To all of


Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
I've had a revelation here at recently that I want to share.
Many real life buddies and acquaintances (and some enemies too) I went to school with have died. Some committed suicide, others accidental. I've seen and been through alot of shit so I guess I've gotten callous over the years and have been taking it out on people, but since I've actually taken the time to read through this thread, I've realized what an ass I've been and I formally apologize to everyone who's feelings I've hurt and those I've pissed off.

It's cool bro, just don't be a dick, we'll get along fine
I've lost a few friends recently myself...2 in Iraq a few years ago and 2 in car accidents last month, not to mention a friend of my sister who was high on xanex and caused an accident which killed two people. ****ing douchebag didn't even realize what he did until the cops called him.

Can't think about the "what ifs" though, life is shit sometimes.
Lol same here...
I remember that gay shit, was pretty gay what you did there dragonshirt, apart from that i guess its apology accept...
....even though you never insulted me :p

I've had a revelation here at recently that I want to share.
Many real life buddies and acquaintances (and some enemies too) I went to school with have died. Some committed suicide, others accidental. I've seen and been through alot of shit so I guess I've gotten callous over the years and have been taking it out on people, but since I've actually taken the time to read through this thread, I've realized what an ass I've been and I formally apologize to everyone who's feelings I've hurt and those I've pissed off.


All Saturos wanted to do was rid the world of the emos. He dreamed of conflict with them, of making them feel ashamed of wearing black clothes and being depressed. He became enraged by their mere existence and overly pre-occupied with the trivial label and never saw the real people inside that... are a lot like him. And then Saturos was the emos.

Apology acceptance pending an unspecified probational period.
God damned emos, and most minorities.
Why can't they just enjoy animals like the rest of us.
A tout le monde
A tout mes amis
Je vous aime
Mais je dois partir
These are the last words,
I'll ever speak,
And they'll set me free-eeera-sdghdhj-

What you should do is apologize to all the people who are either gay, of pretty much any non-white ethnicity, or a woman. Because you've insulted them far more than you have anyone else in your time here.
Hey man, don't worry, you've never hurt my feelings. I just think you're a total nonce.
You can't apologise for doing something you intend to do again, right? Because it's pretty clear that, post-thread, you're going to continue being a massive turdface.
You can't apologise for doing something you intend to do again, right? Because it's pretty clear that, post-thread, you're going to continue being a massive turdface.


And as long as you're wearing Dragonshirts, I will not accept your apology ever nor will I ever respect you.

It had to be said.
You have never insulted me personally, Saturos, but your wanton ignorance and unfathomable stupidity is a constant source of annoyance to me. I am sure you mean well, but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit, and what's more, I never have! If it is redemption you truly seek, please - review the content of your post before you click 'Post reply'.

Alternatively wrap your hands in barbed wire.
You have never insulted me personally, Saturos, but your wanton ignorance and unfathomable stupidity is a constant source of annoyance to me. I am sure you mean well, but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit, and what's more, I never have! If it is redemption you truly seek, please - review the content of your post before you click 'Post reply'.

Alternatively wrap your hands in barbed wire.
Alternate Alternative - Pour bleach in your eye sockets.
Don't you all make me pull up posts of Past Raz!
You have never insulted me personally, Saturos, but your wanton ignorance and unfathomable stupidity is a constant source of annoyance to me. I am sure you mean well, but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit, and what's more, I never have! If it is redemption you truly seek, please - review the content of your post before you click 'Post reply'.

Alternatively wrap your hands in barbed wire.

Saturos, I'm very sorry for your losses. My dad died this past September making school and life a little hard for a while. I did what I could to refrain from getting emotional at HL2.netters.

You have as much liberty to have an opinion of a group of people much the same as members of the KKK have liberty to believe a certain way about blacks. I'm not suggesting you have a level of intolerance as the KKK does, I'm saying that no matter how disgusting people view your opinions, you always have that liberty.

That said, always always always read through your thread replies/OP's and scan for any language that would appear offensive in the slightest, and in the event that you find such language, explain what you mean in a polite and plain manner. Or change your wording. For instance, attaching curse words with your opinions already puts a negative spin on the way people take in your opinion.

Example: "Should gays be allowed in the military?" "I say f*** no."

There's no problem with being blunt, but the unnecessary language affects how people respond to you. Phrasing like "I personally say no," offers viewers various internal reactions. First it shows to people that you are acknowledging the other people that share differing views with you in a respectful manner. Second, the wording itself is plain and polite. Just a thought.

