2?


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
i am not dissing hl2 so relax b4 u start flaming , it is just a question what is diffrent from hl2's physic system then far cry , max payne 2 , utk4.........etc.
Half-Life 2 looks to fully integrate it into gameplay... it's not just there to look cool.
Not a huge deal of difference. It is more accurate and more realistic than most games so far. But that really isnt the point.

Its special in HL2 because they are actually using it as a major factor in gameplay. :)
HL2's is supposed to be integrated into the gameplay. The others just seem to use their physics implementations rather like a coat of glitter.

[EDIT]: Wow, three answers in the same vein. We know our stuff :E.
because in Half-life 2, you actually USE the physics during gameplay. In all of those other games, physics are just a gimmick, in half-life 2, you have to use to the physics to advance in the game. there will be physics puzzles, and you can hurt enimies with physics. In half-life 2, physics will make the game more immersive, and very fun to play. (can anyone say manipulator?)
Silent_night said:
i am not dissing hl2 so relax b4 u start flaming , it is just a question what is diffrent from hl2's physic system then far cry , max payne 2 , utk4.........etc.
Well, out of those three games having only played MP2, I can tell you that it's going to be just like MP2, only less buckets falling down on the floor and hacking in very small movements on the floor and; it will apply for 'almost' everything that isn't screwed to the ground with big long bolts that go deep, deep into the ground.
Valve is putting alot more work into adjusting the physics , like in HL2 if u shoot some1 and they fall down stairs they just won't slide down(like most games) instaed they'll fall down them realistically.
I know what mean ..... if HL2 had made its September 30th date then the physics system would have blown me away but now ive seen it in action by playing other games, it suddenly doesnt seem as impressive.
On the other hand i dont think games such as UT2k4 and painkiller etc use it as effectively as HL2 will :thumbs:. Ah well i suppose i can look forward to the new facial features :)
malice said:
I know what mean ..... if HL2 had made its September 30th date then the physics system would have blown me away but now ive seen it in action by playing other games, it suddenly doesnt seem as impressive.
On the other hand i dont think games such as UT2k4 and painkiller etc use it as effectively as HL2 will :thumbs:. Ah well i suppose i can look forward to the new facial features :)
And striders.
Ya, I agree with what pretty much everyone said above. HL2 also includes multiple breaking points in wood and buoyancy phyics that are unmatched by any upcoming games, I think. Don't forget about the MANIPULATOR muahahaha.
Silent_night said:
i am not dissing hl2 so relax b4 u start flaming , it is just a question what is diffrent from hl2's physic system then far cry , max payne 2 , utk4.........etc.

HL2 intends to make physics part of the gameplay. You've got the Manipulator, which basically lets players use the laws of nature as weapons. Vehicles have inertia, friction characteristics, and traction. Objects interact realistically with other objects (mattresses floating, bodies floating, rocks sinking, etc.)

MP2 doesn't try to do this much with physics. Not ripping on MP2, which is amazing, just that it's a shoot-em-up and it does that very well.

UT2K4 only has impact physics (solid-body collisions), which is really only a amped-up collision detection system.

Far Cry just isn't that good. (Sorry, but the demos didn't do a thing for me, and I was left wondering what the big deal was.)
HL2 physics isn't like any other game you've seen.

I rather like the physics in Theif: Deadly Shadows myself, but I mean... if I throw a body down a staircase, it'll "SLIDE" down it slightly bouncing on the steps, not very realistic I'd say. And when I club or (especilly) pierce someone with an arrow, not only does my arrow not actually pierce them but they simply play a fall-to-the-floor animation.

I'm not trying to say I dislike the physics, it's 10 times better then not having it at all. But HL2 will have physics 200 times better then any game that's currently on the market. It'll set a new standard to good games... Not only that but it'll (Yet again) be the best game of all times :)

Don't forget creatures like the Strider use nothing but physics and IK animation to move around (no keyframed animation), which is pretty damn impressive.
Letters said:
Half-Life 2 looks to fully integrate it into gameplay... it's not just there to look cool.

Quoted for emphasis.

Let me say something though. Just because other games don't use physics puzzles or whatever, it doesn't make it a bad game. I don't seem to recall many people asking for jumping puzzles after Half-Life came out. Physics should only be used to enhance gameplay, not change it. A first person shooter doesn't need physics to be fun. It just needs the gameplay.
As everyone here has said.

