This merits a new thread.


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
The A.I. Yes, it may sound like bitching but come on. 6 years and a magazine tells us its mediocre A.I. What the hell is that? 3 other mags completemented it. What do you guys think?
Which mag? Quote? Link?

And if it's three to one with compliments, why does it merit a new thread? I'd say that's pretty much case closed...
I demand a balance between cannon fodder and assassin skills (the same ones from HL1 were hard! That was good tough AI)
guinny said:
The A.I. Yes, it may sound like bitching but come on. 6 years and a magazine tells us its mediocre A.I. What the hell is that? 3 other mags completemented it. What do you guys think?
I cant really say anything useful about it yet, but what i've seen from the bink (gordon planting a table in front of a door and a soldier first tries to open the door and eventually decides to shoot trough the window) looks not to thickheaded.
I've never really seen a AI that really tricked me into something doh, I am hoping for something interesting for a change.
Clavius said:
I cant really say anything useful about it yet, but what i've seen from the bink (gordon planting a table in front of a door and a soldier first tries to open the door and eventually decides to shoot trough the window) looks not to thickheaded.
That event could have been scripted, though.
it was scripted, ppl found out it was in the stolen beta, but it was ment to show how good it will be.

if that happens when i play the game i will be impressed. it would be the best a.i i have ever seen. from the videos, the ai loooks very good to me
All of the AI in the world, ever, is scripted. There's no such thing as an unscripted AI. It's so irritating when people use that phrase.
the comment on the COMBINE AI.

NEW FLASH: combine are NOT the only opponents in HL2.

edit: speeling
I think that's the basic problem with reviews: they are just opinions.

It's all in the eye of the beholder and we won't really know until we, ourselves, play the game. But even then, I'm sure some people will love the AI and some people will hate it.

Based on hopes and faith though, I think the AI will be good. HL1 (for it's time) was very good and I can't imagine it being anything but better than that.
Wildhound said:
All of the AI in the world, ever, is scripted. There's no such thing as an unscripted AI. It's so irritating when people use that phrase.

I wouldn't say that is tottally correct...

Technically speaking the programmed AI in games is scripted completely yes... but if you place a marine in a room and he runs around throwing grenades and taking cover without a mapper placing any waypoints of any kind etc then that scene is not scripted.....

that is the generally accepted view of scripting a game...
Wildhound said:
Which mag? Quote? Link?

And if it's three to one with compliments, why does it merit a new thread? I'd say that's pretty much case closed...

PCZone UK, they said the Combine soldiers weren't exactly the smartest foes they've met or something along those lines.
From PCZone review summary:
Bad areas

The AI for the combine soldiers was not groundbreaking, it wasnt as impressive as the rest of the game in parts. But it still would probably equal most games.

Shoot... I wanted to be like, "DAAAAmmmmmn! (hand over mouth) Those guys is smart and stuff!" :dork:
All of the AI in the world, ever, is scripted. There's no such thing as an unscripted AI. It's so irritating when people use that phrase.
That's messing with language. The difference that most people understand is that scripts are special case and AI is general case.
Wildhound said:
All of the AI in the world, ever, is scripted. There's no such thing as an unscripted AI. It's so irritating when people use that phrase.

Yes that is true but i think what people mean is that it isn't a dynamic AI script, its hard coded (yes thats the proper term), i.e. it will happen every time.
Clavius said:
Tell me something that wasnt bad about farcry except for the graphics.
The treetop level. If the whole game was up to the quality of those two minutes then it would have been game of year. Unfortunately, much of the rest of game was mediocre at best.
Guinny, stop being such a goddamn dramaqueen *slaps him back into reality*

Geez... the game got a 97%, if it was a big point, then it wouldn't have gotten so high. From the reactions, I understood the reviewer was nitpicking for faults because he didn't want a game to get 100%.
It probably just means it wasn't up to his expectations, and Valve did make it sound like the combine would do the laundry for you and cook dinner, nowhere I saw people mentioning it was mediocre, it simply wasn't ground breaking. Boo hoo.
The review doesn't make HL2's AI sound bad; it just isn't the best AI in the gaming world right now. It does say "But it still would probably equal most games."

