The Things That Piss You Off Thread!

king John I

Oct 3, 2003
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I feel a few people in these forums are a bit uptight for whatever reason, so i made a things that piss you off thread so they can get it out of there system in a creative and funny way that will amuse people, this is a real thread and i want it to be taken seriuosly therefore i have made a few rules:

1.This isn't a thread to flame people or these forums so no flaming
2.This is a humour thread so keep it light and funny:cool:
3.Try and keep things outside out the internet or computer world

I'll give you some examples so you know what i mean:

1.opening the refrigerator at night to make a cheese&ham sandwich and realising there is no cheese!:eek:
2.Small girl adverts, trying to sell dolls or jewery or make up, there only 10 why are you trying to imply they will grow up to be housemaids and have babies??? + I hate pink, those advets are very pink!
3.Having to walk the dog. :D

3 examples, i hope you get the idea now, they can range from serious(2.) to rediculas(1.)

Hope you have fun. :cheers:
Hate it when after a shower I discover that I forgot to wash behind the ears.

Dumbass bus drivers.
people who make gay threads :dozey: j/k
uhh... spam, popups and windows update

i live in my computer so :borg:
after a shower i will forget where i put my glasses and serch for them for ages and then realise i'm wearing them or i left them in my pocket or something similar. I'm damn glad i'm getting contact lenses soon.

Leaving the window open over night and it rains, soaking all my stuff, 1 meter into the room.

tripping over my computer cables as i get up so it shuts down the whole thing. (i know i said outside of the computer world but it just annoys me sooo much!!! :( )
1. The heat
2. Kids
3. Television Licence fee when I don't even watch BBC
4. Traffic in London
5. Congestion Charge in London and the £40 fine when you forget it
6. Package Holidays
7. People who say Bling bling and/or look like Ali G.. hmm see 2. :)
8. Girlfriends best friends who constantly try split you up so they can all date the same group of dumbass guys
9. Drugs, whats the point in them
10. British legal system
11. people forcing you to buy the Big Issue when you know the homeless wont see a penny of it
12. The recent batch of RSPCA commercials, cause those kittens are too cute and the ads make me feel sad
13. the number thirteen
14. paying Tax.. thinking of new ways to avoid paying tax ;)
15. The Education system
16. Reality TV
17. British football taking over everything all the time
18. Richard & Judy
19. Dale Winton
20. John Leslie
21. People who come up with 21 things that piss them off on threads that are meant to be funny ;)

im done :)
but you see it was funny, besides its a funny/serious thread, some people will experiance it differently, also:

People who just cant take a joke.:D

People who just dont get it.:cheese:

People who dont wash, stink, and then lie about having showers:devil:

People with nits/head lice (thats not head crabs)

Headcrabs :p
Being depressed, I've had depression for awhile so I've learnt to deal with it so well I can feel when it's coming on and know how to deal with it, but it happens alot and it just gets to the stage where it's really freakin annoying >_<
Originally posted by king John I
but you see it was funny, besides its a funny/serious thread, some people will experiance it differently, also:

hey im not complaining, i just think its funny i came up with so many things i hate so quickly.. i must be getting old :D
isn't depression really bad or something? hope you can deal with it. ;(

more things:

Poor quality fake food aimed at children, eg. Sunny Delight and cheesestrings

being bored

Dropping your file so the latch come undone and all the papers get mixed and muddled up.
fu<ktards who post stuff like this::
HD 2 THIS GAME IS THE WORST GAME I EVER SAW!!!!!BETTER THAN COD SP?????I PLAYED DEMO AND HD2 FULL,, THE DEMO BLOWS HD2 OUT! uhauhhuauhhau the sp of cod is 100000000000000000000000000000000000 better than HD2
I've got depression too, but like Bad^Hat says, you learn to control it, though sometimes you just don't feel like trying

Chat shows where the presenter thinks their qualified to sort out people's problems

Those detectors that go off in stores even though you just walked into the place and everyone looks at you funny even though your totally innocent

Those people in stores who always get in your way when your trying to get to something on the racks, the ones who say excuse me before standing right infront of you and your forced to accidently trip them up or put CD cases in their pockets cause they caught you on a really bad day

Bad production values

Celebs who say "don't you know who I am" and expect you to like, give a sh*t

Jodi Marsh

People who waste my time

agree'd with Chris on the immaturity thing but he got in there first :)

people who constantly complain about other people's grammer or spelling when their own is far from perfect

kids who ride ancient motorbikes in the field behind the house in summer and the noise really drives you mad

not being able to take pot shots at the above kids on bikes because its illegal *grumbles* ;)

when CD's dont burn correctly but you dont' realise until weeks later when you need whats on them

dental assistants who hate men for their preferences for getting oral sex and attempt to choke you with that suction tube thing by ramming it down your throat

video tape getting caught in the machine

Natwest not closing accounts correctly then telling you a year later and expecting you to pay them a fortune

People who hire you, agree to do certain things so you can do your job properly, then vanish for a year then come back with completely the wrong work and expect you to still do the job you've long since forgotton or cared about

ex girlfriends boyfriends who think their so great cause they got your girl.. until you remind them you were there first (ok so thats not entirely bad, reminding them about that is kinda funny ;))
nice post fenric :D

some more:

How the radiators never work in winter but turn on in summer and you cant turn them off!

electric toothbrushes, dont be fooled by flashy adverts, THEY DONT WORK!

