The U.S must stop suporting Israel

^Ben said:
The U.S. has religious extremists that are glorified, but on the flipside they aint so violent.

I'm talking extremists views and not extremist actions.

Alright, I should have been specific. Militant extremists. We see independant people committing terrorist acts all the time in the name of the muslim faith against westerners, but how come we never hear about independant christian or catholic or whatever extremists commiting terrorist acts against the easterners in the name of their religion?

And please try to forgive me when I roll my eyes when people answer 'But america is doing just that!"
But America is doing just that!

You hear about extreme christians and abortion clinics, but as always been the issue with religion, people will manipluate it to their own agenda. And usually the majority of people are nice and peacefull people.

ter·ror·ism Audio pronunciation of "terrorism." ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
^Ben said:
But America is doing just that!

You hear about extreme christians and abortion clinics, but as always been the issue with religion, people will manipluate it to their own agenda. And usually the majority of people are nice and peacefull people.

ter·ror·ism Audio pronunciation of "terrorism." ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Gee, hmm. How many christians do you see praising the people who bomb abortion clinics and the like. Certainly not me, and i'm a bigtime christian! I abhor actions such as those!

As I said... we villify our militant extremists and drive them underground. We don't go out in the streets celebrating and screaming that they are martyrs to our cause.
Raziaar said:
Gee, hmm. How many christians do you see praising the people who bomb abortion clinics and the like. Certainly not me, and i'm a bigtime christian! I abhor actions such as those!

As I said... we villify our militant extremists and drive them underground. We don't go out in the streets celebrating and screaming that they are martyrs to our cause.

nor do we hear death to the (insert national or racial group here)! preached in churches.
The 'ONLY' so called 'christian' group I can think of that might do those things, are the KKK. But they are not christians, all they are is racist assholes who worship hitler like a god. We drive them underground because we do not tolerate their hate. You can have all the freedom you want, until it starts infringing on other peoples freedoms like it does with the KKK. Those racist assholes can burn in hell with hitler.
Raziaar said:
Yep, and we villify our extremists, rather than praise them as martyrs. Thats just what I can't understand about the muslim terrorists. Most of them are glorified.

Wrong. In most cases it is the "extremists" who praise the "extremists". Personally, I don't like the word "extremist". Most people have such blatant double standards when using that word that it is nothing more than a general term used to depict any number of different types of fighters in Iraq/Palestine or any other muslim land where there is a conflict between those muslims and the other parties who could not possibly be as "extreme" as those muslims. (Damn my run on sentences.)

Anyways, here's something people should know. Suicide bombing, ESPECIALLY suicide bombing that purpusfully kills civilians, is extremely frowned upon in Islam. Many high ranking Islamic scholars agree on this point, and it is easy to see why. It's just that some muslims confuse the idea of dying in the path of Allah and commiting suicide with the intent to kill enemies. If people would research how muslims faught wars long ago in the time of Muhammad p.b.u.h and the caliphates and maybe even with Saladin, they would realize the peace these people brought even to a battlefield.
Bait said:
Wrong. In most cases it is the "extremists" who praise the "extremists". Personally, I don't like the word "extremist". Most people have such blatant double standards when using that word that it is nothing more than a general term used to depict any number of different types of fighters in Iraq/Palestine or any other muslim land where there is a conflict between those muslims and the other parties who could not possibly be as "extreme" as those muslims. (Damn my run on sentences.)

Anyways, here's something people should know. Suicide bombing, ESPECIALLY suicide bombing that purpusfully kills civilians, is extremely frowned upon in Islam. Many high ranking Islamic scholars agree on this point, and it is easy to see why. It's just that some muslims confuse the idea of dying in the path of Allah and commiting suicide with the intent to kill enemies. If people would research how muslims faught wars long ago in the time of Muhammad p.b.u.h and the caliphates and maybe even with Saladin, they would realize the peace these people brought even to a battlefield.

When those people were dancing around in the streets after the planes crashed into the world trade center, burning american flags after it was announced that it was a terrorist action... I didn't consider those people extremists, they all looked like civilians to me. Hell, there were even kids among them.
Raziaar said:
When those people were dancing around in the streets after the planes crashed into the world trade center, burning american flags after it was announced that it was a terrorist action... I didn't consider those people extremists, they all looked like civilians to me. Hell, there were even kids among them.

Granted. But, that was in Palestine, and virtually everyone has great disdain for the States, what with their backing of the force that is occupying their territories. Initially, thinks can seem one way, but as time wears on, events really sink in and perceptions change.
They're sole reason for disdain, is because Israel smashed the "Talkers" during the six-day war.

How we came into being there, is our supply to Israel. Israel had no right to be threatened, or openly versed to be completely destroyed. Its retalliation to these, I believe was expectant and just.

