Things People Do That Annoy You


Mar 24, 2007
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1) People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2) People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V.. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

3) When people say 'Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too'. Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4) When people say 'it's always the last place you look'. Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!

5) When people say while watching a film 'did you see that?'. No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.

6) People who ask 'Can I ask you a question?'.... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

7) When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then the re mu st have been something before it, couldn't be new.

8) When people say 'life is short'. What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

9) When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks 'Has the bus come yet?'. If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?
"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to apologise"

'nuff said really.
I really can't stand it when people text/talk on their cellphones 24/7, as if they can never live in the moment and just enjoy whatever it is that's going on in front of their face. It's a goddamn epidemic on college campuses.
Having an asian roommate in the same room. An apartment is at least decent enough to let you have another room, thanks god I'm doing to an apartment style dorm.
6) People who ask 'Can I ask you a question?'.... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

This one annoys me, not so much because "Can I ask you a question?" is already a question, but more that it gets me nervous. I always feel like if they have to get permission to ask me a question, they either (1) want me to do some kind of favor for them, or (2) want to ask something personal or embarrassing, and I'd rather not be asked either of those types of questions but I can't really say "No you can't ask me whatever kind of question that's so crappy that you need permission to ask it" because that would sound rude.

And then when it turns out that their question was just a stupid normal question, that's also annoying, because I'm just thinking, "Wait. You had to ask permission to ask that? Why not just come out and say it??"
noisy eaters.... SHUT YOUR ****ING MOUTH WHEN YOU EAT!
I just hate idiots in general..anything they do or say drives me mad.
i hate ignorant idiots who THINK they know something, when in reality they are completely wrong.
People who don't know what the word benevolent means.
Or, typically, people who don't use grammar and don't know many words beyond 'lol', jk, and wtf.
People who don't know what the word benevolent means.
Or, typically, people who don't use grammar and don't know many words beyond 'lol', jk, and wtf.

wtf does "benevolent" mean anyway? lol some kind of college word?

jk i know waht it means
1)People that start threads with shit they nicked off a site, and neglect to mention that fact.

1)People that get anal when people don't quote the exact time & place that they find something & then post it here.
(There tends to be a lot of these types of people here)

So, LePobz, i'm so very sorry that I didn't PM you first to let you know that I got the nine things I listed above in an e-mail I got from a friend earlier today. Would you like me to forward the e-mail I got to you?? :rolleyes: I'm also so very sorry that I didn't spend the time to first scour the internet for the original source.


people that eat with there mouth open and make noise

The more so when you are at a nice resturant. Even worse when food falls out of their mouth & back onto their plate & the person is oblivious.

if by restaurant you mean zoo?

Dosen't.. everyone eat at the.. Zoo?
(Looks around & sees LePobz stitting at the table next to me dressed up as a :monkee:)

1) People on the bus/train who listen to their mp3's so loud everyone else can hear, generally generic dance or r&b/rap shit, BUY SOME ****ING EARBUD STYLE EARPHONES OR TURN IT DOWN!

2) Bus Drivers who pull away when they see you running for it, always wait for older people but not young people for some reason.

3) Young people not giving up their seat on buses/trains for older people/people on crutches/pregnant women.

4) Arrogant bouncers, wait, bouncers in general, bouncers who check out your girl, try and give your girl a lame compliment while you're standing beside them, check your girl's ass out when you walk into the bar/club etc GTFO!

5) People at gigs who push their way past you and stand right infront of you :x
When people make that crackling noise with their throat when trying to think. It's kind of a replacement for "uhh" and it's hard to describe, but it annoys the **** out of me; so much that I don't care what the person has to say after that noise.
1)2) Bus Drivers who pull away when they see you running for it, always wait for older people but not young people for some reason.

LOL! A long time ago, back when I was a Freshman in HS, I lived @ Lake Tahoe & one winter our bus driver, that looked just like Charles Manson, was notorious for doing just that. The worse the weather, the longer he would make people wait before opening the door & if a kid was 1 second late getting to the bus stop, the driver would slowly creep along, in a manner that made us kids think he was gonna stop.... but as the kid ran along, he would slowly pick up speed & drive away. A parent saw him do it once & reported it. Heard the guy was fired, but regardless, he was never our bus driver again.

LOL! A long time ago, back when I was a Freshman in HS, I lived @ Lake Tahoe & one winter our bus driver, that looked just like Charles Manson, was notorious for doing just that. The worse the weather, the longer he would make people wait before opening the door & if a kid was 1 second late getting to the bus stop, the driver would slowly creep along, in a manner that made us kids think he was gonna stop.... but as the kid ran along, he would slowly pick up speed & drive away. A parent saw him do it once & reported it. Heard the guy was fired, but regardless, he was never our bus driver again.


yeah i forgot that, bus drivers who sit reading the newspaper in the bus at the stop and not opening the door even if its raining/freezing outside, it seems to be a given at my college, bus drivers dont like college students methinks.

One day he pulled up to the stop, people queued outside the door, he just continued to read, then he closed the newspaper, started the engine and drove to the number 32 bus stop 10 metres down, it wasn't our bus yet he ****ing parked at it's stop, jesus christ.
People who treat abortion as something to be taken lightly.
I annoy myself with my lack of general social graces. I don't fit in well with my "peers".
Esotaricsm. ((Spelling :<))
People that consistently repeat themselves, to the point that it causes rage.
People that consistently repeat themselves, to the point that it causes rage.

I know someone who does that.
I forgive him, though, Since I think he has a mental problem.
1) "I could care less." No. No, that is wrong. This is not me being british-spelling-fascist. You are wrong and you sound stupid.

2)} "Hey, is anyone sitting here?" "Yeah, sure, my invisible friend." Ha ha! Very funny. Even though you knew what I was actually asking, you made conversation a bit like walking through razor wires so that you could make a funny joke.
stupid girls that think they are a princess and should never cook or clean and instead go out and spend $1000 on some crap clothing that makes there ass look big.
I know someone who does that.
I forgive him, though, Since I think he has a mental problem.

I was thinking more along the lines of intentional just to be annoying because you're (that would be me) not listening to them. My father does this all the time.

Lets say for instance, I'm playing the vidya and then who ever (my sister and father are the main culprits) tell me to take out the garbage in the ****ing cold (which I loathe with a passion). Then they proceed to annoy the living shit out of me.
People (CoD4 Thing) who go in a cage match, say,you get 10 headshots, I'll get 9, then they get 10 and leave really fast.
1) "I could care less." No. No, that is wrong. This is not me being british-spelling-fascist. You are wrong and you sound stupid.

If it's one of those rare occasions that I do say that, I usually say "I couldn't care less". I just say "I don't care, now leave me alone" most of the time, though.