The Winner of Christian Science Fair goes to "Creation Wins"

You relize were laughing AT you not WITH you for believing a childs tale from the middle ages.

Sorry, I forgot it was an athiest who blew up the twin towers. Yeah, were just like extremists. :rolleyes:
Christianity has had and is having its period, while Islam had its own a long, long time ago. You're right, the Middle Ages were terrible, but the burden of proof is still on you as Islam is exactly the same as it was when it was formed by Muhammad. Besides, I don't think much in the Middle Ages could be attributed to Christianity, except of course for the obvious stuff like witch-burning.

But Christianity today is NOT true christianity. The bible orders christians to kill homos and burn witches. It cannot adapt or the followers are not Christians. Thus, if a Christian belieaves in evolution, he is not a christian. If a christian does not hate homos, he is not a christian. God I wish Mecha was here.

EDIT: Whoops, double post, apologies.
I gotta argue against you guys about this. Ther Bible itself is a contrivance and has been changed many times over. I tihnk instead of it being nearly impossible to follow the faith to a 'T', it has instead broadened in such a way that anyone believing in some very basic ideals of the religion can call themself Christian. What exactly the Bible says to do has always been up for interpretation and it really can not be construed any other way. I think the Christian faith can only be followed through interpretation and this way we get bad, good, traditional, neo- school and so on sub categories of the people following. I don't believe in such a thing as "true" Christianity.
No, Jesus commands christians to follow the teachings of the bible, afer all it is the infallible word of god, so if people deviat from it they are not christians because they do not follow jesus's teachings.
I've seen people here defend Nazism as something good until it was mixed with "religion", so don't go too far with that argument.
Never seen that before.

EDIT: Just wanna know where you stand here... Are you comparing Christianity with Nazism as far as evil goes or do you mean that they are somehow alike? If so, do you have the same opinion about Islam; That it's akin to Nazism?

Yes I am comparing them for their similarities... hegemonic attitudes, brainwashing of followers, belief in scientifically unsound things.... what I'm saying is that Nazism is comparable to religion in its methods...

Christianity has had and is having its period, while Islam had its own a long, long time ago. You're right, the Middle Ages were terrible, but the burden of proof is still on you as Islam is exactly the same as it was when it was formed by Muhammad. Besides, I don't think much in the Middle Ages could be attributed to Christianity, except of course for the obvious stuff like witch-burning.

I am not defending Islam at all, nor indeed mentioned it, I think that it is equally abhorrent in it's techniques as Christianity.

The only reason Christianity is (apparently) less extreme now is because it is suffering from a waning popularity. Now the church is having to beg people to believe in it's superstitions. The church didn't voluntarily become less violent or less powerful, it was strong-armed into submission by secular forces.

I just think it's dubious for something to be acceptable now, just because it isn't as harmful as it once was.
What exactly the Bible says to do has always been up for interpretation and it really can not be construed any other way.
How is
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." (Leviticus 20:13)
open to interpretation?
Lies? Sleeping? What if they're talking about telling lies? What if the hebrew translates differently, depending on context? What is that context? What if a fly crapped in the wrong place and changed a word from 'man' to 'animal'?
How is
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." (Leviticus 20:13)
open to interpretation?

Ah HA! So lesbians are kosher!!! Sweet!
No, Jesus commands christians to follow the teachings of the bible, afer all it is the infallible word of god, so if people deviat from it they are not christians because they do not follow jesus's teachings.

I know you are being sarcastic but the thing is, the Bible was written after Jesus was gone.

How is
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." (Leviticus 20:13)
open to interpretation?

Well that's Levitcus' opinion isn't it? :p
Besides it's not even detailing what is meant by "lies". You have to assume, ie interpret that it means "have sex".
There lying in togethor though! They must worship satan. To the stake! *Runs into road*
Besides it's not even detailing what is meant by "lies". You have to assume, ie interpret that it means "have sex".
Don't previous references to sex in the bible use the verb "to know"?
I know you are being sarcastic but the thing is, the Bible was written after Jesus was gone.
Jesus said you have to follow the old testament and the new testament.

Besides it's not even detailing what is meant by "lies". You have to assume, ie interpret that it means "have sex".
Well I am going to interpret what it means by "god" as "a dude who figures his butthole".

Now who wants to worship a guy who fingers his butthole?
Jesus said you have to follow the old testament and the new testament.

Well I am going to interpret what it means by "god" as "a dude who figures his butthole".

Now who wants to worship a guy who fingers his butthole?
I'll pick "fingers his butthole" over "commands and condones the murder of disobedient children" any day.
I'll pick "fingers his butthole" over "commands and condones the murder of disobedient children" any day.
Why not just....not worship either of them?
I'll enter that fair next year by standing upright. That'll show everyone evolution is a load of crap.

do this same topic keep coming back?
Don't previous references to sex in the bible use the verb "to know"?

Don't ask me. I've never read the Bible. I would assume they do as that was common language for a long time.
"To know" was not in that particular verse so I am wondering what is your point?
Don't ask me. I've never read the Bible. I would assume they do as that was common language for a long time.
"To know" was not in that particular verse so I am wondering what is your point?

You should read it, if just for fun. It's actually a pretty fun read. If you're too averse to Christianity to stomach it, just think of it as mythology.
Don't ask me. I've never read the Bible. I would assume they do as that was common language for a long time.
"To know" was not in that particular verse so I am wondering what is your point?

You should read it, if just for fun. It's actually a pretty fun read. If you're too averse to Christianity to stomach it, just think of it as mythology.

Also, my point is that if all previous reference to sex use the verb "to know" and that verse uses "to lie" then who the hell would think that verse has anything to do with sex?
It is implied that they are lying in bed togethor. This seems bad enough for them to persucute the men. In addition, it doesn't mention lesbians, so they must be alright.
Don't previous references to sex in the bible use the verb "to know"?
Unlawful carnial knowledge is a crime, I think :O

Well that's Levitcus' opinion isn't it? :p
Besides it's not even detailing what is meant by "lies". You have to assume, ie interpret that it means "have sex".
Anyone who argues that that verse may not be talking about gays is just arguing it for the sake of arguing it. The meaning is clear from context. How many different kind of lying would be associated to happen between a man and a woman? You could argue that it could have been mistranslated, I would at least respect that argument a little, but saying that that version of the Bible might be saying something else is, I think, really pushing it.