The Suprise Is Here! (Proof)

lol, I can't believe that people still talk about "removing 56k support" these days... mwahahahha. It's not like Valve will go out of their way to torment dialup users, they'll just concentrate on serving the broadband majority.

I actually ping into CS:S servers better than I ping into the original's servers; so I'd love to see how it'd play for me without all the weirdy lag-compensation, because ironically I'm not all that laggy.

Still wonder how big this'll be, or how it'll be released. Obviously as a HL2 update rather than a new placement for the "Play games" slot, but I hope it doesn't take this crappy connection of mine a month to download or anything...

Wondering if the citizens get manipulators...what do the combine get to balance? Maybe superior weapons... but MAYBE manhacks, striders, etc. Think of the possibilities! Call in an aerial strike for a dropship! Vehicles? Maybe not on release but oh the possibilities! :cheers:
It shouldn't take long. We already have 99.9% of the files, after all.

/me hugs HL2
kelfar said:

Wondering if the citizens get manipulators...what do the combine get to balance? Maybe superior weapons... but MAYBE manhacks, striders, etc. Think of the possibilities! Call in an aerial strike for a dropship! Vehicles? Maybe not on release but oh the possibilities! :cheers:
whoohoh don't get your hopes too high - it's ONLY basic DM, with the weapons you get in SP.what you see as combines and resistance fighters are just skins made to differentiate players/teams, in the same way you could play as the gman in HL1 DM. what you talk about would have been doable anyway even without the HL2's DM release by valve. in any case this would (IMHO it's a safe bet to say it's a certitude something similar'll be done) be a fullblown mod.

for some reason i think there won't be vehicles in this DM.
Striders would be great. I vote for having them be controlled in a third-person vehicle style mode.

OH, I just remembered what the ALT-FIRE would be!

Kitfox said:
Hmm didn't Doug Lombardi specificaly say no HL2DM
maybe when he said that he meant no dm out of the box... doesnt mean it wont be a feature added later on
I want CTF with all the vehicles in there.
Helicopter, drop ship, ect.

They need to put a vote ban in there, because people are using the speed hack in CS:S. I was playing last night, and this dude was running thru the map, capping anyone who was standing still. People were screaming that he was there, but no admin was around to ban him.
kingthebadger said:
1. i would hope they used the resistance/combine elites
3. i would want them to use the entrapment i think... the one with the towers on the beach at night..
i think you can choose all resistance models and combine... maybe even the vortigaunts
This is gonna be sweet. I guess all those death-match mod teams out there are out of luck if they're competing against the official thing. So they'll have to innovate and make something more than a DM mod to stand out, which is probably a good thing.
Doug Lombardi said no plans......well plans change, Valve tends to do that also /hugs hl2
I hope some mod team gives us player drivable striders in the future. Strider vs strider battles anyone? *passes out*
agentbob00 said:
Doug Lombardi said no plans......well plans change
i think the truth is that valve thought they could get away with only CS:S when, obviously, people are too much accustomed to having a MP mod of SP to make up for its absence.
thank GOD, CS:S is cool and all but now HLMP let the MP mods begin. Sweetttttttttttt!!!!!!!!
Slainchild said:
Well it is called HL2DM, so I'm guesssing it will have a mode called DM, and DM only. Otherwise it would be called something liek HL2MP...
not necessarilly... there could be an option for team play. as we dont know what options will be given to you to make a mp server etc....
seinfeldrules said:

:) Exactly man.... exactly.

:naughty: Well I hope it's released when I wake up. I feel like a cute cuddly kitten right now, I am gonna go nap with me pussy... cat.
I will be happy if it is more than just deathmatch. Even team deathmatch doesn't do it for me. I'd like to see team based CTF and territory control. A 32 player battle between rebels and Overwatch in the rubble of city17 would be sweet! Maybe even TEAM FORTRESS 2! After all, they promised that to us long before HL2 and gave us tfc instead! Now would be a good time to make good on that one!
ailevation said:
:) Exactly man.... exactly.

:naughty: Well I hope it's released when I wake up. I feel like a cute cuddly kitten right now, I am gonna go nap with me pussy... cat.

