This has got to stop

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, you are entitled to an opinion my all means. I love debates, but can't you see why these same points are being brought up again and again.

Because they are true and have a foundation.

On the other hand, all these wild delay theories and rumours and ridiculas and there are no proof for any of them.

Meh, think what you want.
el Chi said:
I think he might've been being sarcastic... Right Darkstar?

I was actaually being quite serious. I've become very jaded when it comes to high-profile releases in the past few years. Once a game like Half-Life manages to get itself into "WHEN ITS DONE" limbo, its very hard to get out.

I find that quotes suggesting high-profile game releases are usually optimistic while quotes suggesting game delays are usually realistic. Therefore, this lateset Gabe quote in POLYGON is pretty much proof-positive in my book that it won't be 2004, and if it comes out in 2005 I'll be pleasently surprised.

But I'm not holding my breath.
Pseudonym_ said:
Given Valve's track record, when they say it is coming out at a certain time it's safe to assume it won't come out at that time. They can say it will be out this year until Gabe loses 400lbs, the fact remains they always miss their date. If you still believe that it will come out when they say it will by now, you are a fool.

They will hit their date eventually, but given their track record the only logical assumption is that they will miss it. Assume that every time and you will be right 90% of the time.

Wow. I love how you bring personal insults into discussion about release dates.
VALVe's track record for release dates is really no worse than iD's, so go back to the Doom 3 forums, or clean up your act and don't make stupid statements.
You don't need proof, all you need to do is look at their track record. They may get it out in 2004, but given their past it just isn't likely.
For one, Yes Gabe has said its going to be out this year, if you think back Gabe said almost nothing on the release date last year, it was almost a assuming made by the community in the whole. So i do believe its coming out this year, be it summer or Christmas.
Assume that every time and you will be right 90% of the time.

Oh good. Are you keeping score or something?

No-one aside from yourself cares how many times you're right. All we're interested in is playing the game. There is no reason other than gratuitous pessimism to think that it won't be out this year.
No, Id has the best record in the games industry. They have never missed a release date for a simple reason, they don't give them until the game goes gold. Valve could learn alot from the grandaddy of FPS. Valve has never made a release date.
......without delays.

You know what I meant, and you know I'm right. They never get anything out on time, not even the videos they promised, not the SDK, least of all their games.
what an asinine thread. to whomever it was that created this thread, just don't buy the game. don't even think about it. you'll save yourself plenty of stress, some money, and the embarrassment of childish bitching in a public forum.

/Jackal hit
Pseudonym_ said:
Given Valve's track record, when they say it is coming out at a certain time it's safe to assume it won't come out at that time. They can say it will be out this year until Gabe loses 400lbs, the fact remains they always miss their date. If you still believe that it will come out when they say it will by now, you are a fool.

They will hit their date eventually, but given their track record the only logical assumption is that they will miss it. Assume that every time and you will be right 90% of the time.
yes, VALVE is the ONLY one that has ever missed a release date, wow they miss it ONE time, the others they didnt give, and suddenly they are gonna miss every ddate
Valve having a habit of missing release dates is blown WAY out of proportion.

I mean come on, for Halflife1 they missed the enitial release date because the orriginal game was utter shite. Just look at the old screenshots.

Now, CS-CZ. We can say the exact same thing except that this time its not even valves fault. They wernt even developing it.

Now HL2, they missed the sept 30th date because the game wasn't finished.
Thats the ONLY date they missed for HL2 because its the ONLY one they set. All the others were from vivendi the publisher.

EDIT: I forgot to mention TF2, that was because they moved development to the source engine and they havn't set any release date on that with the new technology. So you can't use that as a arguement.

Its not all that many really considering the ammount of release dates set by other companies.
Pseudonym_ said:
......without delays.

You know what I meant, and you know I'm right. They never get anything out on time, not even the videos they promised, not the SDK, least of all their games.

Eh, VALVe has only really made one game though. Sure, they delayed it, but all for the better.
But still, I'll eat my hat if HL2 is out after 2004.
One time? Don't be an idiot. Since halflife 1 Valve has racked up over 2 years of delay on their games and other things they promised.
But still, I'll eat my hat if HL2 is out after 2004.

