U notice this about the combine?

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This is minor really but dunno if any of u ave noticed this but there a prolonged beep sound everytime one of the combine soldiers dies like a sort of heart monitor? One of their mechanical attatchments?
Yeah I noticed that too. Maybe they wear suits similar to yours. (That would also answer the question of where to find HEV chargers in City 17)
that makes sence, same thing happens wen u take hits so yr prolly rite there.
Yeah i noticed that beep, sounds like a flatline.

(On a different note) Did you see on traptown when the first combine soldier appears. He just appears from nowhere like he was teleported in.

A engine flaw or part of the game?

Use rad tools to wqatch it in slow motion if it happens to quickly.
Originally posted by 82ross
(On a different note) Did you see on traptown when the first combine soldier appears. He just appears from nowhere like he was teleported in.

A engine flaw or part of the game?

Use rad tools to wqatch it in slow motion if it happens to quickly.

He was indeed dropped in, I believe he was because that was a tech demo level showing off the psychics nothing more.
u dont think this has nething to do wiv the teleport machine shown in the concept art from valve?
If it was a teleport machine there would probably be some sort of lightwork or art for it. I know we couldnt really see but it just looked like he popped up by the engine.
wow those are some ghetto H.E.V suits if they get taken out so fast

gordons is more specialer :cheese:
I don't have stream, so I don't no nothing about the tunnal vid,

when the vid will come out in the majore sites?:bounce:
it isnt just in the tunnel vid it happens, whenever a combine soldier dies listen.
In the traptown video, after the I-beams swing across and take out some of the combine soldiers, it sounds like one of them says "Man down! Man down!" (albeit in a very raspy and breathy voice)... are (were) they human, do they speak English? I haven't been able to recognize anything else that they say... so, I may be mistaken.
some sound more human then others.. maybe theirs a phase change from human to alien..

whatever.. cant wait to find out for myself when the game comes out.

i think i may take a two month hiatus from forum surfing, and media gathering. Too much information could spoil the fun :eek:
Did you notice in the tunnels vid when the combine soldier climbs down the ladder to you and Alyx, he says "Hold it right there!"
that combine in the start of the traptown vid. doesn't get teleported in or anything...

he ducks up from around the corner in the far back, right when the player looks away...
I dont think they are human , you can tell from the way they speak, probably mutated or something but not human anymore.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Did you notice in the tunnels vid when the combine soldier climbs down the ladder to you and Alyx, he says "Hold it right there!"
you mean "Hold it there!"
Originally posted by 82ross
Yeah i noticed that beep, sounds like a flatline.

(On a different note) Did you see on traptown when the first combine soldier appears. He just appears from nowhere like he was teleported in.

A engine flaw or part of the game?

Use rad tools to wqatch it in slow motion if it happens to quickly.

No, if you look closely you can see him move round from the corner, you don't know what's there - it could be a stairwell or a ramp leading upwards.

The Combine in the hydra video said "Hold it there" in a slightly British accent I noticed, maybe the Combine is comprised of many nations? Hmm...
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
that combine in the start of the traptown vid. doesn't get teleported in or anything...

he ducks up from around the corner in the far back, right when the player looks away...

I've inspected this quite closely and I'm pretty sure that the soldier is actually spawned right there. If you look closely he drops to the floor slightly - this is done so mappers don't get NPCs stuck in the floor or anything so they place the entity about a foot off the floor.

And yes, it was a slightly British accent.
He comes around the corner, probably from a staircase leading upwards. Right before he shows up, gordon fired a crate over the corner, probably getting his attention. (I think the guy playing didn't just pick up a random crate and shot it in a random direction) Also, when a character is moving up stairs in FPS' they have ha tendency to *pop* up on the next *plank* (completely forgot the name) not moving fluently. It could be this Chris_D saw (and many others). Anyway, we don't know who's right...
I think you mean "steps".

And yes I agree it could be that if this was HL1. In HL1 because there was no physics engine if someone was walking up some stairs then they'd just seem to float up the stairs rather than using their legs to push up on each one. However because of the Havok engine in Source, every part of a characters body is physically simulated so the legs on a characher would be able to find the step and they'd walk up and down them in a more realistic way.

