Tunnels- Thoughts

This is the thing that got me intrested in HL2, the physics, I thought everythings was interactable(SP?), now I'm beggining to think physics wont be everywhere :( ;(
Originally posted by simmo2k3
This is the thing that got me intrested in HL2, the physics, I thought everythings was interactable(SP?), now I'm beggining to think physics wont be everywhere :( ;(

It's up to the mapper if a railing will be breakable or not...
...its not a tech issue, but a designers choice, if u could destroy everything, the game whould not be that hard to beat... just dig ur way out with the crowbar
Very cool video with lots of subtle details:

1) Lights and overhead wires gently swaying. Nice touch.

2) The uneven ground with small pools of water in the first tunnel.

3) Is it me, or is there bumpmapping evident on the cinderblock walls?

4) The sparks from the manhacks are excellent. Sure, they're a little over the top, but they still look great.

5) It seems boards and crates are still magically reduced to spliinters when struck, much like they were in the first Half-Life (this is a nitpick.)

6) Ragdoll physics: beautiful! Easily the best I've seen. Watch the third combine, he doesn't just slump to the ground but actually maintains some natural rigidity. His leg staying bend is a nice touch.

7) Those gorgeous water effects! You can actually see the refraction around Alyx's legs, and when the soldier jumps into the water (by the way, the jump animation is very cool) you see the water splash and ripple. And if I'm not mistaken, the hydras actually cast dynamic shadows!

While this isn't the best video from an action standpoint, it certainly shows off the artistic subtly and creativity of Valve. Excellent job!
Is this what you call an excellent graphics. where is the dam bump mapping texture that applied here. nothing, look at the floor, wall, all the same. so don't tell me its excellent, this game needs more works.:cheers:
I dont know if this has been discussed or not, but will the background music be in the final HL2, or was it just edited to make it more interesting?
Originally posted by Nuclear_Gerber
I dont know if this has been discussed or not, but will the background music be in the final HL2, or was it just edited to make it more interesting?

I have no idea, whatever they include for music it will be excellent. :cheers:
Originally posted by Gorgon
Is this what you call an excellent graphics. where is the dam bump mapping texture that applied here. nothing, look at the floor, wall, all the same. so don't tell me its excellent, this game needs more works.:cheers:

so you found a placeholder texture...bravo. meanwhile, look at the cinderblock wall...there, in that gorgeous high-rez texture, are your stinkin' bump maps.
Originally posted by Spiffae
so you found a placeholder texture...bravo. meanwhile, look at the cinderblock wall...there, in that gorgeous high-rez texture, are your stinkin' bump maps.

compare this pipes with Pipes from FAR CRY, or DOOM3.

and come again.:cheers:
Is it me or when Gordon gets past the Manhacks and the 2 combine soldiers first see him, does one of them say "Incoming over there!" or am I crazy?
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat
Is it just me or os Gorgon a slut that needs to learn his place? :p

hahahha...haha....ha.....h.....i'm not saying anything, I dont want to get flamed :D
what i have to criticise is...

1. I don´t like when the first manhack flew through the box, it magically disappeared or morphed into some small wood pieces. this doesn´t look good, they should make it like the telephone cells in 'mafia', that looked cool.

2. why does the manhacks couldn´t cut their way through the fence?

and 3. why does the hydra made of energy make such noises like an ogre in LOTR?

but it was a really cool vid!
Is a slut that needs to learn his place :x

Anyway, loved the video, but traptown keeps its place as my favorite.
I liked it better than Trapdown. The music in Tunnel is amazing, sets the mood. Plus that gun that set the Combine on fire was just amazing...
Yeah that looks like some sort of grenade launcher with incendiary rounds. Awesome thing it is.
Originally posted by Gorgon
Is this what you call an excellent graphics. where is the dam bump mapping texture that applied here. nothing, look at the floor, wall, all the same. so don't tell me its excellent, this game needs more works.:cheers:

