Thought you should know...patch out no later than tomorrow


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
From: Erik Johnson
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:56 AM
To: rd_syringe
Subject: RE: Video of symptoms (vid attached)

We've found the fix for this problem. The fix will be out no later than tomorrow.

Thought you'd like to know.
Great news. Hopefully this will put an end to it all. Good job Valve and also those who have been persistent (as a community) in getting things sorted out.
Do you mean that this is a fix for the audio/video stutter, or is this a different issue you're talking about?
I have minimalised my stuttering problem to nearly non existence after the first 5 mins of the game, my major problem at the moment is the autosave. I really hope this is addressed in this patch as shouldn't have to go in and change my autosave files to read only (this doesnt even eradicate the issue completely) Valve please do me the honours ;)
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with this but if my graphics card memory size will it be able to run half life 2 well?
DookieBooty said:
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with this but if my graphics card memory size will it be able to run half life 2 well?

Eh...what memory size? :dork:
Dookie.. why don't you post this somewhere else? Of course it will... almost anything can run HL2(although it depends on the card...)

Anyways, thanks for sharing :)
Thanx rd, might consider playing through again if it works - the stuttering and freezing just ruined the whole game for me, and I sure as hell won't be letting any of my friends play it until it is finally sorted.
Will this pacth fix mySound loop crashing? All else has failed!!
You can live with stuttering sound, but the poxy memory crash/BSOD needs a priority fix. 100's of people still cant get past the main menu yet, let alone get to the point of an autosave....
i dl the patch and the game is running fine but now how do i get that diagram thing of the screen
falyfal said:
i dl the patch and the game is running fine but now how do i get that diagram thing of the screen

where did you download the patch?
the stutter thing from the link on the first page of this thread
falyfal said:
the stutter thing from the link on the first page of this thread

i asked you where you DOWNLOADED the patch you were mentioning... not what this thread was about.
i went to that link and near the end is a file i dled it and put it where it needed to be and then played the game. it may not be a patch but it brings this diagram on the screen when i play and the game seems to work fine and load and save and everything but the diagram wont leave.
it's probably Net_graph 3 your talkin about. you can take it away by entering your Config file in HL2 and delete the line "Net_graph 3" if you find one.
hi folks,

finally there is a patch, I'm really thankful but I'm looking forward that it's working!
I hope I can test it today, cause here in Innsbruck it's allready 4:30 pm ...
Innsbruck?? yes indeed, I live here and it's the city where Gordon Freeman visited the university ;-)
Falyfal, I think you have misunderstood the purpose of the file you downloaded.
"" was created in order to help reproduce and illustrate the stutter problem, not to fix it.
IE_Armand said:
Will this pacth fix mySound loop crashing? All else has failed!!

Nope, its gonna completely trash your machine and hump your hard drive until it starts puking ascii.

Then its gonna delete all your porn off your drive and load gospel songs over the top and put a picture of Roseanne with her butt cheeks spread as your wallpaper.
CreamyG said:
and put a picture of Roseanne with her butt cheeks spread as your wallpaper.

That must be the most disgusting thing i've heared in months!!
:E :E
Cool, how soon can we DL that? Man, gospel and Rosanne's ass, sweet.
THAT was funny! :LOL:
The thing that isn't funny is that we are still waiting for this bastard patch!
falyfal said:
in the file it says net graph "0"

now when i downloaded i saw directly that it was just a demo of someone having the stutter problem. it ISNT a patch!

Anyway, also the two commands you added to the laung options of HL2. Delete them and you wont have to play that demo at the begining and you wont have to see at the diagram all the time
They have 11 1/2 hours too release it before it's too late! Otherwise we will have too wait another day. But I'm already getting used too the stuttering, but it would be nice if I can get the patch before I finish the singleplayer, and I'm already at one of the last levels :D
Man, i've been waiting all day for this freaking patch to come out. I refuse to play as it ruins many moments of the game for me. Apparently they have problem fixed, it just stinks we have to wait for someone to get around to it.
Sucks to be you .........................and me come to think of it. I don't mind waiting as long as it IS a fully working fix and not a half-arsed attempt to fob us off. I believe in you valve, don't let me down here :smoking:
How about a patch to fix my "memory cannot be 'read'" so that at least I can see the game....I get the error, after the loading screen when I click start new game and HL2 title appears.......ive spent now...26 some odd hours trying to fix this. Why Valve? Why?
Shogo36 said:
How about a patch to fix my "memory cannot be 'read'" so that at least I can see the game....I get the error, after the loading screen when I click start new game and HL2 title appears.......ive spent now...26 some odd hours trying to fix this. Why Valve? Why?

What are your specs? It doesn't seem right that people have issues like this, it has to be down to the way you have your pc setup. What Graphics card you got?
Flyingbig said:
What are your specs? It doesn't seem right that people have issues like this, it has to be down to the way you have your pc setup. What Graphics card you got?

Im decently stacked....
1024 Ram
Radeon 9600 XT (256MB)

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 2800+
well it's been delayed till tomorrow. apparently needs more testing. i left school early just to play stutter free today.