I'll admit, I wanted HL2's AI to be revolutionary but more importantly I want the game experience as a whole to be fun and with a 97% rating and basically everything else they said about HL2 it seems that is going to be the case.

I guess we can't have everything but looks like we'll get the better parts of our expectations. :D
Meh who cares? The Combine shall taste my lead anyway. A stupid target is a lot easier to kill than a smart one :) Challenges are for amateurs.
The summary I was given of the review lead me to believe that the reviewer was playing on easy, in which case the AI may have been toned down.

I'm saying this because they also made a point of mentioning that the difficulty could be turned down on the fly, and they also said the ending was a bit easy. I get the impression that they flew through the game on a lower difficulty setting.

Other reviews have said the AI was ace (like that bit where the combine soldiers surrounded that guy in the building, covering each exit point).
I have never ever, in my entire life of gaming, come across an AI that actually bewildered me, or somehow got me stuck in a situation that I couldn't wrestle my way out of.

Holy be the day that happens.

Only real difference in AI difficulty is the amount of damage it does, the accuracy and propability of outgunning you. I've never seen places where the AI would figure out a way to flank you, they either take you head-on, unless the area is pre-scripted.
Yes, I said this awhile ago...AI for FPS games have been the same for about four or five years, and won't improve for awhile because there isn't much else they can really do to "raise the bar." And that's OK, since it's fine for its purposes.
Oh dear god VALVe please release the game now I don't want to read another thread like this again. Vivendi, you have the power to end this!!!
Listen, the review (the summary I read at least) said that the AI did not make him go; "WOW!" , every single time, he didn't say it sucked or was even mediocre.
That said:
"You know I do think that developers should kinda lay off the graphics department for a bit and spend some more time on developing better AI, graphics are more than acceptable as it is but NPC's are just still too stupid"- I agree with the very handsome and pleasent gentleman who wrote this. He truly is a genius.
Clavius said:
Tell me something that wasnt bad about farcry except for the graphics.
The gameplay.

Edit: Actually I liked all of FarCry, almost.
Bobcat said:
I have never ever, in my entire life of gaming, come across an AI that actually bewildered me, or somehow got me stuck in a situation that I couldn't wrestle my way out of.
Doesn't that have to do more with the fact that nearly every game let's the player take MUCH more damage than the regular enemy, than with the stupidity of the AI?
Bobcat said:
I've never seen places where the AI would figure out a way to flank you.

i recall this happening to me quite often in half life 1
what difficulties did each magazine play on?
I know its obvious but.. if they played on easy.. they shouldnt expect much in terms of a challenge.

on the other hand, the AI should be more proficient than running at you while you blast them on more difficult settings.
Mr. Redundant said:
what difficulties did each magazine play on?
I know its obvious but.. if they played on easy.. they shouldnt expect much in terms of a challenge.

on the other hand, the AI should be more proficient than running at you while you blast them on more difficult settings.
Personally, I prefer that the AI remains the same on all difficulty levels. I like it best when the difference between difficulties is how good the enemies shoot. Nothing more, nothing less.
I was wowed when I recently played far cry, as far as AI goes. Than I played the original half life and thought , damn those blocky bastards were tougher than anything farcry threw at me. I think thats why a lot of us a really excited about hl2.
Im sure the A.I in hl2 will be fine. And people need to stop calling the stolen build a beta. It was NO WHERE near beta.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Im sure the A.I in hl2 will be fine. And people need to stop calling the stolen build a beta. It was NO WHERE near beta.
Give them some slack won't you... they just don't know any better :E
Concerning FPS games, up till now Far Cry is the game where I had most difficulties beating the A.I. Those mercenaries worked well together and on hard difficulty setting they had superb sight and accurate aiming. And once you got to the river and got across it, well, let's say I don't want that to happen in HL², it would ruin the fun.

EDIT: but I still love Far Cry :)