Those palestinians upset about the Israeli's "occupation" should've realized the fact Europe and America was at fault for putting them there first, not themselves for taking that place.
Why cant the palestinians just f****n live with it! :O
even tho i believe it is both palestine and israels fault in this war
both keep hitting back .."revenge".
and tbh, Arafat's death wont change a thing between the 2 countries.
KoreBolteR said:
Why cant the palestinians just f****n live with it! :O
even tho i believe it is both palestine and israels fault in this war
both keep hitting back .."revenge".
and tbh, Arafat's death wont change a thing between the 2 countries.

You think both countries are to blame, but that the Palestinians should back off?

There is a simple thing occuring: israel comes in and steals land with force, there is a resistance which just happens to comes in the form of terrorism. Its illegal to take land off others therfore israel is to blame and should bugger off back to their own country.
no, i think it would look better if the isrealis used some napalm
Eg. said:
no, i think it would look better if the isrealis used some napalm

yeah on ur House :hmph:
but for real now even if the brits and the tommys put
them there they Israekis are occuping Land thta wasnt ment to be theres
Eg. said:
no, i think it would look better if the isrealis used some napalm

yeah on ur House :hmph:
but for real now even if the brits and the tommys put
them there they Israelis are occuping Land thta wasnt ment to be theres
I see it like this: the current violence and terrorism is both sides fault, and as said earlier both sides keep sparking it off again. IMHO, they don't praise terrorists’ acts that happen somewhere totally unconnected to them. Israel's tanks come rolling in to a supposed terrorist's neighbourhood and blast down a few blocks in retaliation, killing a few hundred or so. Palestinians fight back in anyway they can, being woefully outmatched militarily.

It just so happens the best weapon they have found is suicide bombing. The father of 2 dead daughters and his wife who were killed when the tanks rolled through, hears a top military official was assassinated. He is not going to condone this as a tragic terrorist act, he's gonna be damn happy those bastards got blown up, it's only human. When they saw 9/11, they were celebrating the fact that the people who support the tanks that kill them, got a little bit of what they have everyday.

I think the only solution is to send in an international peace keeping force and for America to stop supporting Israel so much. At the moment it’s a vicious cycle made worse by each side.
or get rid of the palastinians

im not saying extermintation, somthing like dropping pamphlets saying "were gonna bomb u in 2 days, get out" and then 2 days later leveling the cities with what ever the isrealis got.

really i have no tolornece for these people, i like using the stick more then backing away
Eg. said:
or get rid of the palastinians

im not saying extermintation, somthing like dropping pamphlets saying "were gonna bomb u in 2 days, get out" and then 2 days later leveling the cities with what ever the isrealis got.

really i have no tolornece for these people, i like using the stick more then backing away

no tolornece? wtf **** is up with u these people live like refugees in there own country if we should get rid of anyone its the.....
If I say that im a "Nazi" so will shut up
Hi, i am from Israel and people here should get their facts straight b4 they talk.
First, when Israel was "created" those people were not driven out of their home, they simply ran cuz they were afraid, those who stayed live here as Israeli-arabs and they are equal to all.
Second, people need to understand that for the last 4-5 years Israel is in war with the Palestinians.
We only crush the houses of terrorists that blow up in buses and restaurants.
We dont terrorize anyone, they are free to choose how to live their lives, if they choose terror and teaching their kids to hate Israel, once they hurt Israeli people we will **** them up royally

US didn't give Israel shit!
All the US does is lend us money to buy weapons and other stuff from them so their economy will grow.
The US and Israel are allies, deal with it, in fact you can say that Israel is the best ally USA has since other countries keep turning on them politically.

Israel might not be the safest place or nicest place but since 9/11 everybody learned that no place is safe or nice.
To conclude, ISRAEL R0X0RZ the big 1oneoneone and everybody to say otherwise sux or is just stupid.

BTW palestains can stop the war by announcing themselves as a country on its own, but they wont cuz they dont have an army they only have terrorists and children that they put in the front line of the war for the media to show to dumb people.
They also get all their water and electricity from Israel so if we wanted to **** them we could have done so a long time ago.
Lemonking said:
no tolornece? wtf **** is up with u these people live like refugees in there own country if we should get rid of anyone its the.....
If I say that im a "Nazi" so will shut up

