Thinking of start playing WoW

i live in a cardboard box :(

do you want to live in my 2 car garage?? we have some nice boxes in there you could use. also if you clean up the place nicely, we may let you live in the crawl space under our house, its darker but you can do as you please
lol 60 hours extra content.

Dude your being far too optimistic about the level of content a subscription fee buys.

But you already know that, fanboyism muchly.

28 hours of grind ;D
4-5 hours, 3 days a week, Good guild completes new content within 3-4 weeks.

I don't love WoW, I like Blizzard

Grind does go rewarded however, it's the only ticket to being apart of the top of the game; new raids/endgame each month etc. It pays off when you play the next day after the patch experiencing what does genuinely feel like a new one.
Valid point, but lets bear in mind the vast bulk of humanity cant justify 15 buck a month for a poor game which gets old quickly.

When you work for a living can you imagine paying out every month for something which is as far as your concerned, worthless?.

While you can argue that from Blizzards perspective a monthly subscription fee is necessary (and you have admitted that allot of it is hefty profit on top of running costs) for most people a game just isn't worth that constant outgoing of money.

Clearly the experience and content is worth the monthly fifteen dollars to those who subscribe. WoW is not a poor game in the eyes of the millions of players who load it up every week.

You may think it's a waste of time and money. Others obviously don't. It's not that I can't be bored by the game. In fact, I haven't logged on in over two weeks simply because I don't feel pulled to it at the moment. But not once have I ever regretted sinking money into the game or had it adversely effect my bank account. Ultimately, your argument is less an indictment of the game and implies moreso that people who play WoW are being stupid/ignorant/whatever. Good luck trying to make that argument, I guess.
wow i am horribly outgeared for these new raids. my dps on my mage is low and i'm thinking of finally getting the dual spec option and resetting to arcane instead of frost. arcane gives up to 11k dps which is insane but i found this chart which helps, go ahead and click the class you want and it'll help you sort things out
What's the matter? Poor?

note that I don't actually give a shit about WoW nor is this an endorsement for anyone to subscribe to it

lol poor

We all cant be 80'as rock bands damnit!.

You and your groupies and your wasted millions, grrrr. *shakes fist and stuff*


The bulk of humanity neither has a PC to play WoW, nor do they have internets or even electricity.

At least they have girlfriends, HOOOOOO! *swish* :P

You may think it's a waste of time and money. Others obviously don't.

Discussion closed. Basically.

Ultimately, your argument is less an indictment of the game and implies moreso that people who play WoW are being stupid/ignorant/whatever. Good luck trying to make that argument, I guess.

Fortunately I don't need to, playing WoW carries a stigma all of its own. I don't need to say anything when simply mentioning you play WoW is met with a "oh...I see...that's um...nice".

Ultimately what you spend your money on is your own choice, fair do's, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the western world doesn't think being charged per month to hit colourful boars with a glowy non-existent sword that would get you honour killed in China if you stole it, is a worthwhile trade.

But you made your point, different strokes for different folks.
Fortunately I don't need to, playing WoW carries a stigma all of its own. I don't need to say anything when simply mentioning you play WoW is met with a "oh...I see...that's um...nice".

Ultimately what you spend your money on is your own choice, fair do's, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the western world doesn't think being charged per month to hit colourful boars with a glowy non-existent sword that would get you honour killed in China if you stole it, is a worthwhile trade.

Specious argument. Most of the western world doesn't think whacking aliens with crowbars is a worthwhile investment of their money either. What do we say here? "HL2 is a waste of time"? How about any popular game? Or games in general for that matter?

I don't know what anti-gaming, enclosed society you live in, but where I live? A lot of WoW players of many different stripes. There's no shame involved in it, even if a conversation about the latest big patch changes gives rise to various geek comments. There is no real stigma, but you seem to desperately want there to be one. Why? I don't know, because you hate the game passionately for some reason I haven't understood yet.

I thought the days of believing MMOs were for mythical, bottom-dwelling creatures who never venture out to the surface were numbered when we had a a whole freakin' episode of South Park dedicated to the damn game. If you weren't part of mainstream popular culture by then, you certainly are afterwards.
Fortunately I don't need to, playing WoW carries a stigma all of its own. I don't need to say anything when simply mentioning you play WoW is met with a "oh...I see...that's um...nice".

Ultimately what you spend your money on is your own choice, fair do's, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the western world doesn't think being charged per month to hit colourful boars with a glowy non-existent sword that would get you honour killed in China if you stole it, is a worthwhile trade.

But you made your point, different strokes for different folks.

I recall probably about half of my schools football team playing WoW. Hell I'm pretty sure they had some kind of horrible "NEW JERSEY ATHLETES" guild going on or something stupid like that. Alot of people play WoW.
i hate the fact that i get picked on for having so low of gear. i took like a 2-3 month break and i never changed my gear lvls 70-80 yet in a raid i hardly ever die. i should laugh at the same type mage dying faster than me and having much better gear but i gracefully decline from getting dragged down the endless pitt of WoW torments
Yeah you're bound to find that on any server, although some are worse then others. Now a days if you ever see someone forming a group for a heroic and they're asking for some ridiculous gear requirements it's because they want someone to carry them through it.
Some people are pricks. I remember someone in a raid I was doing saying to me "dude your gear is shit".