I will say that some of this community could have been a little gentler, more respectful, and generally "nicer" with you. In fact I am often amazed at people from this community at how remarkably stubborn they are to show 0 level of grace and respect toward people, i.e. young newbs, especially in the face of the tenets that describe this community explaining that it extends open arms to all newcomers, given that it's a public forum.

But anyways, while I feel awkward saying "apology accepted" since I haven't been in direct contact with you for more than a few months, apology accepted.
I would accept the apology but I barely known you, even by internet standards, let alone feel owed one.
I remember when the cow violated me in the most gruesome way. I still have nightmares.
EDIT: Er, somehow managed to reply to the wrong thread. I must be more tired than I thought!

Token response to thread...there are lots of opinionated people on this forum, I don't really see the issue. But then I'm not particularly easy to offend either.
Saturos its all good bro. I don't even know what you did wrong but my god do you look sexy as a level 19 red dragon.
As you know Saturos, I never have any ill will against you. I have never been the one who has gotten into arguments with you.

I just wish everybody could get along, and not have the arguments be so bloody.
You have never insulted me personally, Saturos, but your wanton ignorance and unfathomable stupidity is a constant source of annoyance to me. I am sure you mean well, but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit, and what's more, I never have! If it is redemption you truly seek, please - review the content of your post before you click 'Post reply'.
You are falling into a deep sleep. All previous posts are now null and void. Nothing ever happened. Reset postcount. I am no longer known as Dragonshirt and nobody knows me. Clear your minds.

Alternatively wrap your hands in barbed wire.
I don't hate you Saturos. It's just you're a dumbass a lotta the time.
Saturos, I'm very sorry for your losses. My dad died this past September making school and life a little hard for a while. I did what I could to refrain from getting emotional at HL2.netters.

You have as much liberty to have an opinion of a group of people much the same as members of the KKK have liberty to believe a certain way about blacks. I'm not suggesting you have a level of intolerance as the KKK does, I'm saying that no matter how disgusting people view your opinions, you always have that liberty.

That said, always always always read through your thread replies/OP's and scan for any language that would appear offensive in the slightest, and in the event that you find such language, explain what you mean in a polite and plain manner. Or change your wording. For instance, attaching curse words with your opinions already puts a negative spin on the way people take in your opinion.

Example: "Should gays be allowed in the military?" "I say f*** no."

There's no problem with being blunt, but the unnecessary language affects how people respond to you. Phrasing like "I personally say no," offers viewers various internal reactions. First it shows to people that you are acknowledging the other people that share differing views with you in a respectful manner. Second, the wording itself is plain and polite. Just a thought.

I will say that some of this community could have been a little gentler, more respectful, and generally "nicer" with you. In fact I am often amazed at people from this community at how remarkably stubborn they are to show 0 level of grace and respect toward people, i.e. young newbs, especially in the face of the tenets that describe this community explaining that it extends open arms to all newcomers, given that it's a public forum.

But anyways, while I feel awkward saying "apology accepted" since I haven't been in direct contact with you for more than a few months, apology accepted.

I like this. Know that may be a fun place to post and have some semi-interesting armchair scientists/political commentators, but it's also a ****ing haven for pretentious snotwads who have no idea how to voice a contrary opinion without waving their dicks around. I should know, I've been that person before. This post took some e-balls so I'll go ahead and echo jet here and tip my hat to your apology.

To those with incredibly inflammatory responses: people do change--if the voice behind a just and well supported opinion is as forceful and obnoxious as the injustice it stands contrary to, it will always fail to change minds. If someone extends an arm an admits to being swayed accept it as a goddamn complement, or risk appearing just as ignorant as the individual in question has been in the past.

@Saturos: Here's to hoping you do a bit more research before you make venomous, biased and ignorant posts pertaining to entire groups of people.
I don't hate you Saturos. It's just you're a dumbass a lotta the time.
It's just that if I piss everyone off, where else will I go to get hardware/software and gaming advice? :p

politics is only water-cooler shit and is not as important to me tbh.
I for one support all the pretentious snotwads of this site. The internet is full of circle jerking love fests on all corners and is one of the few bastions of unabashed and truthful criticism I have encountered. Being nice and lovey dovey with anyone no matter how stupid or idiotic those people may me, makes me sick to my stomach. If you want that kind of carebear shit, there are plenty of forums out there with members like that, but please, leave me my double edged blade that is I might go insane with rage if I were forced to put up with all the nicey nice pandering that everyone does elsewhere.
People who are strongly opinionated are going to take a lot of heat from anyone who doesn't agree. So, if you insist on voicing a strong opinion, you are going to have to defend that opinion.

Also, being hateful will make people hate you, sometimes even from people that agree with you.