they have no nation, thats the thing.
u just porved my point, and those tents are in other nations
People where do you get your info from?!?!?!?
Nobody here lives in tents, stop talking about things that you dont know jack about.
You HAVE to live here in Israel to understand and get the full picture (no matter what side you are on).
As i said in my previews post in this thread, things here are way different than how they look on TV.
If you want to know something about the "situation" here just ask, dont invent stuff.
I know it must sound like i totaly favor Israel cuz i am Israeli, its true but i am well aware that the problem is that both sides are wrong.
The only thing that makes Israel look bad in your eyes is the fact that we have to fight people and not an army (that what happens when you fight terrorist) and all of you get only the Palestinian side of things cuz that is their only way to fight back politically.
I cant say all the media is wrong or one sided but the next time you hear about the misfurtunate death of a Palestinian kid think about this:
what will bring more viewers to see the news? a dead palestinian kid that was sent to the field by terrorist or just 4 plain Israeli soldiers that died doing their duty od protecting people rights and keeping them safe.
+FALCON86+ said:
I cant say all the media is wrong or one sided but the next time you hear about the misfurtunate death of a Palestinian kid think about this:
what will bring more viewers to see the news? a dead palestinian kid that was sent to the field by terrorist or just 4 plain Israeli soldiers that died doing their duty od protecting people rights and keeping them safe.

How do you suppose that Palestinian child died I wonder, hmm?

Seriously though, the western media is owned in most part by Jews, and those Jews more likely than not lean more toward the Israeli side in this conflict. Don't tell us that the media is against Israel.

Another thing, I don't want to hear any garbage about the Israelis being after the "terrorists" in Palestine. I saw a man and his twelve year old son hide behind a pillar for over a half hour while Israeli soldiers shot at them. It bothers me greatly that those suicide bombers attack civilians, which is terrible indeed, BUT I don't want to hear anything that tries to put the Israelis in a glorified "victim fighting for their rights" position. They are an invading, occupying force that don't belong.
um, the isrealis were shooting at some terrorists, and the father and son were inbetween, do u think the isrealis should have said "time out, time out, lets clear the street first guys"
Eg. said:
um, the isrealis were shooting at some terrorists, and the father and son were inbetween, do u think the isrealis should have said "time out, time out, lets clear the street first guys"

I'm not sure whether or not there were others there, but I can tell you that the boy got shot in the head and died soon after. Alot of the fire fell onto the pillar as well if I recall correctly.
+FALCON86+ said:
People where do you get your info from?!?!?!?
Nobody here lives in tents, stop talking about things that you dont know jack about.
You HAVE to live here in Israel to understand and get the full picture (no matter what side you are on).
As i said in my previews post in this thread, things here are way different than how they look on TV.
If you want to know something about the "situation" here just ask, dont invent stuff.
I know it must sound like i totaly favor Israel cuz i am Israeli, its true but i am well aware that the problem is that both sides are wrong.
The only thing that makes Israel look bad in your eyes is the fact that we have to fight people and not an army (that what happens when you fight terrorist) and all of you get only the Palestinian side of things cuz that is their only way to fight back politically.
I cant say all the media is wrong or one sided but the next time you hear about the misfurtunate death of a Palestinian kid think about this:
what will bring more viewers to see the news? a dead palestinian kid that was sent to the field by terrorist or just 4 plain Israeli soldiers that died doing their duty od protecting people rights and keeping them safe.

Sopldiers on duty huh?
protecting peolpe Israelis u mean the peolpe that build their Houses where they want?
u are such a dipshit
first of all, no

secondly, the isreali own the land, they took it over, there is no palastine, and all the arab kids are taught to kil the jewish pig-dogs, so its a waste feeling sorry for them or trying to reason, boot them out, or destroy their towns so they cant live their. its how the world works. really the jews are being nice to them, they could have eradicated all of the "palastinian" towns a long time ago
Eg. said:
first of all, no

secondly, the isreali own the land, they took it over, there is no palastine, and all the arab kids are taught to kil the jewish pig-dogs, so its a waste feeling sorry for them or trying to reason, boot them out, or destroy their towns so they cant live their. its how the world works. really the jews are being nice to them, they could have eradicated all of the "palastinian" towns a long time ago

Er, No. The British gave a tiny amount of land to the jews after WW2, ever since Isreal has been expanding. Political pressure in America due to a large number of Jewish communities had forced America to support Isreal. How would you know what Arab kids are taught? You do not. This is becuase you are ignorant.

Now if you think killing children that are throwing rocks with a tanks machine gun and letting dogs into mosques is 'being nice' then suicide bombing buses is fine isnt it?

If Isreal did chose to 'eradicate' Palestine then I assure you that Iran, and possibly Syria would threaten, saying as Iran still owns its Uranium Enrichment Facilites (Gas Centrifuges).