Well done, the whole reason I am raiding is too improve my gear douche.
Some people are pricks. I remember someone in a raid I was doing saying to me "dude your gear is shit".

Well done, the whole reason I am raiding is too improve my gear douche.

thank you! especially since i just hit lvl 80 too and his douchebag friends were laughing too. it really bothered me because i didn't respond at all. i should have reported him for harassing comments or something. its not like i'm the opposing faction on a different server. this is the same level characters on the same realm. Were on the same fuking side! stupid ****s
I like new realms. Especially the first few months the atmosphere is a lot friendlier since everyone still needs each other. If Blizz decides to set up new servers for the next expansion, I will most likely roll my goblin there.
Im pretty sure new servers pop up whenever an expansion hits so you're most likely in luck. Atleast thats what happened in BC came out. I wasn't around for the WotLK launch.
Some people are pricks. I remember someone in a raid I was doing saying to me "dude your gear is shit".

Well done, the whole reason I am raiding is too improve my gear douche.

If your gear wasn't very good pre-raid quality I have no pity for you.
Back when I played I was among the first in my small guild to hit 70 after BC hit, the first 10-15 of us did loads of 5-mans to get good gear we could do Karazhan in. Month or two later and the slower members started applying to raids in levelling greens, if more than 1/10 were wearing that crap they were causing huge problems because they were shit all use.
Gotta agree with Eejit.

If you're good at your class and know how to play, I don't have a problem with being undergeared. Hell, for a long time I was raiding with some pretty subpar itemization for raids (a persistent and horrible run of bad luck on drops), but I could still make Top Five DPS in 25-man instances. But if you're somebody like a Ret Paladin and you're underneath the tank in damage when the meters are posted, and I inspect your character sheet to see heirloom gear... Yeah, I think you've skipped a whole chunk of progression that's supposed to gear you up for the instance you're running. At the least you're susceptible to being swapped out for somebody who is geared.

Heads will really only start rolling if the raid's looking nasty though.
Specious argument. Most of the western world doesn't think whacking aliens with crowbars is a worthwhile investment of their money either. What do we say here? "HL2 is a waste of time"? How about any popular game? Or games in general for that matter?

I don't know what anti-gaming, enclosed society you live in, but where I live? A lot of WoW players of many different stripes. There's no shame involved in it, even if a conversation about the latest big patch changes gives rise to various geek comments. There is no real stigma, but you seem to desperately want there to be one. Why? I don't know, because you hate the game passionately for some reason I haven't understood yet.

I thought the days of believing MMOs were for mythical, bottom-dwelling creatures who never venture out to the surface were numbered when we had a a whole freakin' episode of South Park dedicated to the damn game. If you weren't part of mainstream popular culture by then, you certainly are afterwards.

I went to blizzcon and im proud
Gotta agree with Eejit.

If you're good at your class and know how to play, I don't have a problem with being undergeared. Hell, for a long time I was raiding with some pretty subpar itemization for raids (a persistent and horrible run of bad luck on drops), but I could still make Top Five DPS in 25-man instances. But if you're somebody like a Ret Paladin and you're underneath the tank in damage when the meters are posted, and I inspect your character sheet to see heirloom gear... Yeah, I think you've skipped a whole chunk of progression that's supposed to gear you up for the instance you're running. At the least you're susceptible to being swapped out for somebody who is geared.

Heads will really only start rolling if the raid's looking nasty though.

I was good at my class, we wiped the first time in 25man Vaults and I was like the last person left alive. I knew how to heal myself, how to gain the right amount of mana....but i guess tonight I'll try a new respec and see what develops
Well after working hard I just increased my DPS by 100 pts, and doubled my haste. so now I throw down much better than I used to and I pretty much have a good systematic way to stay alive and deal lots of damage. next stop i'll try and change my talents and i'm more than half way to the 1000 gold for the dual spec i need
I can't seem to find the edit button here, but anyway my guild is really cool. we did 6 hrs of raids and dungeons last night and it was really fun. finally a group i feel a part of. we wiped at 4am last night in Naxx 10 man but we'll finish tonight which is cool. we're so laid back i love it
I've played with real world people, but those days are long i really hate the $25 character transfer fee.
I feel like that with real people.

I like how you don't even bother to try and defend your feeble arguments, but instead just go full circle back to trying to call WoW players nerds or the like.

It's ridiculous. :laugh:
I feel like that with real people.

Surely you - the king of all that is social and the light of life in your local town - has less antisocial things to do than posting with other people online, yes?
Hey guess what Warped, I play a MMO as well for free. Game is called Eve Online and I don't go around whacking people with a staff. :cheese: Yes, I do play when they give out free time and my character is Garogar.
Hey guess what Warped, I play a MMO as well for free. Game is called Eve Online and I don't go around whacking people with a staff. :cheese: Yes, I do play when they give out free time and my character is Garogar.

how many times a month do you play??
I like how you don't even bother to try and defend your feeble arguments, but instead just go full circle back to trying to call WoW players nerds or the like.

It's ridiculous. :laugh:

No matter how this turns out I've already won. :)
if so many people have lost jobs, wives, girlfriends, family, friends, then it must be good. its probably even more popular than meth!