The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

After many problems with the various Minecraft servers, I have decided to set up my own Minecraft server.

Everyone from is welcome, I will consider allowing friends of members on to the whitelist.

Things to note;
  • The server only really has the hardware for 12 players. If demand surpasses this, and it starts to become a problem, I may need to look at a donation system (the cost to me doubles), or limiting the number of players that can play.
  • Admins will give you items if they are on and you ask nicely. Current admins are 'Kazsymonds' and 'lord_raken'.
  • We are trying to build with a medieval city theme, if you want to build a glass skyscraper, please move far away from our city!
  • Land / Item disputes will be settled by sword battle
  • Server / world needs a name, so get suggesting. It is currently 'the Unoffical server'
  • Mobs are off for the moment. Once our buildings are established, I intend to turn them on
  • I'm fairly new to managing a server. If you see something wrong, or know a Bukkit plugin that might be useful for us, please drop me a PM.
  • The server restarts every morning at 4am (GMT), this only takes a matter of seconds, do just re-connect if you are booted.

Both Raken and I can add you to the Whitelist, so post below to be added.

I have some very broad rules to outline below, we aren't strict by any means, and I'm happy as long as everyone is having fun.

  • No griefing - self explanatory, don't mess with shit you didn't build. If it's built, leave it how it is or ask an admin for permission to change it. There is a jail system and you will serve time.
  • Try to keep with the theme - The city is broadly supposed to be following a medieval theme, don't build any spaceships! You can build whatever you like elsewhere, just not in the city or in view of the city. I won't ban anyone for building something ghastly, but I will express my disdain and possibly move it to an out of city location.
  • If someone builds something we don't like, we give constructive feedback. Play nicely and don't bitch at each other!
  • If there is an item you can't feesibly collect from the world (i.e Netherrack) check the supply depot ("/warp supply"), if it isn't provided there, an admin will be happy to supply it to you.
  • PVP damage is on - Murdering someone will get you prison time.
  • If there is a problem with the server, post in this thread or PM me. I can manage the server from anywhere, so a restart is no problem.

The server Ip is:
Dynamically Updated Map:

I'm really new to the game so I might go far off and start a quarry and a rail system and ship ores and stuff back.

not played in ages, might have a look in, see what's what.
I'd join you in a quarry quest if your up for it.
All added.

Raken and M1ggo (a friend of mine) are currently online making a start on the city.
Clearly this forum hasn't been introduced to the (in?)famous Brindle Brothers.
I can't be responsible for accidents of birth. There are actually a number of other Brindles, if that acts as an anti-emetic for anyone, but they do not post here.

I'll jump on from time to time if the lag isn't that bad for an Aussie.

When I get back to my apartment tonight, I'll try to hop on.
Ennui is my username, and my girlfriend's is swisva :p she'd appreciate being let on too.

I'm busy for the next day or two with school stuff, but I would love to help lay out the plan for the city and get crackin' on some communal construction.

Also this is a total nitpick but you spelled Unofficial wrong :P
Ennui is my username, and my girlfriend's is swisva :p she'd appreciate being let on too.

I'm busy for the next day or two with school stuff, but I would love to help lay out the plan for the city and get crackin' on some communal construction.

Also this is a total nitpick but you spelled Unofficial wrong :P

Eh? I spelled it "Unofficial". That's correct isn't it?
Shit. I've outdone myself :C

I was too busy making sure I had the right number of N's and F's.
Higlac here, though I don't know how much I'll be playing.
I think we should lay down some rules. for both in city building, building around the city, and building out in the wilderness.

Here are some basic ideas:

City: Space is limited so stick to your plot and don't crowd your neighbor. Basements are ok but keep them no more than 5-6 blocks deep including the floor. Keep to the agreed upon theme of the city and don't alter anything that you did not build yourself without admin permission.

Outside of city: any buildings and landscape alterations within sight of the city walls must be approved by the admin.

Wilderness: Do what you want. But we ask that you prioritize design over pure size and try to keep projects localized.

Overall I think we should ban pixel art (unless specified otherwise)

General rules: No griefing, you can keep what you dig, be nice, ask admin for help.

We have a system in place to "imprison" your avatar. This will be used for minor offenses and essentially be a "timeout." Serious offenses may lead to banning (but I don;t think we will have this problem). If you have a dispute with another player work it out. If the dispute leads to aggression against another player's projects or through overly abusive chat messages you may be jailed. However, because we believe in honest interaction if you settle your dispute with the one you wronged (this will be after the player has been jailed) your sentence may be overturned.

This is a rough first draft.

What do you think?
I had to make it that high for you to be able to die if you jumped off it.
I had to make it that high for you to be able to die if you jumped off it.

Oh... Hmm. Why do we need to jump off and die? Perhaps we could mod it so that people die but make it not have to be so high. The addition of lava might help.
The addition of lava will defenitly help :P Feel free to change it. I'm sick of the thing. At least for today. You should also check the basement.