This has got to stop

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Direwolf said:
Actually, PHL said basicly the same thing as did in their post, he just didn't make the point with a sledgehammer the way we thought it was necessary.
PHL said:
Newell: "delaying the game to 2005"
Not really the most tactful of ways to announce the news.
PHL is no longer what I consider reliable news on HL. I hope that one of their spies reads this, and sees what a complete crap-house PHL has become. I will not believe anything they say from now on.
Damn right. I've really lost a lot of respect for PHL recently- once upon a time I saw them as a simple news site, but now I'm having to come to terms with the fact that they're just as opionated and biased as the rest of us.

*turns on the news at ten*

"In other news, I think Michael Howard is wierd, and you suck, Ed."

this is the exact same thing from the other thread....they said IF they have to...theres no reason in the world to think that they do have to.

Thats because they don't spend time addressing more important matters, like, say, getting their game finished and out of the door in a reasonable timeframe for example.
What the ****? do you think valve has been given the powers of GOD!? For building a game engine as good as source totally from scratch, and then actually making the game, dealing with leaks, answering every fans frickin requests and questions id say that they haven't even got near the end of a reasonable timeframe!
I can only pay my respects to valve..

1. They want to make a totally bad ass game no matter what it cost's... they obviously don’t really care about the money because if it where up to them and if it was necessary they would ram another 20 million into the development. They really want to make a very High quality game.

2. They keep constant contact with the community by answering large quantities of fan mail a day.

3 The mod community is very important to them and to the player and they know that so they try to make everything as easy as possible for the modders which isn’t a very easy thing to do.

VALVe is the best Game developer I have seen in years in my book. They seem to really care about the community.

The community on the other hand wants everything done to fast. 6 years of development for a super high quality game is nothing. Its at least allot better then some of the fast trash some developers clutter the market with.
Evil, that made about the most sense of any post ever. Seriously. Congratulations.
OK i have to say something , this is goes to show you that Valve has a good and big fan community ... but doesn't treat her as they should !

Thet quote only goes to show you that the leak was just a cover up or a story about one fact , they didn't finish the game or was not close even to finish that OR they just know that their game is not a KICK ASS game to live up the exeptations against other games today , so either way the had to delay it (AGAIN)... and such things like gabe said is just to make sure that in a while (in E3) there will be no suprise that the new release date will be in fact 2005.

I have to agree HL1 was amazing and HL2 looks even more amazing like "OMG this is ****ing amazing" , but they have mistaken to show it off to early .

In hebrew we say in these kind of stuff the next word : " HAVAL !"
Theman2k said:
OK i have to say something , this is goes to show you that Valve has a good and big fan community ... but doesn't treat her as they should !

Thet quote only goes to show you that the leak was just a cover up or a story about one fact , they didn't finish the game or was not close even to finish that OR they just know that their game is not a KICK ASS game to live up the exeptations against other games today , so either way the had to delay it (AGAIN)... and such things like gabe said is just to make sure that in a while (in E3) there will be no suprise that the new release date will be in fact 2005.

I have to agree HL1 was amazing and HL2 looks even more amazing like "OMG this is ****ing amazing" , but they have mistaken to show it off to early .

In hebrew we say in these kind of stuff the next word : " HAVAL !"
thats not true, they could have a gold copy today AND delay it becouse they dont think it is as good as it should be.
@ Theman2k .. Obviously you say all this without the slightest shred of proof.. so you waisted a minute for typing that post.. congrats
Theman2k said:
OR they just know that their game is not a KICK ASS game to live up the exeptations against other games today

I did mention it mr "asdf"
I think its my turn to post....


Right, now my venting is over I will attempt to make a short coherent post. (Even with my crappy spelling)

Right, for a start Valve NEVER EVER EVER said that the leak was the reason for the delay at all. They said the game was not ready and so they decided to go back to developing it into what it should be.

Now, you lot are sometimes actually fumming at valve for not releaseing the game. What the hell do you want them to do?
Purhaps you think they should have released a game with 4 levels that last about 30 minutes long and the game have no ending. Now, this is just my opinion remember, but I want a finished game when its finally released.

Hmmm, yessss, complaining because "they have set and missed so many release dates"

WRONG. They missed one, the september the 30th date. That was the ONLY date valve set. All the others were set by the publisher vivendi who know NOTHING about when the game will finally be released.

Complaining about their customer relations. Well, this is idiocy itself in my opinion. I mean for goodness sake. They are a company that spent I don't know how long making their new engine backwards compatible with the HL1 engine. I mean this is just me, but that probably took a LONG time. And they did that to help the mod community.
They answer one hell of alot of emails from fans. Look in the valve info thread. Its ammazing the ammount that have been compiled from ONLY THIS ONE FORUM. There could well be more.

Erm, what else....