HL2 is the first game to have physics as a necessity of its style of gameplay, not as a gimmick like the way games have used physics up until now.
Half-Life 2 may use physics puzzles, but it's not the first game to integrate it. A lot of racing games use the engine. NASCAR 4, NASCAR 2003, etc.
Also,thanks to HL2's realistic physics and terrain system - driving doesn't seem to be as bad as it is in Far cry.
Dead-Inside said:
I rather like the physics in Theif: Deadly Shadows myself, but I mean... if I throw a body down a staircase, it'll "SLIDE" down it slightly bouncing on the steps, not very realistic I'd say. And when I club or (especilly) pierce someone with an arrow, not only does my arrow not actually pierce them but they simply play a fall-to-the-floor animation.
Thief didn't really have many physics interactions. I guess you could push objects over, but it was a little haphazard (I got into a situation where I had to load the game because I got myself trapped behind a chair), couldn't throw any non-character object though. Also the death animations were on the whole fiarly good, but you could get some really strange situations where a falling body would hit something like a hand-rail and stop moving, just lean against it at a really unrealistic angle in a very stupid-looking position. Oh well.

Just to help make things a little clearer as well. The majority of Far Cry's obvious physics tended to be found in barrels that were just stacked up on top of each other for no good reason around the island, which you could then push over and watch them bounce away, usually down a hill. I did manage to kill a soldier with some barrels once.

But that was about the limit of it - you could see there were some phsyics-reactive objects just placed willy-nilly in the environment to be 'cool'. Half Life 2 won't (shouldn't) be like this - most all objects will be physically reactive, and although there will be some obvious ones set-up for use, such as in trap-town, there should also be many other objects which can be used in interesting ways in order to accomplish your own goals.
Umm... You *CAN THROW* object in theif... But that's mostly to distract guards (It's not like there's a different apart from sound when it comes to throwing stuff...).
Oh, you can? Didn't know that. Oh well, I never needed to use it :)

I kept seeing City Tip: If you've run out of noisemaker arrows...

But my computer kept loading the levels too fast so I could never read what it said.
Oh, rofl :) I never use noisemaker arrows... I just walk up to ppl and smack em in the head, or take them out with an arrow.
Now someone answer this thread question WITHOUT using the words ''use'' and ''gameplay''.

One shiny apple is waiting for the winner.
songwriter said:
Now someone answer this thread question WITHOUT using the words ''use'' and ''gameplay''.

One shiny apple is waiting for the winner.
The whole purpose of a game is to have fun, and different games have different ways of ensuring that games are fun for the players.

With HL2 the way it makes the game fun is through its physics engine, where games before only had the physics engine as a gimmick HL2 actually needs it to ensure its unique style of fun can occur for the player.

/me awaits his shiny apple.
malice said:
I know what mean ..... if HL2 had made its September 30th date then the physics system would have blown me away but now ive seen it in action by playing other games, it suddenly doesnt seem as impressive.
On the other hand i dont think games such as UT2k4 and painkiller etc use it as effectively as HL2 will :thumbs:. Ah well i suppose i can look forward to the new facial features :)

UT2k4 uses the same physics from 2K3, which are bad.

UT2k3 came out at the end of what does that have to do with HL2 making sept 30 a YEAR later? Shouldn't you have been 'blown away' by UT2K3 a year earlier?
To me , the most important distinction is that HL2 will integrate physics into multiplayer.
Anyone who has tried Farcry`s multi will know what I`m on about.
Also what others forgot to mention is Half-Life 2 will have alot more physically simulated objects than those other games. From what Valve said, almost every object in game can be physically simulated
Psi Ops had very cool physics, the same physics engine Half-Life 2 uses (havok engine, although hl2s has been modified). I had so much fun picking guys up with telekenises (spelling) and throwing them off stuff. :)
halflife2111 said:
hi wuts up guys?

/me looks upwards

"The ceiling."

/me nods solemnly.

I can't wait to see what sorts of physics puzzles and situations HL2 will contain. I want to get up the top of the Citadel, and try and jam that big moving bit...
Halflife2 uses an extremely inproved havok system they say that even when havok 2 comes out they wont upgradethe game with it or anything because it wouldnt be an improvement! now all these games are using havok 1 while Hl2 is using something as good as or better than havok 2!
The Mullinator said:
HL2 is the first game to have physics as a necessity of its style of gameplay, not as a gimmick like the way games have used physics up until now.

Not the first. Go play Psi-Ops.
im sick of the people talking about far cry "physics"
its just a pile of boxes, doesnt even act natural.
Yeah, I played that game, I don't remember it having physics ^^

That's how impressive it must have been :p
Note to the public: When you are buying HL2, it's not a physics demonstration, you're buying an alternative reality. Please see to it that you get immidate help if you find yourself babbling *Got to get G-man... Got to get G-man...*.