There isnt any bump mapping in it at all (old build argument). That pile of crap highlighted in the red box is where the man hack scraped against the back of the bookshelf.
You may not be seeing all of the Hydra monster since its been said to be a boss fight , theres probably more to the monster than just 2 tentacles. Plus it wouldnt be scarry if it diddnt make noise :P
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Plus it wouldnt be scarry if it diddnt make noise :P

The Hydra makes noise, you can hear it very clear after and before it killed the combine.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
You may not be seeing all of the Hydra monster since its been said to be a boss fight , theres probably more to the monster than just 2 tentacles. Plus it wouldnt be scarry if it diddnt make noise :P

Looks like the tenticle that impailed the combine is different from the two that came up afterwards.
i thought it was weird when the combine fell faster than the railing, and when u kill a combine it makes that high pitched noise personally i think it could get annoying
I don't get why all the combines have to wear gasmasks, can't they breath? Or maybe Gordon is wearing on too?
i also noticed the music in this vid it brought me back to Half-Life I wont be dissapointed if that is the music in the game:bounce:
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat
Is it just me or os Gorgon a slut that needs to learn his place? :p

You r a sad ignorant little toddler......:flame:
Originally posted by Gorgon
You r a sad ignorant little toddler......:flame:

But he's right, everything I've seen you post has been either flaming, or completely retarded.

Here's an example:

Originally posted by Murray_H
Hmmm if this is true perhaps the reason for it is the AA problem, maybe they are trying to fix it and its taking longer than expected and pushing other things back
It’s not entirely because of that, the graphics is really bad is very unrealistic.

Go and check the traptown vid, check the floor, walls, and bullet holes.

All are flat not 3D.
Tunnels is my fave video to date, I love every aspect. The Combine Flare Gun has even impressed me so much that it has inspired the addition of a new class of character in Lambda Co-Op.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Tunnels is my fave video to date, I love every aspect. The Combine Flare Gun has even impressed me so much that it has inspired the addition of a new class of character in Lambda Co-Op.
well I think statements like that would fall under the over-hyped part of things. Half-Life 2 has a lot of great things going for it but serious advancement isn't one of them over other top of the line engines out there.

Proud member of H.L.U.F.3.D.B.H.
Half-Life Users for 3 Dimensional Bullet Holes
Originally posted by nw909
I don't get why all the combines have to wear gasmasks, can't they breath? Or maybe Gordon is wearing on too?
The original's marines wore gas masks too, so it's very possible that there could be some nasty gases floating around City17 (please, no immature jokes). Maybe Valve did it on purpose to preserve the soldiers' anonymity so that they're spookier or whatever... Or perhaps (and this is the most likely explanation) Valve couldn't be arsed to do lots of variations on the standard combine model. And can you blame them?
ALTHOUGH maybe the Combine are actually asthmatic space aliens who're here to enslave the human race into producing a never-ending supply of anti-asthma inhalers.
It's true. Gabe told me so. And Laidlaw. <Ahem>
They wear gasmasks because alot of French people live in City 17.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
They wear gasmasks because alot of French people live in City 17.
Ooooh, controversial.
I take it you're a Yank?
Originally posted by El_Chi
ALTHOUGH maybe the Combine are actually asthmatic space aliens who're here to enslave the human race into producing a never-ending supply of anti-asthma inhalers.
It's true. Gabe told me so. And Laidlaw. <Ahem>
Have you bee eating fli-agarics lately?
yeesh. i get the email notice, come back here to read the reply, and then get stuck staring at that squid avatar thing with the gun... it's rather mezmerizing.
Well, it was good and all since I got a better look at that new gun and the Man Hacks. Blah, blah , blah!
Originally posted by what
But he's right, everything I've seen you post has been either flaming, or completely retarded.

Here's an example:

It’s not entirely because of that, the graphics is really bad is very unrealistic.

Go and check the traptown vid, check the floor, walls, and bullet holes.

All are flat not 3D.
I don't get it. Where's the flaming in that?Pshh...