I bet Valve was too busy working on Single-Player stuff to make/finish a deathmatch mode for HL2. Would have looked silly to release a deathmatch / multiplayer mode with no maps, wouldn't it? They'd be flamed more than they have been for using CS:S as its original intended multiplayer mode.

As for the "screenshot", I'm wondering how likely it is that we will actually be able to use the manipulator in multiplayer. CS:S didn't have the full physics engine (i.e. objects bounce you back - no more standing on the furniture), and I'm assuming it was because of bandwidth/server processing constraints. For an example of how problematic the physics can get, try throwing a grenade into the room full of boards on de_piranesi - I have yet to join a server that doesn't go bonkers when it explodes. I can't see how they'd incorporate it into HL2DM if they didn't in CS:S.

Either way, the "screenshot" is clearly concept art drawn/rendered into an existing HL2 level (be it deathmatch or not), and for all we know, the surprise could be a set of "HL2DM: The Lost Multiplayer" wallpapers for everyone's desktops.

I for one would love to see an HL2DM - the game just doesn't feel complete without its own deathmatch/multi mode (aside from CS:S, which is essentially the same game people have been playing for years). I would also like to see Valve take their time to make it the best it can be before throwing it out into the public, but we can be sure that no matter how complete it is, they will continue to update for years come.

Something I think would be pretty cool as a multiplayer mode for HL2 would be an MMORPG of the resistance vs. the combine in the world of HL2. It would be quite an awesome gaming experience, but I don't think it is very likely to be created, especially by Valve - but hey, anything's possible. Even smaller-scale battles in the spirit of UT2004 ONS, BF: Vietnam, BF1942, RTCW: ET, and C&C: Renegade, etc. would be pretty sweet to play in.

Just my 449.28 cents.
This is gonna be sweet. I guess all those death-match mod teams out there are out of luck if they're competing against the official thing. So they'll have to innovate and make something more than a DM mod to stand out, which is probably a good thing.

Eve Of Destruction (a vietnam based mod for Battlefield: 1942) was hit hard upon the announcement of Battlefield: Vietnam (an official standalone game). It never stopped stopped them, they even ported over to BFV and are still going strong. Some say EoD is better than the official game..
In the illustration it appears to have TDM in it, resistance vs combine...sweeet. Now I wonder if all those reviewers that gave HL2 a low score 'cause of no MP will go back and re-review it. methinks not. Why are people angry that they didn't release it when HL2 was released? What difference does it make? For me it's meant that I've completely focused on HL2's singleplayer brilliance more than if I had MP at the same time.
im out of order?! YOU'RE out of order!! This whole post! is out of order!
Opposing Force had a great update which added a "Black Mesa vs Millitary", TDM/CTF mode, which would be so cool for HL2, but unlikely, best to just expect DM with one map, anything extra will be a bonus. :)
why did valve decide to make this AFTER the hl2 release.. having this mp would make the game sell 100% more
we said to them, HURRY UP, and they went, " lets include this mp later when its finished
I hope we get to play with the organic gravity gun in HL2DM. Man, it would be so badass to be able to grab a player and fling that player onto another player, killing them both *drool*
Big Fat Duck said:
why did valve decide to make this AFTER the hl2 release.. having this mp would make the game sell 100% more

Obviously they didnt have it ready in time and they wanted to release it before December.
yes, im sure they know that now, but they were trying to be different i think... and having a multiplayer that is nothing to do with the actual game, is kind of different :afro:
we said to them, HURRY UP, and they went, " lets include this mp later when its finished"
im sure it would have helped the profits and the reviews a little...
but as long as HL2's MP is better than Halos, im fine :)

and if the magizines are half decent the should at least acknowledge that it exists now...
of course it will be better than halo's :p
i mean, dont get my wrong, halo/halo2 is a great game (well halo2, well... we can talk about that another time), half-life2 is better :)
This is great news but I sure do hope that there is some kind of TDM combine vs rebelion cause DM is fun but it will get old fast I was hopeing for some team action! :smoking:
tokin said:
Now just waiting for TEAM FORTRESS 2 and DOD:S, then everything is complete for me...woooooooooooooooo!