Oh yeah. Before I forget I would like to add that:

Theman2k said:
Thet quote only goes to show you that the leak was just a cover up or a story about one fact , they didn't finish the game or was not close even to finish
HL2 looks even more amazing like "OMG this is ****ing amazing" , but they have mistaken to show it off to early
With all due respect you, sir, are an idiot. And so is everyone who believes that Valve would do something like release the code that the have devoted half a decade working on of their own accord for free distribution all over the internet to spoil things they'd tried to keep as a surprise. Yes that makes perfect sense.
Your next point about Valve showing it off too early... Is that serious? They showed it off what was intended to be a few months prior to release. The way things have worked out, it will (hopefully) be about a year. That is nothing in the games hype machine. Unreal 3 has recently had shots shown off - when's that pencilled for? (I realise that if that's for next year I look like an idiot:|) Doom 3 we've known about that for a long time. Quake 4 was announced ages ago, but still no real media or details.
Its us fans that created all the hype. Not valve.

Bah, some of these imature little kids who think they are allways right get me right pissed off sometimes. But I try not to offend....

No offence to our younger members and viewers out there. But some younger people just don't have the experience in life to try and make any kind of judgements on business decisions made by a mumtimillion dollar company. Hell most of them couldn't manage a tuck shop....
Whining about the delay is, in a crude analogue, akin to ****ing your grandmother.
You may enjoy doing it, but no one wants you to announce the particulars.
el Chi said:
With all due respect you, sir, are an idiot. And so is everyone who believes that Valve would do something like release the code that the have devoted half a decade working on of their own accord for free distribution all over the internet to spoil things they'd tried to keep as a surprise. Yes that makes perfect sense.
Your next point about Valve showing it off too early... Is that serious? They showed it off what was intended to be a few months prior to release. The way things have worked out, it will (hopefully) be about a year. That is nothing in the games hype machine. Unreal 3 has recently had shots shown off - when's that pencilled for? (I realise that if that's for next year I look like an idiot:|) Doom 3 we've known about that for a long time. Quake 4 was announced ages ago, but still no real media or details.

i am sorry about my grammer cause sometimes in english when i write stuff i usually write it not as i want to be... so sorry if i made you very angry and said "from where they farted out this ****ing crazy guy ?"...

Second i wanted to make a point - valve CAN do better with the community !
But i will play HL2 no meeter when (cause i want to check out HL2 and i got it free with my radeon 9800 xt hehe :)
el Chi said:
That is a preposterous statement. It is moronic unfair and totally untrue.

1. HL2 is being developed with mods in mind, therefore helping the modding community and Half Life fan base flourish.
2. They are making the game and they owe you absolutely nothing and your bitching and whinging is childish and unjustified in the extreme. You act as though they have wronged you personally - bollocks. One person on this forum (forgive me, but their name has been lost to my lager-addled mind) said "Wow, you make it sound as though Valve was your abusive father" Perfectly put.
3. When the source code got stolen, who did he turn to? This very forum. Not the press, the community.
4. He has given people not only his e-mail address, but his home phone number - when was the last time John Carmack gave put his privacy second place to his fans? Plus, he and the rest iof Valve have usually answered the sensible e-mails promptly and perfectly.
5. What does have to stop is the constant Gabe-bashing. As if he were the only member and all your unfounded misplaced bile gets focussed on this poor guy. And it often breaks down to childish insults about his weight. F*ck right off and leave the man alone unless you have something constructive to say.

Hell_on_toast, you are completely and utterly unjustified in what you are saying and what we SHOULD be getting sick of is the bitching that constantly streams out as if the release of HL2 was the only good thing in your life. Get over yourselves and realise that:
a) It's just a game.
b) It's not your game. When you create something of equal standard and deliver it on time THEN you can spew anger whatever you want and be vaguely justified.

I lub j00. *hugs* You are SO UTTERLY RIGHT.
Theman2k said:
OK i have to say something , this is goes to show you that Valve has a good and big fan community ... but doesn't treat her as they should !

Thet quote only goes to show you that the leak was just a cover up or a story about one fact , they didn't finish the game or was not close even to finish that OR they just know that their game is not a KICK ASS game to live up the exeptations against other games today , so either way the had to delay it (AGAIN)... and such things like gabe said is just to make sure that in a while (in E3) there will be no suprise that the new release date will be in fact 2005.

I have to agree HL1 was amazing and HL2 looks even more amazing like "OMG this is ****ing amazing" , but they have mistaken to show it off to early .

In hebrew we say in these kind of stuff the next word : " HAVAL !"

" a cover up story".. dream on.
Stop believing this weird theories that bored ppl are making up.
Notice how Hell_on_toast compleatly shut up a wile ago.

Good work everyone at proving another dumbass wrong :)
Fender357 said:
Notice how Hell_on_toast compleatly shut up a wile ago.

Good work everyone at proving another dumbass wrong :)
Ahhh, another day, another dumbass to slay :farmer:
What? You mean Valve wants to make a good game? So that people will enjoy playing it? And they'll make money? And the mod community will be happy for years to come especially since this engine will probably get graphical upgrades the whole time unlike the dated HL1 engine?