Stupid parents who always think its someone elses fault when there children do some thing stupid, its that new voilent game that I bought him, Its that Violent film that I let him watch, why dont i sue them???

P.S. New Avatar!!! w00t!
1. ignorant people
2. arrogant people
3. people with heads up their asses
4. people who think they can beat the shit out of anythin
5. sarcasm
6. college work
7. people who take the piss out of other people for kicks
8. soaps (as in tv soap dramas)
9. the endless amount of police crime dramas on telly
10. little 12 year old muppets who think they know all there is to know
12. our monarchy...i live in the uk and i think the idea of having a group of shit faced snobs having their asses wiped while they sit around their big palace sipping wine with numerous bags of rum fudge incredibly annoying
13. the uk's press....theyre SO sad
14. people who like to draw attention to themselves...even know i seem to do it...i hate it when other people do.... :S
15. liars
16. posh buggers...see number 12
17. edward scissor hands....SCISSOR HANDS ARE IMPOSSIBLE, PEOPLE
18. pealing potatoes
19. the latest series of 'the league of gentlemen' just spoilt the other EXCELLENT series
20. turnips on turntables
21. squeaky girls
22. myself
Damn I really don't have time to list all the things that piss me off, as the going rate on human life expectancy is only around 62 these days.. So I will post the one thing that pisses me off more then anything in this entire world..

BAD DRIVERS !!! ( PC Drivers that is LOL ) J/K No Really, Bad Drivers piss me off to no end !! :hmph:
1. dr. phil and his "you're only fat cause you wanna be" theory
2. the guy at school that screams at you if you're on the second floor during lunch.
3. the janitor that didn't let you go to your locker on the second floor before school starts.
4. the loud annoying noises that the air conditioner vents at my school make whenever the fire alarm arbitrarily goes off 5 times a month... and the dull boring lifeless tone of the principal when he says the exact same phrase, "please disregard the alarm...please disregard the alarm"
5. the way my school is always freezing in the summer and way too hot in the winter... and always seems to make me get sick
6. people at my school that lie and steal
7. people that don't flush public toilets
8. people that don't wash their hands after they use the restroom... and then offer you food and expect you to take it
9. people that are way too hyper and won't leave you alone
damn i wanted to say the monarchy :P

people who "know whats best for you"

people who moan and piss when you accidently wake them up but dont care less if they did it to you

people who have done everything you've done or had it worse than you have

groups of football fans

people who do that quote thing with their hands while talking

male students with small beards talking about things in the world they couldn't hope to understand in an effort to impress the opposite sex while waving their hands about like a startled monkey and throwing some big words into the conversation in an attempt to sound more intelligent

people (kids) who pretend to get drunk on half a shandy

running out of cigarettes, papers, cigars, lighter failing etc. at 2:30 in the morning

Yorkshire electricity board

people who abuse animals

parents who force dogs to be put down because they couldn't keep control of their own children from pestering the animal to force it to defend itself in the first place

Earth 2 cancelled after one season

Firefly cancelled after one season

women who agree with anything you say and have no opinion of their own
1) heat

2) the most annoying thing in the world to me is harshe, raspy, and loud voices (all 3 combined.) It's not often I would be working on something and then when the teacher starts yelling at people for no appearant reason I can't help but become physically angry and frustrated to the point I have to walk out or I'll snap and stab them in the face
Another i just realised today,

loners in the year below you who always hang around you because your mum knows thier mum and your just to nice to say "F**k off you little twerp i'm trying to talk to my real friends without you butting in all the time!"
I cant tell him that cos then he'll complain and mum will get all harsh ass on me for not being nice to people smaller than me,

I'm not trying to sound cool, i only have a few friends and i guess i'm not that popular either ;(
The president of my school. What a ****ing asshole he is!

For example, this morning in homeroom while waiting for the bell to ring to begin first period he walks in and starts picking people out of the class who have not sold their Bonanzza tickets (it's a school fundraiser, every student has to sell at least 12 tickets at 5$ a piece). He goes through a list of four names and scares each person into promising to bring it in tommorow (it's not mandatory by the way). I was last on his list. He got to me and I told him flat out I wasn't selling the tickets. Oh boy, did he get pissed off. He started a ****ing interrogation right then and there, and told me I should have more school spirit. He then told me to get my act together and sell the damn tickets.

