The Riddle Thread

Shouldn't it be "What is he?"?
I would have to guess that it is: a homing pigeon.
I have no idea. :(
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
From house to house he goes,
A messenger small and slight.
And whether it rains or snows,
He sleeps outside at night.
What am I?

A homeless mailman?

OK, since no one got it.

A Road

New one: I never was, am always to be, no one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all to live and breathe on the terrestrial ball. What am I?
Well, it's actually the future, but I guess Tomorow works. Your turn nw909. Give us a riddle!
Originally posted by Desolate
a kid says he wants to shoot stuff and blow stuff up but he dosent want to hurt people what job can he get?

i posted this riddle when i was at his house.... the answer is a photographer <-- spelling takes pics "shoot stuff" and "blow stuff up" make them bigger thats your job :)
Ok, riddle time

There is one that has a head without an eye,
And there's one that has an eye without a head.
You may find the answer if you try;
And when all is said,
Half the answer hangs upon a thread.
Well the one without an eye isn't a needle.
Thats a pin, right?
So the first one is a pin and the other is a needle...

Is that qualified as an answer?
Originally posted by Idolon
Well the one without an eye isn't a needle.
Thats a pin, right?
So the first one is a pin and the other is a needle...

Is that qualified as an answer?

Ding, Ding, Ding,

Yup, pin and needle, now you write one.
He doesnt have to make one, just someone does.
Alright, I'll post one.

There is a hangman who stands on a hill along a road to town. every person who passes is asked the same question: "where are you going?" if the passer answers honestly, he or she is allowed to continue. if he tells a lie, he is hanged. there is, however, one reply for which the hangman can neither hang the person nor let him go.
what is that reply?
Each morning I appear
To lie at your feet,
All day I will follow
No matter how fast you run,
Yet I nearly perish
In the midday sun.
It was in the wood that I got it, so I sat down to seek it. I could not find it no matter how hard I looked, and so I took it home with me.
One of those annoying little sharp stones that somehow manage to hide in your shoe? :D

Sorry, ive been busy, so I havent been able to post here much.

And remeber, this is a riddle thread, not a joke thread! Please read the rules, this will be way better if theres one riddle going on at a time and not a whole bunch of jackasses making stupid jokes.
The answer is a splinter.
But lambda^2's answer was good enough.
It's practically the same thing.
And I think it's time for a new riddle.
When set loose
I fly away,
Never so cursed
As when I go astray.
Im gonna make up my own.

Not the fact its probably the easiest...

"I can see what it does,
But i cant see it.
I can feel it,
But i cant touch it.

EDIT:Sorry i keep changing it