I still stand by the idea that the combine soldier was spawned right there.
I dont think they are human , you can tell from the way they speak, probably mutated or something but not human anymore.

Hey, you know what.

Originally posted by Dagobert
Hey, you know what.


That's not confirmed.
But they said the combine is alien in the e3 movie, right?

Those soldiers may be human, but they seem to work for the "alien" combine (maybe "it" brainwashed them)
Originally posted by ShadowJustice
But they said the combine is alien in the e3 movie, right?

Those soldiers may be human, but they seem to work for the "alien" combine (maybe "it" brainwashed them)

Alien doesn't just mean "from outer-space". It could have just meant "alien" as foreign, Gabe may have phrased it to just put us off.
The combine is a 'combine' of aliens and humans, so I guess you could consider it 'alien' in the same way you call can call a person with one black and one white parent 'black'.
You don't know that sheesh! Plus, that makes no sense. A combine is also a harvest (a grain crop), using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning, machine. That would make alot of sense of the building which is in fact cutting, threshing and cleaning the city. Plus, there is the human police force. It's not entirely 100% confirmed that what we all think is the combine could in fact be the Police force and we actuallly haven't really seen the combine yet other than the Strider and the flying guy.
YAY!!! Quick reply!!!! :D :bounce:


ERm.... ahem.
Back on topic...

err... yeah I agree. Spam is bad.
Good Lord... its not worth even arguing over... Its blatently obvious that the combine soldier spawns right as the person who's playing is about to go into the building. But before he does the combine soldier starts shooting at him... Jeez. Its not because the combine can use teleporters or a bug in the engine... Its just at the time this video was made they had the soldier spawn right there and they probably didn't realize when they made the map you'd be able to see it happen. If this is even in the game its probably been reworked so you don't see it happen.

And Isn't it possible that even if some combine are aliens... couldn't some be human? Like slaves or something... Plus... who's to say you don't eventually start working with the combine... maybe all of them are human, and you realize in the middle of the game somewhere what side you should really be on... Yeah... those are my words of wisdom. :D
Originally posted by Chris_D
I've inspected this quite closely and I'm pretty sure that the soldier is actually spawned right there. If you look closely he drops to the floor slightly - this is done so mappers don't get NPCs stuck in the floor or anything so they place the entity about a foot off the floor.

And yes, it was a slightly British accent.

sorry...you're right.

hope they get that fixed in the final version...I actually always hated when enemies got spawned(with no "logical" explanation) in computer games...worst part of games like Medal of honor.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
hope they get that fixed in the final version
It's a *demo*.

I hope the fix the bug where you keep being teleported around the game right when something interesting is happening....jeez. :cheese:
Originally posted by 82ross
Yeah i noticed that beep, sounds like a flatline.

(On a different note) Did you see on traptown when the first combine soldier appears. He just appears from nowhere like he was teleported in.

A engine flaw or part of the game?

Use rad tools to wqatch it in slow motion if it happens to quickly.

i think it was the barrel that flew around that lured him
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
sorry...you're right.

hope they get that fixed in the final version...I actually always hated when enemies got spawned(with no "logical" explanation) in computer games...worst part of games like Medal of honor.

djeez its BS
6 entries found for combine.
com·bine ( P ) Pronunciation Key (km-bn)
v. com·bined, com·bin·ing, com·bines
v. tr.

1. To bring into a state of unity; merge.
2. To join (two or more substances) to make a single substance, such as a chemical compound; mix.
3. To possess or exhibit in combination: The choreography, which combines artistry and athletics, is extremely innovative.
4. (kmbn) To harvest (a grain crop) using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning machine.

v. intr.

1. To become united; coalesce.
2. To join forces for a common purpose. See Synonyms at join.
3. Chemistry. To form a compound.
4. (kmbn) To harvest a grain crop using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning machine: “Norwegian bachelor farmers combining in their antique McCormacks” (Garrison Keillor).

n. (kmbn)

1. A power-operated harvesting machine that cuts, threshes, and cleans grain.
2. An association of people or groups united for the furtherance of political or commercial interests.
3. A combination.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Combine, sounds like the Union States of America (1860's) .

I'm thinking more like the Rebellion in Star Wars.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
I'm thinking more like the Rebellion in Star Wars.

'You know about the Rebellion against the empire?'