The U.S must stop suporting Israel

how about isreal just goes a head an destroys the farms and factories on all the nations around it, and then kicks out the palastinians and be done with it.
The Isrealies tried to make a Palestinian state, gave them a hell of a lot if I remember correctly. They turned it down, without a real reason why. If anyone wants to look this up it would be appreciated.
As far as I know the 47' UN agreement gave half-half, but the country was divided in 6 parts and you had 3 for each side, and if lets say you were an Israeli you would have to go through the palestinian territories to get o another territory of the israelis. here you have a pic.

The Isrealies tried to make a Palestinian state, gave them a hell of a lot if I remember correctly. They turned it down, without a real reason why. If anyone wants to look this up it would be appreciated.

Lest say someone invades where you lived and drives you away, then they offer you a bit of land, and lets say that where you live is considerd a holy land in your religion. do you gte my point.

But I don't know for sure what happen, was it the jews who came there , cause as far as I know that is not what happend, the western countries did not want them in so they told them to go to palestina, and I don't know if the jews chased the arabs away or taht the british did it so they could make land for the Jews. All I know that both sied wont give up, simply the jews want a country so the Holocaust deosn't happen again and the palestinians have sufferd so much that they won't give up either, and that the conflict is not one sided, I know about yom kippur, it's a shame its like when one side wants to make peace the other does something stupid and the other way around, that why we need a un force there. There are more than enough people prepared to live together in peace, but they are not given a chance.
Dude, Lemonking, please learn how to spell and write english, it's awful to read your posts.
The Muslims had their chance in the Six Day War and got their asses kicked.

I have complete confidence that if the United States decided to attack Israel it would result in an American defeat. It goes for any nation on this globe.
ok, right this deserves a flame, by reading 7 replys or so, and im not gonna read anymore

israel = killers
palestien*= killers
united states of whatever = killers

USA should stop breeding hate and selling weapons maybe then, things will start to change full bloody stop
insertcoins said:
ok, right this deserves a flame, by reading 7 replys or so, and im not gonna read anymore

israel = killers
palestien*= killers
united states of whatever = killers

USA should stop breeding hate and selling weapons maybe then, things will start to change full bloody stop

Yeah!!! DAMN THAT USA!..

Youre right.. the USA is the source of all the worlds problems..

You, sir, have no concept of how this world works.
Lets all just throw on a few togas and dance around a tree while singing "im a little lollipop." That would solve all the worlds problems, including the war between Israel and Palastine.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Yeah!!! DAMN THAT USA!..

Youre right.. the USA is the source of all the worlds problems..

You, sir, have no concept of how this world works.

oh and you do? enlighten me pissant
well, eben if the us stopped selling its weapons, the arabs would still hate us becasue we are rich.
Raziaar said:
Thats an opinion. Not a fact. There is extreme controversy about whether that is true or not.

But, with that logic, we americans should pack up and leave because this is not our country. Same for Canada, eh?

thats not the same thing.
That was so long ago and now we have better values and better judgment(sp) (exept for the USA).

I would be pist to if some guys came to my home and kicked me out just becouse some presidents from contries far away says so.

Thats just plain wrong. Why should the jews get their own contry just becouse of their religion??
Imagine if I wrote a book and then declared in that book that my people belong in New York. And then I would go there and just kick all the americans out off there. That would suck (for the americans).
I mean how would that look if every single religion had their own country?
In Sweden we have all kinds of different religions and it works fine.

Well I say what I always say "Religion is the source of all missery, the only true way is ateism (don't know the english word but it is when you don't belive in any god)".

Eg. said:
well, eben if the us stopped selling its weapons, the arabs would still hate us becasue we are rich.

Why is that?

Most arab countrys are wery rich (they just have some problem getting the money where it is needed)
And I dont think that the USA could "help" them whit that.

A revolution can only be started by the people not an goverment from another country. No wonder that the iraqis hate USA so much. :rolleyes:
Some guy said that Israel is militarly strong, and that every nation would lose agaisnt it. That's the purest ignorance I've ever seen.

Israel has always and will always be aided by the USA, that's why it always wins. Wheter it's by making a few "special" discounts on warfare equipment or even aiding directly (such as in the 6 day war). That's why Israel always crushed its enemies, because it had America's green mean killing machine behind them.
Sprafa said:
Some guy said that Israel is militarly strong, and that every nation would lose agaisnt it. That's the purest ignorance I've ever seen.

