U.S. death toll in Iraq passes 1,000

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I could be wrong here, but...

there ought to be limits to freedom

How is that such a sensational quote? There are limits on freedom... THEY'RE CALLED LAWS.
seinfeldrules said:
I never mentioned Ollie North, I dont see how I am sidestepping any issue.

We never gave WMD to Iran.

this is like pulling teeth ...do you just skim over my posts and dont bother to look at the links i provide? ollie north = iran/contra affair = sell weapons to iran to use against saddam

the US administration provided "crop-spraying" helicopters to Iraq, which were subsequently used in chemical attacks on the Kurds in 1988. It gave Iraq access to intelligence information that allowed Iraq to "calibrate" its mustard attacks on Iranian troops in 1984. It seconded its air force officers to work with their Iraqi counterparts from 1986. It approved technological exports to Iraq's missile procurement agency to extend the missiles' range in 1988, and blocked bills condemning Iraq in the House of Representatives (1985) and Senate (1988).

seinfeldrules said:
Can you make it through a post without insults? You claim the moral high ground, then you resort to this? Come on.

my insult was hypothetical: do you think it's hypocrtical to support the use of WMD and then condemn it? the answer detrimes if it's an insult

seinfeldrules said:
Again, Iran was on our bad side coming out of the 80s. Harboring terrorists known to have hijacked planes and killed civilians, charging our embassy and holding hostages for years at a time. Of course we would have supported an unknown regime at that point. It was the wrong course of action.

so you're justifying supporting the use of WMD?

seinfeldrules said:
There you go with that 'commondream site' again. What was its motto again? Oh yeah, "Breaking News and Views for the Progressive Community". I am not even going to waste my time reading the article. Take a look at some of the sites Cooper posted.

ooooh sorry maybe I should have used more credible sources such as this

or this

or this
gh0st said:
maybe its just me, but i dont think its fair to for some reason blame bush for sanctions created before he even took office. must be part of the great liberal conspiracy, where bush has caused all wrongs. zell might as well blame e. lee for losing the war.

who said anything about bush. I said the US not bush is responisble

gh0st said:
93 huh. theres 120000 american troops in iraq currently. i wonder how many murders, and cases of abuse there are per year in a city of comparable size? probably significantly more. sorry you have such loathing for our imperial legions.

yes but the criminals dont hide under the mantle of the liberator do they? ..it is called operation FREEDOM right? or is that a misnomer? I seem to think so
mashed said:
I could be wrong here, but...

How is that such a sensational quote? There are limits on freedom... THEY'RE CALLED LAWS.

Did you even read my post? He was refering to limits to freedom of speech. Do you want to be sensored because you believe the current course of action your government is taking is wrong? I certainly want to be able to voice my opinion to show other people what they might not be seeing, not like half of you would actually see it because your so convinced your leaders are rightous. Of course they wont self-denounce that they ****ed up or are lying to the public, so you need people to speak up to denounce that.

If you take away the freedom of speech to do that, then they can easily abuse of their powers without anything stopping them unless they ultimately go to far.. and taking your freedom of speech would be going too far, or so I would imagine.
OrrA said:
Notice how i said SOME of you Americans? I've met many open-minded individuals over the internet who were Americans, and many would agree with me about Bush and all the propaganda. So many people are ignorant for the very reason that they get fed so much propaganda they start to really believe it.

And here we have it. Those of us American cowboys who agree with Bush are close-minded, simple fools. Thank you for finally saying what you and the other fellows on this forum really believe. Kinda sounds like your favorite Bush line "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists." Except, in this case, it's, "If you're not with us, you're a simpleton deluded by your fascist government's propaganda." Bravo, I say, bravo!

Hey CptStern, I see we're not bringing up the "war crimes tribunal" anymore. Learn our lesson about propaganda, did we?
Hapless said:
Thank you for finally saying what you and the other fellows on this forum really believe.

How about not taking one person's opinion and using it to judge everyone else? Thanks.
Right well, reading through the last couple of pages. Once again a political discussion has gone bad.

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