Oh how I hate my school and (most) of the crazy friars who run it!
Originally posted by king John I
Another i just realised today,

loners in the year below you who always hang around you because your mum knows thier mum and your just to nice to say "F**k off you little twerp i'm trying to talk to my real friends without you butting in all the time!"
I cant tell him that cos then he'll complain and mum will get all harsh ass on me for not being nice to people smaller than me,

I'm not trying to sound cool, i only have a few friends and i guess i'm not that popular either ;(

heh don't worry, I know what you mean.. though it never happened to me, not even the loners would go near me.. all together now awwwww lol :P
Originally posted by qckbeam
The president of my school. What a ****ing asshole he is!

For example, this morning in homeroom while waiting for the bell to ring to begin first period he walks in and starts picking people out of the class who have not sold their Bonanzza tickets (it's a school fundraiser, every student has to sell at least 12 tickets at 5$ a piece). He goes through a list of four names and scares each person into promising to bring it in tommorow (it's not mandatory by the way). I was last on his list. He got to me and I told him flat out I wasn't selling the tickets. Oh boy, did he get pissed off. He started a ****ing interrogation right then and there, and told me I should have more school spirit. He then told me to get my act together and sell the damn tickets.

Oh how I hate my school and (most) of the crazy friars who run it!

Either tell him what he can do with his school spirit.. OR, and this would be way more fun.. give the tickets to a bunch of druggies or bikers or some homeless people, any type of person who you can think of that will cause problems for this Bonanzza thingy, whatever it is

1. Supposed "optional" work and donations, its all forced on you and there nothing you can do otherwise. Things like, bring in a pound a pupil to fund for new chairs or something, ha! i dont have a choice, but then again maybe they have a just cause for that one. but others! the others make me so mad! ;)
1. High School Football
2. School Spirit
3. Those Techno/Rave guys who all have the same hair
4. People who mess with the volume on my subwoofer
5. The HL2 delay
6. Religious types who try to convert people
7. MTV
8. Go-Peds that always drive by my house. I hate them so much!
9. How DOS games don't work on Windows XP
10. People who leave messages on your answering machine but forget to hang up
11. The orthodontist
1. Parents who brag about their f*cking kids. You know - "My son plays the piano - do you?".

2. Grandparents who do the same.

3. People who think talk on the phone while you hang out with them.
most things dealing with school -
- waking up at 6am
- dumb**** bus driver, that gets eariler ( im first stop) then drives off a a couple blocks, and waits 5 minutes in some random place, then goes to pick everyone else up.
- thats not the worse of things hes done
- how boring school is
- the fact that every day we do the same thing in school
- dumb kids, who disrupt and ruin every day
- my study hall, and extra classes, since there not AP/HONORS classes ( 3 hours - dumbsizz, 4 hours - hardwork, i get dumbsizz that talk when they shouldnt the whole hour, and then there are kids, who have no idea what they talk about everyday, and just speak out of there arses..
- the fact that i know, even when i get home, its just going to happen all over again.
- i have no motivation now.
- i could have a test worth 60% of my grade, but if im too tired, i could care less, and get an F-----
- the fact i cant do anything with friends.
- females mainly, u could see one likes u, but u know what, theres nothing u can do about it, with zero sleep, and 5 hours of homework.
- my eyes hurt right now.
- on breaks/weekends, i get 12+ hours of sleep, but it does nothing.
- the fact that, if i dont get enough motivation to pull off a decent grade to get into a decent college, to get a job a like, that pays a decent price " like a good family sized house income" > that doesnt happen, :sniper:
- bah
- i need truely fun/boost morale type things in my life, or nothing will be happy, gl hf -to-me-

- i have other pet peeves, that overall dont mean sizz, until school is out of the bubble,

***just finished a bunch of schoolwork, then posted here, i love when i finish earlier then time to sleep time***
***if this were summer, mine post would look more like other's above***
- Idiotic government officials
- Crappy new TV shows
- Lousy Teachers
- Stupid people
- People who complain if they get 99% on a test instead of 100%
- McDonalds new ad campaign
- Lousy Canadian weather
- Crappy movies
- Rap music
- Anyone who feels "Thug Life" or especially those who are white and feel "Thug Life"
- People who stink (literally)
Originally posted by The Bear

- Anyone who feels "Thug Life" or especially those who are white and feel "Thug Life"
- People who stink (literally)

That and myself. Everyday I wake up and look at the mirror, at that arrogant prick, who speaks with a russian accsent. After that I cut my wrists and die.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
That and myself. Everyday I wake up and look at the mirror, at that arrogant prick, who speaks with a russian accsent. After that I cut my wrists and die.

Lol, so you've been dead for a while now?
Originally posted by qckbeam
Hey Mr. Reak, why are you being so hard on yourself?


Lol, so you've been dead for a while now?

Yeah, but everyday I wake up once again, to the stupid tunes of “I feel so alive” by POD.