I have a relative that lives in Isreal so I do have first hand information on the subject.
ok, i have a friend that was born in isreali, so we both have SECOND hand knowledge, and he says the jews just try to act as if nothing is happening, and get along in their lives, then a bus blew up.

now the beutiful part is, a BBC-Times documentery had the clips of 6 year olds making grenades and saying "death to the pig-dogs"

i have no sympathy for these people, even though i hestitate to call them even that.
Lemonking said:
first I wanna tell ya im not a NAZI even thoe I live in wonderfull Germany their is no exscuse for what the Germans did to other Germans
yes Germans just becuz they have a differnt relgion that doesnt mean there not German however after the "creation" of Israel
many palastinins [only know how to spell it in German]
where driven from their Homeland and now they live like refugees in their own Country! and only because it says in a book that this Land is the Home of the Jews and know u fuk off we live here

since then Moslems have been pisst about Israel and becuz Moslems
stick togehter no matter the borders of Counrys that whole corner of the world is pissed and now come the Americans they give Israel
Weapons Tanks and Money.and of course to shut down the rain of terror in their own country the Moslems think they have shut down the Money giver
so they fly plains in the WTC[which is not ok at all]
I hope u get what I mean if the US stop supporting Israel maybe
the Terrorists will stop blowing themselves up but thx to George
they probally they wont stop becuz he raided Iraq
and now their mor pisst then ever

btw if u dont like my spelling then FU

I agree with you. The US needs to stop supporting the UN.
Eg. said:
now the beutiful part is, a BBC-Times documentery had the clips of 6 year olds making grenades and saying "death to the pig-dogs"

So therefore all of there children were taught that because it was on a documentory, its very likely that that was one of the worst examples.

Eg. said:
''ok, i have a friend that was born in isreali, so we both have SECOND hand knowledge, and he says the jews just try to act as if nothing is happening, and get along in their lives, then a bus blew up.

Well I can see how that would be extremely disturbing, but then its pretty hard to get on with your life when your home is being demolished, your children killed, and a curfew imposed. I wonder if maybe both sides stopped the attacks that the motive for them would die out? Evil begets Evil after all and what we are seeing now is revenge attacks.

''i have no sympathy for these people, even though i hestitate to call them even that.''

Yes, one Zionist regarded that all of the Palestinians were worth less than a jewish fingernail, I'm not saying you are a Zionist but it seems to be similar... propganda that forges opinions such as these.

You failed to address my points about attacking children with tanks or letting dogs get into mosques, or maybe I should add some new ones like using humiliating torture and passing the secrets on to America, or secretly developing nuclear weapons and imprisoning those who have found out some of the secret.

Personally I think that the best solution sould be for America to stop giving in to Jewish communities and stop suppliying Isreal. And for a concerted effort to be made to find the Arms shipments from Egypt and stop them coming through.
Vulture said:
So therefore all of there children were taught that because it was on a documentory, its very likely that that was one of the worst examples.

Well I can see how that would be extremely disturbing, but then its pretty hard to get on with your life when your home is being demolished, your children killed, and a curfew imposed. I wonder if maybe both sides stopped the attacks that the motive for them would die out? Evil begets Evil after all and what we are seeing now is revenge attacks.

''i have no sympathy for these people, even though i hestitate to call them even that.''

Yes, one Zionist regarded that all of the Palestinians were worth less than a jewish fingernail, I'm not saying you are a Zionist but it seems to be similar... propganda that forges opinions such as these.

You failed to address my points about attacking children with tanks or letting dogs get into mosques, or maybe I should add some new ones like using humiliating torture and passing the secrets on to America, or secretly developing nuclear weapons and imprisoning those who have found out some of the secret.

Personally I think that the best solution sould be for America to stop giving in to Jewish communities and stop suppliying Isreal. And for a concerted effort to be made to find the Arms shipments from Egypt and stop them coming through.

For what reasons should we stop trading with Israel? Using the logic you do, it would be good to stop trading with the rest of the world too. The point? No point. Its pointless to stop trading with allies and trade partners. Until the nation of Israel does something against the states, I don't see any reason to stop being their ally.

Why do you seek to divide us from our allies? So you can weak us? Our trade with israel will not affect the israeli/palestinian conflict, except maybe tempt the other muslim nations to invade Israel again. Is that what you want? So adamant against the Iraqi war, but would be supportive of an israeli war? Because that's what would happen. And even without our support, Israeli would crush enemy opposition as long as things remained conventional.
Lemonking said:
first I wanna tell ya im not a NAZI even thoe I live in wonderfull Germany their is no exscuse for what the Germans did to other Germans
yes Germans just becuz they have a differnt relgion that doesnt mean there not German however after the "creation" of Israel
many palastinins [only know how to spell it in German]
where driven from their Homeland and now they live like refugees in their own Country! and only because it says in a book that this Land is the Home of the Jews and know u fuk off we live here

Two wrongs do not make a right. Taking the land from the current Isreali's is just like when we moved the Holocaust survivors to form their own country there in the first place. The Isrealis have fought hard for that land from opposistion on all sides. Also where would all the Isreali's go huh?