Things you wished will happen, but never will.

Body Harvest - Remake or Sequal I don't care, the game was too damn cool!

Hybrid Heaven - See above
The Dark Elf said:
No he wont, he's having way too much fun playing with the minds of a thousand users to tell any of you anything solid :D

And here I am knowing tons about it and nobody has had the brains to try bribe me with money yet.. It wouldn't work of course, but I would keep the money so you felt as if you'd tried everything :E
Thats a good racket you got going there. Shit why i didn't i think of that.
i would like to get anachronox but i probably wouldnt be able to get it
which is sad :(
mrlangenakker said:
i would like to get anachronox but i probably wouldnt be able to get it
which is sad :(
Yeah me too. The demo of that was really interesting.
that this gir... :|

that they wont ever make another "Super Mario Vs Wareio" game
Perfect Dark 2 on the next Xbox to be as good as GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were on the N64 (but with uber next gen gfx/physics and Xbox live support)

That would be the best FPS ever :)
CrazyHarij said:
No One Lives Forever 3
<Hugs CrazyHarij>
It's never going to happen - why didn't you bastards buy those games!? They were f*cking fastastic.

Razor said:
Anyone who thinks Deus Ex 2 is in the same league as the original is an idiot
<Claps> Simplistic, predictable, average.

It'll never happen, but I want LucasArts to pull their heads out of their arses and realise that there are better games than the ones set in that all-too-familiar galaxy far far away. Star Wars games can f*ck right off.

Sam and Max 2 was nearing completion, would have sold well and probably would have been a very good game. What's a good idea? CAN IT. C*nts.
Any new LucasArts adventure games would be awesome - Grim Fandango 2!?
No, it'll never happen. Wankers, the lot of them.
OH! I want another Money Island game. They were fantastic. I also wish LucasArts would go back to making adventure games. :|
I was a huge Dues Ex fan - must have completed that game so many times - even looked up literary references (Spare a penny for the Widow's son?)

And yet I loved the sequel - OMG IM NOT A TRUE FAN!!1

Part of me wants to see AG:S, but part of me doesn't :O
Raziel-Jcd said:
oh I hope to god that's true :D I still play C&C: Renegade sometimes :)

Harij and chi - the NOLF games are fscking awesome.

I want Perfect Dark remade on PC, packaged for $5.99 with a Goldeneye PC remake, both better than the originals and for Rare to be un-bought by Microsoft and become independent again.

I think Free Radical Design is like half of Rare's members that left because of the Microsoft buy, and who made Timesplitters (which is the BEST shooter series on consoles right now, I don't give a flying fsck about Halo), right?
Ennui said:
Harij and chi - the NOLF games are fscking awesome.
<Hugs Ennui>

ComradeBadger said:
I was a huge Dues Ex fan - must have completed that game so many times - even looked up literary references (Spare a penny for the Widow's son?)

And yet I loved the sequel - OMG IM NOT A TRUE FAN!!1
Razor was a tad harsh, it's true. But DX2 was such a let down, didn't you think?
It hardly retained any of the "spirit" of the first game, which was what made it so great in the first place. It had its virtues, certainly, but it just wasn't a worthy successor.

And seeing as my opinion is law, you will all obey and comply. That is all.
DX2 wasn't as good as the first because it didn't feel the same. It was a great game but it didn't seem to communicate with the other one all that well.
I play renegade loads, i love that game so much, shame it dies more every day. Theres a mod team working on a new renegade, but i can't remember what engine they are using, i'm looking for the link now, last time i checked their progress it was early on but it looked awesome from the things they had done.

edit: found it

oh and its on the source engine (
Cant wait
yeah, I've been keeping about a third of an eye on that mod.

Renegade has horrible netcode, I wish there was more single-player MP style, but that one practice level with like 4 bots sucks :|
I loved Renegade. I got it on the first day. I waited outside of CompUSA for about 45 minutes. There was no line, but I wanted it so much.
ray_MAN said:
I loved Renegade. I got it on the first day. I waited outside of CompUSA for about 45 minutes. There was no line, but I wanted it so much.
It's a tad annoying how you have to put in two discs each time :|
Yeah extremely boring, they never rush, theres always a havoc or sakura camping in the hand of nod or barracks doing nothing, i mean get a vehicle and try and nuke me! I've had some awesome games with renegade though, one which had no timelimit, and it was 20 vs 20, and the entire GDI team had mammy's lined up outside NOD on C&C_under. Automatic mammy fire, it was deafening, it was mayhem, it was was awesome. (Lasted approx 4 and a half hours) I was totally spent after lol. ahhh good times.
now, though, everyone either plays on servers that give you like 1 money every 20 seconds and thus you never get good stuff, or on crappy mods.

shit. i just realized that I put X-COM: UFO Defense remake in another thread because I thought it was this one.
Unreal Tournament 2003, 2004, + to play more like Unreal Tournament GOTY.
An ultra intense space combat game, whether it's Wing Commander, Freespace, or Star Wars, i don't care. Amazing graphics, massive capital ships, and you, in a tiny little fighter dogfighting around them and through them, amazing.

*thinks he has outsmarted Pi Mu Rho*

Well, it wasn't that difficult, lol.

Don't worry, i very much doubt EA would give the rights to one of their biggest franchises to...Pi Mu Rho and his band of developers :).
I've always dreamed of that Razor, a truely immersive one where the big ships aren't just background.
I hear so many great things about System Shock 1-2. Never played them :/ Wish they would remake both and package them in one release.
Razor said:
An ultra intense space combat game, whether it's Wing Commander, Freespace, or Star Wars, i don't care. Amazing graphics, massive capital ships, and you, in a tiny little fighter dogfighting around them and through them, amazing.

*thinks he has outsmarted Pi Mu Rho*

Well, it wasn't that difficult, lol.

Don't worry, i very much doubt EA would give the rights to one of their biggest franchises to...Pi Mu Rho and his band of developers :).

You know, sometimes I wonder if you're looking over my shoulder...
-AI in RTS games, which accurately re-enacts tactics used by real-world forces. e.g squad of men who lay down suppression fire, take cover, use M16 grenade launchers, etc.

-Imperium Galatica 3 (The name is still open to debate, after the other project was renamed NEXUS)

-If not Imperium Galatica 3, a similar game will suffice

-A Gigantic space RPG that doesn't require a internet connection to play (finger pointing at EVE)

-A warhammer game using the Unreal Engine 3.0

-Duke Nukem Forever (if ever)

-A remake of Deus Ex 1 and 2

-Diablo 3 in a lush 3D engine

-A starwars RPG that is larger and longer than KOTOR
A real life dagger of time, so if I do something stupid like rear end a cop car or fall into some spikes, BAM! Never happend. Imagine the possibilities!
Yeah, like bernards watch. Anyone ever watch that? F'kin legend childrens series.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Well i think we are in luck. While reading Pi Mu Rho's post in the unreal 2006 thread i think i figured out his game.

Also check out what another mod posted.



Another Clue!

I WIN! :rolling:

Pi Mu Rho said:
You know, sometimes I wonder if you're looking over my shoulder...

Yet again another clue. :thumbs:
The "looking over my shoulder" comment came from another game design I've been working on in my (very little) spare time. It involves space flight, fighters, capital ships etc. Oh yeah, and atmospheric flight. And ground vehicles.

No idea if it'll ever make it into production, though.