They Hunger: Lost Souls


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
STOP PRESS:[br]If you remember the original They Hunger, make sure you're sitting down for this one.[br]</br>Black Widow Games announced today the development of THEY HUNGER: LOST SOULS, a commercial game powered by the award-winning Half-Life 2 Source engine from Valve Software. Based upon the highly popular They Hunger mod series, the upcoming title features a completely new horror-survival adventure. In North-Eastern Europe during the 1960s, you play a tourist recovering from a tragic accident. But strange things are afoot, and soon the dead are rising to walk the earth once more. You take refuge in an abandoned monastery, but this will only be the start of your journey...[br]
"THEY HUNGER: LOST SOULS is a first-person action game planned to take full advantage of the superior graphics, physics and new gameplay possibilities provided by the new Source technology," said designer Neil Manke. "Without the previous technical restrictions of the now seven years old Half-Life 1 engine, we have been able to produce a brand new game far more exciting and creative than any simple sequel or remake could ever be. Fans of the original series should still recognize the basic gameplay style, although this is an independent story with no previous knowledge required."
Lost Souls is already 75% percent complete, and Black Widow claim a retail date will be announced shortly. This comes as an incredible and sudden announcement and one that should be able to make anyone who remembers jump for joy and anyone who doesn't hang their head in shame - these are the guys who did USS Darkstar and They Hunger. Do you really need to know any more?[br]If, like me, you certainly do, get going right now to their website and especially to their media section for some quality shots (we were only given these two). I am literally jumping for joy.
Don't they have to liscense the engine or be bought out by valve to make a retail product? That is unless their planning to sell it only on steam...
Already 75%?! Now that's how to make an announcement.
I'm of the opinion that Neil Manke & team can do no wrong with anything half-life related. Awesome news!
What do that black guy have on his head? ;) Nice to play some good singleplayer, seems to be a good story.. ;D

+Vitality+ SnakeX | CL
YES!!!11 This is great news. ive been waiting for this to happen. and 75% done thats great. WOOTY WOOT WOOT!
I was wondering where Mr. Manke had disappeared to.
Maybe after they finish this, they'll make a sequel that picks up after USS Darkstar left off.

I really can't wait for this, the original TH series ruled my life.
OMG great news, I was just saying in the other zombie thread about They Hunger source and now it shows up, 75% complete. That's just awesome.

*Starts singing -"You are what I eat, so much flesh so much meat with my hands your skull I will beat"*
And did anyone notice Marc Schroder of Poke646 fame is in the team? That had to be without doubt my favourite SP mod for HL. With They Hunger coming in second, of course ;)

Very exciting indeed.

Why is every mod going commercial? Half-life had/has the best mod scene ever. Is Steam ruining the free mods community?
I'm happy for Mr. Manke. He goes and makes some of the best sp HL mods out there and gets passed over by the big companies. Wish him lots of luck and success as I will be watching this game very closely. Loved They Hunger and Darkstar!
I liked "They Hunger" so this is indeed good news.....

That said, it still looks like a mod. I'm not sure how I feel about this trend of every promising mod automatically going commercial because of Steam.

Seriously. Look at the screenshots, can you guys seriously justify charging a bunch of money for this?
Are we going to pay? :frown: No way! Serious there are many mods thats seems greater than this one :S Stop taking our money for mods of a game we have bought! I have 850kr (swe valute) per month thats it like 150 dollars... If I would pay for one game a month I wouldnt afford to buy clothes or bye something for my girlfriend or bye candy and other stuff, yet they think we have like 1000$ a month to buy whatever for... Games are to expensive and mods should all be free!

Hehe gonna eat a banana now :bounce:
I don't think the price is something to worry about... it says on the site "Right now we are still working out the pricing and distribution options, but our goal is a low cost alternative so it can be available for just a fraction of other commercial games". Regarding BWG going commercial it says: "In 2004, the level of detail and complexity required for high quality game content increased significantly after the arrival of next generation game engines, mainly UT2003/4, Doom 3, FarCry and Half-Life 2. As a consequence, it finally became impractical for low budget promotional projects to keep competing at the same level with commercial game companies. Instead of reducing its activities and produce less ambitious projects, Black Widow Games decided for the opposite approach and expanded into a commercial company, starting the production of They Hunger: Lost Souls".
Holy shit. This is awesome. Im a big huge fan of original They Hunger, hopefully this will be available through Steam?
DarkStar said:
I'm not sure how I feel about this trend of every promising mod automatically going commercial because of Steam.

The site explains how a large project like this could never happen as a free mod, because HL2 mods are a lot more work than HL1, and because SP mods are a lot more work than MP. Which probably explains why there are basically no SP mods for HL2 out there.

Hell, there's almost no SP maps either! The only SP map worth playing so far is Minerva Metastasis, and HL2 was released a year ago!
:eek: 75% :eek: :rolling: :bounce:

Me goes to pick up a shovel.
Goes outside to prepare a grave for headless zompies.