Look, first they had to delay because of the leak, yes it was the leak. The source had to be completely reworked so that hacks wouldn’t be out b4 the game would be. Then Steam came out and was rockier than they had planned and they then had to step down on HL2 to iron out the problems, which they are still dealing with. Also any comments on saying that Steam could of been shut down, wrong! Steam isn’t a platform that you can just shut down if it has problems. So steam kept running! Also Valve is a community run Software Company. What we say they try to implement into the game. They tock what was it 3 months alone just to take comments from gamers that have played HL1 and any of its mods. Finally Valve has to run the game through testing and this takes a lot of time. Maybe the most time in the game phase. I have been a beta tester for a couple year so I know that its hard to make a game perfect on release.
Modbrit said:
The source had to be completely reworked

Not completly only a small portion of source was stolen as I recall and it didnt really had an effect on the delay
Modbrit said:
Look, first they had to delay because of the leak, yes it was the leak. The source had to be completely reworked so that hacks wouldn’t be out b4 the game would be. Then Steam came out and was rockier than they had planned and they then had to step down on HL2 to iron out the problems, which they are still dealing with. Also any comments on saying that Steam could of been shut down, wrong! Steam isn’t a platform that you can just shut down if it has problems. So steam kept running! Also Valve is a community run Software Company. What we say they try to implement into the game. They tock what was it 3 months alone just to take comments from gamers that have played HL1 and any of its mods. Finally Valve has to run the game through testing and this takes a lot of time. Maybe the most time in the game phase. I have been a beta tester for a couple year so I know that its hard to make a game perfect on release.

Yes I'm sure the entire particle system had to be rewritten to stop those pesky hackers...

Threads like this have to stop.
Wow this is the best compile of good points I have ever seen. (Regarding Valve and HL2)
Another thing I would like to add is that Half-Life was delayed an entire year, and look how succesful it has been, and still is! HL2 hasn't been delayed nearly as long and, well, we will see how far it has come at E3. :) Can't wait.
Well, this thread looks pretty much wrapped up, Hell on Toast has been corrected, anyone else like to add?
I'll be very surprised if HL2 is released anytime before 2006.
DarkStar said:
I'll be very surprised if HL2 is releasted anytime before 2006.

It's coming out this year.. for the last time! Arggghh..
I think he might've been being sarcastic... Right Darkstar?
Pseudonym_ said:
It most likely won't come out before 2005.

Thanks, but I think I'd rather listen to Gabe who's said 3 times now it'll be out this year.
Ok, you listen to Gabe who also said Sept. 30th, see where that gets you.
Valve have said countless times that its coming out this year.

There are various reasons to believe this. For example the previews and the like on the 29th this month, thats only 10 days away. And in fact i would expect to see info about 2 days before this.
In addition, E3 is coming up and valve are showing HL2 again. Thats gota count for something. :D
I haven't even read the replies in this thread. I would just like to base what I have to say on the initial thread post.

Let me give you a scenario. Tell me what you would rather happen:

a) Valve release the game when they've stated they would. The game isn't finished but they give in to pressure from community members and publishers and distribute it without being happy with it. In turn we've all waited for five/six years and no body is happy with it? All that time wasted just becuase you want the game now.


b) Valve take their time and do with the game and release schedules as they wish. They make sure it's going to be the best game they've ever made, let's face it; it should be after six years. It ****ing rocks and is the best selling PC game of all time and because of it's superb gameplay value it is modded and played for another five years. If this does mean delaying it until 2005 then so be it. It's our gain and certainly theirs too.

What's the problem? Valve may very well have a notorious history for delaying its releases, but so do a lot of other companies. They mostly do it for the right reasons too and this is certainly the case with Valve. Some body also said Valve is the anti-community developer... What bollocks.

How many developers do you know will respond to a high majority of community e-mails. How many developers do you know that will fund/sponsor a community fan site that's in need? How many developers do that? No one. Just Valve. How many companies will spend five years developing one engine and helping out the community to mod even more kick arse games for it?

I honestly can't believe the ungratefulness and inconsideration some people have. You might not owe them anything, but they are trying their hardest to give you a great experience, how can you fault them for that? Not to mention the fact that on numerous occasions now they've said that they are releasing this year. They will. But... if they don't you know the reason why. Because it needs time.
its coming this Augest (FULL STOP)

thats it.....
It most likely won't come out before 2005.

Based on what exactly? The fact that it was delayed before?

Whoopie-do. So was Half-Life. Valve delayed it by around a year after they decided to rework it. Then what happened? They released it

Ok, you listen to Gabe who also said Sept. 30th, see where that gets you.

By your horrendously flawed logic, HL2 will never come out, because every time they announce a release date, they'll miss it.
I honestly can't wait until HL2 gets released.. at this point it's because I want to see all the moronic posts about VALVe and delays disappear, and watch all those people shut up about it :|
Chris_D said:
I haven't even read the replies in this thread. I would just like to base what I have to say on the initial thread post.
Don't be lazy...
You restated alot of stuff. I know it's hard but...
Given Valve's track record, when they say it is coming out at a certain time it's safe to assume it won't come out at that time. They can say it will be out this year until Gabe loses 400lbs, the fact remains they always miss their date. If you still believe that it will come out when they say it will by now, you are a fool.

They will hit their date eventually, but given their track record the only logical assumption is that they will miss it. Assume that every time and you will be right 90% of the time.
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