Tutorial adressing custom texturing

I'll try to make this easy. As I said, I haven't used the gui shell, so I can'tr really help you with that.

files with a .bat extension are MS-DOS BATCH files, a way to run commands as if you were typing them at the dos prompt. the file I posted was one of those.

I've attached a zip with the file itself. As long as you haven't changed your filenames since your first post, it whould work as is.


Download bspzip_test.zip

extract it somewhere (I'm assuming you have a winzip -like program that can extract paths... windows xp can do this also). It will create a directory called bspzip_test

copy these two files (they're yours!) to this new directory:
// ^ contains your pairs of relative and absolute paths for the textures/ resources to be added.
// ^ your original map, sans textures.
the file names must be what I just wrote, or it wont work. remane them if they aren't.

as long as you have these files in that directory, it should work (assuming that your texture list has accurate paths).

browse to the folder that contains these files, and double-click on runme.bat

A dos window will show up. It should tell you that the resources have been added, in detail.

thats all there is to it. a new file called cs_beta_new should be created. If the file sizes are different, it probably worked.

you can try removing -or- renaming your custom texture folder, and run the new map. If it worked, the customized textures from the list should still show up...


What's the error you get? Can you copy paste the content of the Output textbox please? I'm assuming the operation is successfull but your friend doesn't get the custom content? Is the bsp file bigger than it was orinally? If it is, then the files has been correctly added to the bsp, so the only thing that is wrong is the relative paths.
Phisionary said:
I'll try to make this easy. As I said, I haven't used the gui shell, so I can'tr really help you with that.

I don't know why that the GUI didn't work, but this did. Thanks a lot. This is going to save me some pain while I continue working on my map.
That's good news, good job :)
Can you please try again with the GUI and answer my questions so that I can find out what's wrong and improve my little app.
jabberwock95 said:
Wah! I cant do it...

I have a JPEG I want to use as a texture. I save it as a .tga file in Paint Shop Pro and try using your VtexGUI (which is cool) but I get 'Error initialising texture' in the dos window.

The funny thing is, I got it to work before on a texture I downloaded. Could my using Paint Shop Pro be at fault?

I have been trying to do this for about 4hrs now (aint long compard to what some of you have been trying to do this for i know) But the big problem is Paint Shop Pro saving it as a .tga as it sort of mucks up the file or somthing.

The solution: dont use PSP
Does VTEXGUI have an ability to have transparency? So if I wanted to make a glass window or something I could?

Thanks ahead,
PS I just sent you an email to your hotmail Ti.
I didn't get your email yet...

Presently VtexGUI cannot edit vmt files, you'll have to do it manually. It is a feature that will be added in future version in the material properties tab. You'll get a list of all material types, a description of what is does and you will be able to make presets.

So for now, if you want to make transparent textures, you'll have to make your alpha channel in Photoshop, as usual, then save it as a 32 bits Tga. Then load VtexGUI, convert the texture like you do with normal textures but instead of LightMappedGeneric, put VertexLitGeneric. And finally, edit the corresponding vmt, add the line: "$translucent" 1 and "$nocull" 1.

That should do it.