Israel has always and will always be aided by the USA, that's why it always wins. Wheter it's by making a few "special" discounts on warfare equipment or even aiding directly (such as in the 6 day war). That's why Israel always crushed its enemies, because it had America's green mean killing machine behind them.

I'm sure you've purier ignorance.

US threatened if they failed to end the war and gradially give back territories that it had captured during the Six Day War.

Wikipedia said:
The 1956 Suez War had ended in a military defeat, but political victory for Egypt. Heavy diplomatic pressure from both the United States and the Soviet Union forced Israel to withdraw its military from the Sinai Peninsula (hence: Sinai) of Egypt which in exchange had agreed to stop sending guerrillas into Israeli territory. As a result, the border with Egypt quieted for a while.

At that time, no Arab state had recognized Israel's right to exist. The aftermath of the 1956 war saw the region return to an uneasy balance, maintained more by the competition among Egypt, Syria and Jordan than any real resolution of the region's difficulties. Egypt and Syria, who were aligned to the East, and Jordan, which was aligned to the West, maintained a constant pressure of guerilla raids on Israeli civilians. Israeli armed forces were disciplined and enjoyed massive air superiority.

Israel has some of the best fighters in the world. They're battled hardered. I personally believe they have the best pilots in the world, but most importantly they have the strength of Jehovah behind them.
GiaOmerta said:
...but most importantly they have the strength of Jehovah behind them.

So does the arabs. Although they use a dufferent name.
Sorry Gia...but Sprafa is right.No Cash = No weapons = no food = no supplies.

Where did they get all that aid?From us.

Yes I will agree they have some of the best fighters...but look at there postion.They are mostly a defensive order to be the BEST you must have a good offense and a good industry backing it.

So Israel couldn't stand a chance against us...because..

A.)They don't have a good military industry as us.
B.)We have an army based on both offense and defense and we have more military power.
Your Brother said:
The regime of Israel is one worst in today's world.
Incoming noob to the politics forum!Release the hounds!
Well... let's see what the CIA says:

Military manpower - availability:
males age 15-49: 1,581,883
females age 15-49: 1,532,234

Hmmm... that's three million at best... I don't believe that's enough for a world's best army... :upstare:

(note that these are the availability figures)
Recoil said:
Well... let's see what the CIA says:

Hmmm... that's three million at best... I don't believe that's enough for a world's best army... :upstare:

(note that these are the availability figures)

numbers have nothing to do with being the best..

3 million people could whip the ass of an army 10 times its size.
Believe what you wish.

From a logical human stand point. Yes the United States could eridicate Israel.

The_Monkey said:
So does the arabs. Although they use a different name.
In the near future I honestly believe that Israel will be attacked. All odds will be against Israel and yet Israel will survive and the invaders will be reduced to ashes.

Recoil said:
Hmmm... that's three million at best... I don't believe that's enough for a world's best army...

(note that these are the availability figures)
So... I guess China has the strongest military.

Military manpower - availability:
Definition Field Listing
males age 15-49: 379,524,688 (2004 est.)
Military manpower - fit for military service:
Definition Field Listing
males age 15-49:208,143,352 (2004 est.)
Military manpower - reaching military age annually:
Definition Field Listing
males: 12,494,201 (2004 est.)
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
... Says the guy with an avatar of Che :rolleyes:

Che helped bringing down one of the worst dictators of our time, Fulgencio Batista. But no, I don't support every thing about him, but I nedded an avatar. :p
The IDF is one of the most powerful and technologically advanced forces the workd has ever known... It always defeated its enemies, who usually outnumbered them 3 to 1, and it will continue to do so because The United States of America is backing their every move (except some really, really bad ones) and the U.S. will continue to back them as long as they are the only stable democratic nation in a region dominated by theocracies and military dictatorships.
USA should stop breeding hate and selling weapons maybe then, things will start to change full bloody stop

The world had serious problems long before the united states became a political and military superpower.
He, now I'm confused, cause as far as I know the US is the one that keeps the military dictatorships there in power, and their actions are a large reason the the teocraties came in to power, or atleast the teocrats use every action of the US even if it is meanth well as a excuse.

Israel does have a strong army, but it would not exists without the backing of the US, do you know how much army and the ocupation costs Israel without the US they would have been financially ruined a long time ago and become a third nation country.
Fine. If we remove military dictatorships ... wait a moment ... we just did!

Iraq+Baathist party=OMGee Mate

However, it seems in the processing of removing it, noone liked us. Even for that one reason, of removing a dictator ...