USS Darkstar:source would be nice to have too.
A lot of the screenshots are impressive. I hope though that the yellow cab, the diesel locomotive are just placeholders, because it does not look right being in Europe otherwise
]SK[ said:
Why is every mod going commercial? Half-life had/has the best mod scene ever. Is Steam ruining the free mods community?

This is not a mod. It's a full game by the looks it. This is how things should be. Team makes mod. Becomes so successful it goes commerical. Ever heard of CS? DoD?
Shut up you damn hippies. In the real world, you have to pay for stuff. Get a job.
Doesn't look like a full blown game though... it looks like a mod :P It's got all the HL2 textures, models, etc. Honestly, to have to pay for it, even $10, is too much.
WOW, just WOW,

Thats me sold, they never made a bad mod, ****ing hell what a SURPRISE
Is itr just me or are those zombies HL2 NPCs with blood on them? also they have used the infected zombie model as well...
Go and play the "They Hunger" series (yes, there's more than one) and then come back here and try telling us that Manke doesn't deserve some pay for all his past hard labour. I mean, Darkstar (not nearly as good as TH IMO) and They Hunger were all free downloads for Half-Life.

These guys know about the Modding scene. They know about the fans and they've spent their time making free releases while building up their skills and portfolio. They're not going to charge a ridiculous fee for this but I for one won't have any problem parting with my hard-earnt cash for Manke & Co.s hard work.

This is going to have a very polished feel to it, and I'm eager to seeing the final product.
SnakeX said:
Are we going to pay? :frown: No way! Serious there are many mods thats seems greater than this one :S Stop taking our money for mods of a game we have bought! I have 850kr (swe valute) per month thats it like 150 dollars... If I would pay for one game a month I wouldnt afford to buy clothes or bye something for my girlfriend or bye candy and other stuff, yet they think we have like 1000$ a month to buy whatever for... Games are to expensive and mods should all be free!

Hehe gonna eat a banana now :bounce:

I really hate people who consider things like games to be some sort of basic human right! If you can't afford it, GET A JOB!
I almost cried when I read this newspost. I <3 They hunger :)
Dunno about you guys, but I think al this commercial game talking is just fake.

I mean, c'mon it's just a matter of paying attention to certain details:

- Sites is still hosted at PHL, but it's being redirected to it by an external domain.

- Why would one bother to license an expensive as hell engine like Source just to use all the textures and models from HL2? If you look closely, all the player models you see in the screenshots are from HL2. C'mon! That woman is just a slightly modified Mossman model! And there is a Zombie with the blue citizen clothes! And it's Frohman! :eek:

I think all evidence backups my point. I think this is just a marketing trick to get the attention from everyone, although they don't really need any marketing tricks to push the attention... Unless it is to push the attention from those who are tired of all these zombie games and mods that look exactly the same...
Remember how it says that the game is just 75% made? I'm certain many of the HL2 textures and skins you see in those shots will be replaced in the final product.
It looks like a mod but I dont care if we have to pay for it. I think this is nice for fans, but Im not a fan.
Fantastic news! I loved the They Hunger mod for HL1. It started off pretty slow & seemed a bit dull but it soon turned into a really great mod. Some even thought it was better than HL1! And 75% complete already! That's the way to announce a game. Nobody even knew this was being worked on (although a lot of people were hoping for it) & hopefully this will be with us before long. Looking forward to this.
Legally can they actually make use of the HL2 models, textures ect? Even if they licensed the engine usually that wont include anything else other than sdk's ect, but using all that content from HL2 and then selling it???

I duno, I'm all for people making money but it should be from ones own work not Valves. Im stumped but, I just cant see that being exactly legal (selling a game using anothers IP). I guess we'll see, maybe they have permission...
Smigit said:
Legally can they actually make use of the HL2 models, textures ect? Even if they licensed the engine usually that wont include anything else other than sdk's ect, but using all that content from HL2 and then selling it???

I duno, I'm all for people making money but it should be from ones own work not Valves. Im stumped but, I just cant see that being exactly legal (selling a game using anothers IP). I guess we'll see, maybe they have permission...

quoted for emphasis.

anyone know valves stance on mods charging money?
I think they know what they are doing, so yes they have permission to use the hl2 stuff.
It would be great to see some new models and textures.
this came outta left field.. :O
anyway remembering how good They Hunger series was back in the day, im sure most people are looking forward to this one.

anyway hopefully it can live up to the memories of the previous ones. :thumbs:
Thats awesome news!
TH had to have been my favorite HL1 mod. I remember the first time I heard about it was from PC Gamer mag way back when.

this new one certainly has a lot to live up to, thats for sure.

And to everyone who thinks that they have the right to free video games- GET A JOB!

How many of you would gladly spend hundreds of hours of your free time just for personal satisfaction? I think not. 99% of the time you have to PAY if you want something good.
If its going to be released through steam i will most definatly get it.