U.S. death toll in Iraq passes 1,000

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I really hope Bush pays for his mistakes....
Just remember how many deaths car crashes and drunk drivers cause.

So you care more about people in Iraq than people here?

That's interesting.

And btw, WW II costed 55.5 million people their lives.
I sometimes wonder if he even knows what he's doing. Or if he's just kind of being led to make these decisions. It's pretty obvious the poor kid isn't too bright.
Hazar Dakiri said:
So you care more about people in Iraq than people here?

That's interesting.

Did I say that? Drunk driving is a huge problem that I care very much about considering a good friend of mine was killed by one. I meant that car crash statistics really have no place in a thread meant to honor the sacrifice of our troops.
DarkStar said:
Did I say that? Drunk driving is a huge problem that I care very much about considering a good friend of mine was killed by one. I meant that car crash statistics really have no place in a thread meant to honor the sacrifice of our troops.
honoring.. :rolleyes:
Hazar Dakiri said:
And btw, WW II costed 55.5 million people their lives.

Again, irrelevant.

EDIT: By the way WW2 cost 55.5 million lives total. The American death toll was far less (300,000), though still tragically large.
gh0st said:
honoring.. :rolleyes:

I can honor the sacrifice and heroism of our troops even if I don't believe in the justness of Bush's war.
DarkStar said:
I can honor the sacrifice and heroism of our troops even if I don't believe in the justness of Bush's war.
heres a newsflash for you. is bush fighting the war? dont ****ing refer to it as "bush's war", its our soldiers and the iraqi peoples war. they are the ones that suffer because of our poorly led intelligence agencies mistakes.
dkelly said:
I sometimes wonder if he even knows what he's doing. Or if he's just kind of being led to make these decisions. It's pretty obvious the poor kid isn't too bright.

And you could do better kiddo? I doubt it.
The media only reports of the bad things that happen in Iraq. I've heard plenty of people that have relatives in Iraq say this.

The media does this just to make money. You would do the same if you were in their position.
gh0st said:
heres a newsflash for you. is bush fighting the war? dont ****ing refer to it as "bush's war", its our soldiers and the iraqi peoples war. they are the ones that suffer because of our poorly led intelligence agencies mistakes.

Bush chose to go to war. It's his war. It's the young men and women of this country that are paying the price. It's not their war, but they have to fight it. And they're doing a damn good job.
DarkStar said:
Bush chose to go to war. It's his war. It's the young men and women of this country that are paying the price. It's not their war, but they have to fight it. And they're doing a damn good job.
hahaha.. bush chose to go to war. god i thought we'd cleared all this up about in about 150 threads. bush didnt just wake up one day and say "lets invade iraq". he didnt CHOOSE to go to war either. after exthausting weapons inspecters and un paths he (under authorization of the senate) allowed the war to go on. see, america is what we like to call a "democracy". THAT means 1 person cant just choose to go to war. it takes something called a "legislative" branch to authorize the war.
gh0st said:
hahaha.. bush chose to go to war. god i thought we'd cleared all this up about in about 150 threads. bush didnt just wake up one day and say "lets invade iraq". he didnt CHOOSE to go to war either. after exthausting weapons inspecters and un paths he (under authorization of the senate) allowed the war to go on. see, america is what we like to call a "democracy". THAT means 1 person cant just choose to go to war. it takes something called a "legislative" branch to authorize the war.


Anyway, sucks about soldiers though.
Hazar Dakiri said:
honestly, you have no clue what's involved to make that statement.

Well, I'm only half-serious anyway.
And no, I really don't have a clue about it.
But considering the fact that he hasn't made a single good decision since he's been in the office I can't see how anyone would do any worse.
gh0st said:
hahaha.. bush chose to go to war. god i thought we'd cleared all this up about in about 150 threads. bush didnt just wake up one day and say "lets invade iraq". he didnt CHOOSE to go to war either. after exthausting weapons inspecters and un paths he (under authorization of the senate) allowed the war to go on. see, america is what we like to call a "democracy". THAT means 1 person cant just choose to go to war. it takes something called a "legislative" branch to authorize the war.

The Commander-in-Chief can send troops wherever the hell he wants. He needs absolutely ZERO congressional approval to do so. Yes, in this case he decided to go to war and sought legislative approval, which was the right thing to do. Bush would need legislative oversight if we were to DECLARE war. The last time congess voted to declare war was World War 2.