Ohwell. Like I said, we just keep out of World Troubles. :D
K e r b e r o s said:
Fine. If we remove military dictatorships ... wait a moment ... we just did!

Iraq+Baathist party=OMGee Mate

However, it seems in the processing of removing it, noone liked us. Even for that one reason, of removing a dictator ...

Ohwell. Like I said, we just keep out of World Troubles. :D
It was nothing to do with removing a dictator, that action I applaud, hussain was an evil man.


If you go to war on a country that presents no current or future threat to the rest of the world, on the false pretense that it "has weapons of mass destruction," without the backing of the rest of the world (except kiss ass blair minus the people he was elected by), and being condemned by the UN for doing so. Then bush turns around and (fully knowing i suspect) says "there were no WMD but at least we got rid of saddam! - then folks wonder why people don't like the US policy
the_lone_wolf said:
It was nothing to do with removing a dictator, that action I applaud, hussain was an evil man.

Like the result, but not the actions required to achieve it? You think you can just go into a country with a small handfull of troops or special forces, and remove a dictator, and leave like nothing happened? No... that won't get you anywhere.

Don't applaud the removal of saddam unless you can understand and respect the requirements that were in place to be to achieve it.
So... I guess China has the strongest military.

One of the strongest at least, I would say. And not just based on these figures.
I am a jew and have been in Isreal many times. I can tell you that almost everyone wants peace, muslum and Jew. But thats now going to happen because of the "revised" Quran, which complitly takes out the 6th rule of islam: "Respect all religions, even if they are diffrent. Take note to honor the jews and christians, who have also recived messages from allah" or something like that. They changed it to "Kill everyone diffrent then you".

Also, if the surrounding countries were to invade Isreal again, I belive it will erupt into a nuclear war because, statisicly, Isreal has the third most nukes in the world
The US, gives 468(or something close to that) billion dollars per year on defens, the rest of the world 500 billion. US is united and has experienced commanders, rest of the world has experienced commanders but is fragmented

US>rest of the world ;(
Grey Fox said:
The US, gives 468(or something close to that) billion dollars per year on defens, the rest of the world 500 billion. US is united and has experienced commanders, rest of the world has experienced commanders but is fragmented

US>rest of the world ;(

Nope thats not true.. we have the largest defense budget in the world: 334 Billion. Next is Russia with 60 Billion.
I go to school with a LOT of palistinians. The largest amount in any single city in America. I had the privilage to be tought political science by a man who's parents are palistinian AND Israel(he was a liberal but he didn't push his views on us like a lot of then do) The 2nd 'intafada' just started during that semester. WTF do you think he feels about peace in the middle east? Both sides don't trust each other. If palistinians were given the right to vote in Israel then the jews would be the minority in 10 years.

It's all a numbers game. There are more arabs and muslims then there are ethnic jews and people that practice jewdeism. Why do non-Americans even care what happens in Israel? They never cared about Rawanda enought to send UN troops that could stop a geneocide.

I'm off topic but my personal experience with palistinians is that behind closed doors they are racist. All of them? Heck no. A vast majority of them? Yes. The way they think is different. It's like they have a chip on their shoulder. An irational way of thinking that they back up with half truths. In 2000 the general feeling was that they didn't support gore/liberman because liberman was a jew. Not that I was complaining. Then they vote for kerry because they felt he was less genuine about his support for Israel. It is very sad. It's never going to get better. Arabs and jews don't want to barter if their side can't profit more then the other.

By the way I am being so pessimistic because I feel that no matter what I write nothing is going to change for the better or worse. Very ZEN of me. lol
By the way (the_lone_wolf): What would the 'arab world' do IF there were WMDs in iraq? What would anybody do differently? I feel that nothing would have change. Phony-muslim terrorists would still be killing the innocent, france would still be against the US about EVERYTHING and Bush would still have won the election. Does being 'technically right' on that issue foster any positive responses from the muslim/arab world? I say No.

What makes American extermists less repulsive then arab extermists in my view is that our 'crazies' are driven underground by the majority of the population and the opposite is the case in the middle east.
peoplesuc said:
What makes American extermists less repulsive then arab extermists in my view is that our 'crazies' are driven underground by the majority of the population and the opposite is the case in the middle east.

Yep, and we villify our extremists, rather than praise them as martyrs. Thats just what I can't understand about the muslim terrorists. Most of them are glorified.
The U.S. has religious extremists that are glorified, but on the flipside they aint so violent.

I'm talking extremists views and not extremist actions.