Took a trip to Valve, heres the story

Errr... woah... I'd suggest you shorten that siggy before a mod gets on your case, Nimza.
I have 1 question, can you start fires in the game, and if so will they spred to other flammible objects? p.s. I can not spell
1 last thing wouldn't it be cool to have a building that has realistic walls. ((example)) If you shot the wall with a big gun, and you blew a hole in it you could see the wood inside the wall aswell as the insalation and plumming and eletrical... and if you hit say an important eletrical outlet the power to that area would go out or if you hit some plumming water would spill out basicly what im saying is it would be awesome to see layers of stuff not just a cardboard wall what are your thoughts? pluse, if you started the room on fire it would slowly spred to other rooms.. and then you could play a game called trying to run out of a burning building with out dying....
1. Not sure. Possibly. I know zombies can catch fire. I think it was in one of the movies.

2. Yes, that would be cool... and not entirely impossible with Source, I would imagine...
Sandman said:
You're right. The office is in Seattle.
Bellevue it is. But its sorta the same thing. Bellevue is city sprawl from seattle...sorta merges together

Bellevue is actually quite a ways from Seattle, well from downtown Seattle at least.
this is really nice to hear :). yay , finally some closure to all our confused thinking. HL2 being 'tweaked to perfection'. so the E3 vids really where some quite early workings, a taster if you will :).
clarky003 said:
this is really nice to hear :). yay , finally some closure to all our confused thinking. HL2 being 'tweaked to perfection'. so the E3 vids really where some quite early workings, a taster if you will :).
If that were true, what have they been working on for half a decade? And why would they have even bothered saying that the game would have been out September 30th if all they had ready was a 'taster.'
Ashton said:
I have 1 question, can you start fires in the game, and if so will they spred to other flammible objects? p.s. I can not spell

This was once in the Valve info thread I believe, and yes stuff with the right material (wood for example) will catch on fire.
dbsynergy said:
...And why would they have even bothered saying that the game would have been out September 30th if all they had ready was a 'taster.'

anyway, they had a reason why... <our good friend "omnivorus sus scrofa" -ANON > :laugh:

btw, Algor, did they comment on the shity leak???
Pitulon said:
anyway, they had a reason why... <our good friend "omnivorus sus scrofa" -ANON > :laugh:

btw, Algor, did they comment on the shity leak???

VALVe has stated 92738 times that the theft was NOT the reason for the delay, rather they simply aren't done with the game.
AHhhNold says the game must come out NOOWWWW!! Or he will totally recall their coolness and destroy their office much like he destroyed the machines in terminator 3, RISE OF THE MACHIIIINNNES!!!!!!

...sorry, I'm from California ;)
Well, all i can say is i want it now not in april or whenever its coming out i want it now :'( gimme..also nice pics shame u didnt take more :(
could someone just put that interview in a nutshell and point out all the important things said, thanks
Hmm.. I wish someone asked about the sdk..
anyway.. nice interview regardless..
Sandman said:
AHhhNold says the game must come out NOOWWWW!! Or he will totally recall their coolness and destroy their office much like he destroyed the machines in terminator 3, RISE OF THE MACHIIIINNNES!!!!!!

...sorry, I'm from California ;)

and don't forget my holiday blockbuster JINGLE ALL THE WAAAY!!!! Available where they sell the videos and the dvds and whatnot.
Well, at least this thread attracted a bunch of new posters... :)

And Willdo, he already posted the pitchers... just take a look at some of his previous posts.
Yahn is the lead programmer... i dont think he mainly works on sounds....
Hype Boiling All Up Again.. Must.. Stay... Focused ... On.. Every.. Day... Life.....

Hmmm, I'll be honest. I was up until.. Well ok I didn't even sleep last night. To finish my School ISU's. If hl2 was out. i KNOW i wouldn't have done them. So honest too god.. Im actualyl cool with it not being out right now.. but after my last exam.. damn it. hurry yer asses up valve!
I like the game to be perfect, at least equal to HL 1, so let VALVe finish HL2, when they think they are finish... but VALVe you could hurry a litle bit!! :p
Bitchslapper said:
I like the game to be perfect, at least equal to HL 1, so let VALVe finish HL2, when they think they are finish... but VALVe you could hurry a litle bit!! :p

Ha! "They think they are finish" They are thinking about it for about half year! And maybe they'll think about it much longer (i hope it won't be so)... That means, we (if we want =) must not tell them: "Oh dear Valve, could you finish HL2 faster, pleeease..." They're fu**king us and we'll idolize 'em?
They aren't f***ing us, they are making sure the game plays well and is fun.

Not sure if this has already been said, but that first picture looks very similar to a skulk from the HL Mod Natural-Selection.

Well since the Ichytosaur was in the first game you can't really accuse them of copying natural selection.
Realse now. Patch later. Hey, that's what everyone else does! :)

(Assuming they even do patches... or at least at an acceptable rate)
TheSoupNazi said:
Not sure if this has already been said, but that first picture looks very similar to a skulk from the HL Mod Natural-Selection.


That picture is a giant FISH (and as mentioned was in the first HL).
In-game it's quite a bit different (in size, shape, and movement) then a li'l skulk.
And why would they have even bothered saying that the game would have been out September 30th if all they had ready was a 'taster.'

im pretty sure thinking about it, that it was a hyped date, and thinking back to the time, there was no real confirmation, or atleast it didnt feel solid, , I just guess they just wanted to get our attention or something?, afterall it was very quiet for 4- 5 years before then. I couldnt care less, it just means its going to be refined, and will be (crosses fingures) the most refined gaming experiance, ever :bounce:
Ahnteis said:
That picture is a giant FISH (and as mentioned was in the first HL).
In-game it's quite a bit different (in size, shape, and movement) then a li'l skulk.
Yeah, now I remember that dude. He was a bad mofo. I just didn't remember how he looked I guess.
And dang, you guys sound hostile.
Why did Valve decide to let YOU visit them and not perhaps ... me ;) .
I mean, what was the reason for them to take you?
Nice pics, I love the Valve in the floor...
I would love to have a valve in the middle of my house, although i doubt my parents would agree..
well, where is thoose pictures? And let us hear all the stuff you recorded.