Bush sold this war to the American people on bad intelligence and rhetoric. Again, it's young Americans that go serve, fight, and tragically die. God bless them.
DarkStar said:
The Commander-in-Chief can send troops wherever the hell he wants. He needs absolutely ZERO congressional approval to do so. Yes, in this case he decided to go to war and sought legislative approval, which was the right thing to do. Bush would need legislative oversight if we were to DECLARE war. The last time congess voted to declare war was World War 2.

Bush sold this war to the American people on bad intelligence and rhetoric. Again, it's young Americans that go serve, fight, and tragically die. God bless them.
keep believing what you believe. really its a beautiful thing.
DarkStar said:
Yes, in this case he decided to go to war and sought legislative approval, which was the right thing to do.

Do you mean that it was right for him to seek legislative approval or that it was right for him to go to war?
dkelly said:
Do you mean that it was right for him to seek legislative approval or that it was right for him to go to war?

It was right for Bush to seek legislative approval.
[SARCASM]1000 american lives, That's the price of liberty[/SARCASM]

now let's try to calculate the price of capitalism.
gh0st said:
keep believing what you believe. really its a beautiful thing.

Um, I'm a bit confused. You think he started the war on good intelligence?
dkelly said:
Well, I'm only half-serious anyway.
And no, I really don't have a clue about it.
But considering the fact that he hasn't made a single good decision since he's been in the office I can't see how anyone would do any worse.

I think that's generalizing a bit. Besides, how would you know? you live in Canada.
Hazar Dakiri said:
I think that's generalizing a bit. Besides, how would you know? you live in Canada.
well, I mean, it's common knowledge bush F'ed up US economy, I think a social democrat party could do USA a lot of Good.
chimpmunk said:
well, I mean, it's common knowledge bush F'ed up US economy, I think a social democrat party could do USA a lot of Good.

lol! have you been paying attention to what is happening (especially with the interest rates and all)? the economy is growing stronger as we speak. It is very surprising too- because of a little thing called 911.

take a look at the canadian economy! man i'm glad i don't live there. (i'm a canadian BTW)
moz4rt said:
take a look at the canadian economy! man i'm glad i don't live there. (i'm a canadian BTW)
I'm not, but what did that mean, ok canadian economy is not that good, but it's not that bad either.
I've heard plenty of people that have relatives in Iraq say this.

The media does this just to make money.

Actually, there is such a thing as a "Liberal Media". :p

There reporting the deathtoll overexuberantly, because they feel it might convince people to pull out of Iraq. :p Okay, a little far-fetched, but hey, its the talk of the town now. :p
K e r b e r o s said:
Actually, there is such a thing as a "Liberal Media". :p

I disagree. Can you show evidence to support this view?
Sure, there are media outlets that are liberal... but the media as a whole leans to the right.
How come, now Iraq has been liberated by the brave American soldiers, they turn on their liberators?
(pun intended)
Someone in this thread said that the only thing the media reports are bad things...well 1st of all, try reporting good things about a war, unless when it ends ofcourse...
2nd, if you're talking about CNN or NBC, then I regret to inform that they dont even report half of the cruelty's going on in Iraq every day. And i'm talking about the cruelty's US soldiers are being put through, not vice versa...
Wait. Are you telling me that 1,000 soldiers have died? In a war? This is an outrage!! Soldiers are NOT supposed to die in a war. What is the world coming to when 1,000 soldiers die in a war. And that's another thing, how come this war is taking so long? We have been in this war for a year and a half, and NOTHING has been accomplished. Why, back in Vietnam, Korea, WW2, WW1, it only took....oh, wait a minute....never mind.....

Proud veteran of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. 1st Engineer Bn., 1st Infantry Div.
chimpmunk said:
well, I mean, it's common knowledge bush F'ed up US economy, I think a social democrat party could do USA a lot of Good.

Common knowledge? At best, it is the subject of intense debate. The economy was in the beginning stages of a downturn before Bush even took office. Bush took flak from the media for saying that during his campaign, but the signs were there. Then 9/11 happened. No economy can take a hit like that and not suffer ill effects. Common knowledge :rolleyes:
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