I remember reading this exact same thing on more than one occasion referring to Sept. 30th, were you one of the ones who said this back then too?
Sod it, I have no further comments to add to this thread. Its become clear he isnt debating at all. He only wants to put accross his ideas without consideration of other points of view. That is not a debate.
If you don't like VALVe, ignore them and their games...
There is nothing to debate guy. Valve can't keep their commitments, if you disagree then you must be ignoring everything they have done up to this point.
Pseudonym_ said:
I remember reading this exact same thing on more than one occasion referring to Sept. 30th, were you one of the ones who said this back then too?

Nah. I was an adamant supporter of September 30th, but I knew it'd miss the date
Well I don't like Valve, because they are anti-community. But if their product is good I won't deny myself the pleasure of playing it just because the people who made it are rediculous.
Pseudonym_ said:
Well I don't like Valve, because they are anti-community.

Really? To bad i heard that they are currently hosting this site... but i could be wrong
Pseudonym_ said:
Well I don't like Valve, because they are anti-community.

I still find this statement so .. backwards. Explain to me how VALVe is anti-community? VALVe seems more up in the community than any developer I've seen to date..

figge said:
Really? To bad i heard that they are currently hosting this site... but i could be wrong

LimeLight, who's parteneded with VALVe is. So yes, in a way they are. One of VALVe's employees set the server up for them..
Just leave the guy his opinion. If he wants Valve to be anti-community, we have no obligation to convince him otherwise.
Shuzer said:
LimeLight, who's parteneded with VALVe is. So yes, in a way they are. One of VALVe's employees set the server up for them..

i was Close :smoking:
I've become very jaded when it comes to high-profile releases in the past few years. Once a game like Half-Life manages to get itself into "WHEN ITS DONE" limbo, its very hard to get out.

I find that quotes suggesting high-profile game releases are usually optimistic while quotes suggesting game delays are usually realistic. Therefore, this lateset Gabe quote in POLYGON is pretty much proof-positive in my book that it won't be 2004, and if it comes out in 2005 I'll be pleasently surprised.

But I'm not holding my breath.
Pseudonym_ said:
Well I don't like Valve, because they are anti-community. But if their product is good I won't deny myself the pleasure of playing it just because the people who made it are rediculous.
I sooo agree, i mean them hosting this site and helping munro, and making the game so modable is soo anti-community, not to forget all those emails they respond! boycott valve.......

oh and they missed 2 release dates, HL1 and HL2, they havnt missed any other.
There's another company who delays their games a lot too. What is the name of that company? Hmm... oh yeah, Blizzard! I've played every Blizzard game that's been released and not ONE has been a disappointment. If Valve needs to delay HL2 to make it another Game of the Year - so be it. You guys still bitching because Half-life was delayed a year? The funny thing is, you never hear people bitch about the delays once the game is released.
Regardless of what Gabe said they can't delay it any longer, it must come out this year for technicle reasons.

Also they were near completion last year, atleast into the alpha if not beta stages. I can't imagine there's much left for them to do.

I would be willing to bet it will come out this year, if somone can find out how, I will actually put real money into a bet across the internet, there must be some kind of service to do this.
DarkStar said:
I've become very jaded when it comes to high-profile releases in the past few years. Once a game like Half-Life manages to get itself into "WHEN ITS DONE" limbo, its very hard to get out.

I find that quotes suggesting high-profile game releases are usually optimistic while quotes suggesting game delays are usually realistic. Therefore, this lateset Gabe quote in POLYGON is pretty much proof-positive in my book that it won't be 2004, and if it comes out in 2005 I'll be pleasently surprised.

But I'm not holding my breath.

lontlont at the forums said:
Is it still not sinking in that this quote is from last FALL? We already had this exact same brouhaha over this exact same quote once before! How many times do we have to get all worked up over the exact same story recycled months later by a clueless website?

Next month on PHL: the debate over the announcement of Steam!

I have no idea if what he says is true, but it's from last fall :laugh:
Anyhow, the whole statement by Gabe was HYPOTHETICAL, and since that e-mail he's reassured the community that the game will be released in 2004.
iD is the only real community focused developer. They host conventions every year for their fans to come out and play side by side with them, and they converse with their fans and get imput on their next projects. They also let the fans know what they are working on and how it is coming along, not like valve who keeps their projects under wraps for FIVE YEARS without breathing a word to the community who is left in the dark.

iD started the mod scene with editable WADs, all for the community. With Valve it kind of happened by accident. People think that they are so community driven because the are making Source moddable, in reality it has nothing to do with the community. They learned by halflife that moddability has more to do with longevity than the quality of th eproduct, thats why they are making hl2 as moddable as they are, to fatten their bacnk accounts.

Thats why they devised this ssytem of letting modders sell their mods on steam, who do you think gets a fat cut? Yep, Valve does. Look at the once free mods with the large fan bases, counter strike and DoD. Yep, now bought out by valve and sequels sold at full price, cashing in on the community.

I havn't seen anything done by Valve that is genuinely community driven.
Repeat after me:



Well I don't like Valve, because they are anti-community

I could seriously post an entire page of "HAHAHA" in response to that.

Anti-community......let's see....

Valve fostered an enormous mod community around Half-Life
Valve bought several mods
Valve have consistenly patched Half-Life whenever it has proven necessary
Valve have kept their mod tools frequently updated
Valve have fostered an entire site dedicated to modmaking for Half-Life (and it's add-ons)
Valve have volunteered lots of information to the community (the Info from Valve thread)
Valve helped sort out the hosting for this site in a no-strings-attached deal when we had hosting issues (and please don't attempt to jump on that as a form of bias - I have more integrity than that)

Valve are anti-community? Sure......
Pseudonym_ said:
iD is the only real community focused developer. They host conventions every year for their fans to come out and play side by side with them, and they converse with their fans and get imput on their next projects. They also let the fans know what they are working on and how it is coming along, not like valve who keeps their projects under wraps for FIVE YEARS without breathing a word to the community who is left in the dark.

I havn't seen anything done by Valve that is genuinely community driven.
wth? i would have hate'd to see what would have happend if they would have announced HL2 when they finished HL1,

current bitching: 56%
if valve had announced bitching: 110% ....

that seriously is the worse argument ive seen in a while, no offence :)
I just want to remind everyone that we should be civil to even those who have unpopular opponions. In this case the person didn't read the whole quote, so we as a community should educate them, not call them names. I like this board because of its level of maturity (most of the time) which is unlike the PHL boards :) I hope we can keep it this way. Remember, a good measure of a person is how they deal with the uninformed and intolerant.
Oh yes they developed HL2 for the money. Thats gota be it!

Why didn't I see that before. :upstare:

Bah, they allready invested something in the region of 40 MILLION $$$$. And said they would gladly put in another 20. And thats just on HL2, never mind Teamfortress2, CS2 and DOD2.

Does that not tell you something. I mean, if they had not developed the game then they would still have a shitload of cash and easily enough to retire early and live happily ever after.
Pseudonym_ said:
I havn't seen anything done by Valve that is genuinely community driven.

Answering hundreds of e-mails, giving out HOME phone numbers, sending HL2 goodies (posters) to people who just as much ask, making changes/additions to the engine from e-mail suggestions (check the valve info thread), letting people from the community visit valve (again, usually just as much as asking), helping with hosting, providing e-mail interviews with individuals who just as much ask.. the list goes on

If that's not community driven, I don't know what is.
You seem too stuck up on iD, get over it. iD's a good company, but it's not the absolute best company in the world. It has its fault, as does VALVe. But, to say VALVe is anti-community is BS.
Pseudonym_ said:
iD is the only real community focused developer. They host conventions every year for their fans to come out and play side by side with them, and they converse with their fans and get imput on their next projects. They also let the fans know what they are working on and how it is coming along, not like valve who keeps their projects under wraps for FIVE YEARS without breathing a word to the community who is left in the dark.

iD started the mod scene with editable WADs, all for the community. With Valve it kind of happened by accident. People think that they are so community driven because the are making Source moddable, in reality it has nothing to do with the community. They learned by halflife that moddability has more to do with longevity than the quality of th eproduct, thats why they are making hl2 as moddable as they are, to fatten their bacnk accounts.

Thats why they devised this ssytem of letting modders sell their mods on steam, who do you think gets a fat cut? Yep, Valve does. Look at the once free mods with the large fan bases, counter strike and DoD. Yep, now bought out by valve and sequels sold at full price, cashing in on the community.

I havn't seen anything done by Valve that is genuinely community driven.

Stop winding us up
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