U.S. signaling end to rebuilding Iraq

Your entire post is intertwined with this straw man in which I accused you of thinking Bush was great, that I think he's Hitler, and a bunch of other unfounded assertions. So really, you're not in a position to comment on the quality of other's posts when you don't read what's in front of you.

You say it's good that they're free, but I think you should also be aware of the saying "out of the frying pan, into the fire". This freedom that you laud so much means nothing in the absence of an environment that fosters it. There's really not much more that can be said about that.

ADDED: Your analogy in which you can't hold the gun vendor accountable for a customer's use of it doesn't match up with reality. The US sold him the weapons, he used them, and then the US defended him.
Absinthe said:
Your entire post is intertwined with this straw man in which I accused you of thinking Bush was great, that I think he's Hitler, and a bunch of other unfounded assertions. So really, you're not in a position to comment on the quality of other's posts when you don't read what's in front of you.

You say it's good that they're free, but I think you should also be aware of the saying "out of the frying pan, into the fire". This freedom that you laud so much means nothing in the absence of an environment that fosters it. There's really not much more that can be said about that.

Your first paragraph is full if hipocricy.

Your second assumes that people are no better off free than under a genocidal dictator. Im not sure about you...but being killed by my governement for fun sure is no where near as good as being free.
Glirk Dient said:
Your second assumes that people are no better off free than under a genocidal dictator. Im not sure about you...but being killed by my governement for fun sure is no where near as good as being free.

It's easy for you to toot the freedom horn when you're not the one who needs to worry about an insurgency, being picked up and tortured without trial, and dealing with suicide bombings, gunfire, and the frightening prospect of a future civil war.

Freedom isn't that good to a dead man, nor a person who cannot fully exercise it. Don't get me wrong. I find freedom to be a very important concept and I support it. But to say "well, at least they're free" has to be the mother of all shortsights. Freedom in Iraq is something that should have been planted delicately and patiently, but was instead dumped onto it like a bucket of boiling water. Because of its clumsy handling, it's a doomed prospect. "Freedom" becomes a meaningless empty word.
Glirk Dient said:
No...I never said that is what Bush is doing. I could care less what he is doing these days...he went about Iraq all wrong. For a while before the war started I heard about all the atrocities Sadam commited on his own people and I believed he should be removed so those people can be free and no longer under oppresion of a genocidal dictator. Bush did that...but he went about it all wrong and made the war a lot worse than I could have imagined.

it makes no sense ..the US has continually propped up and helped murderous tyrants the world wide and now for some unknown reason they flip flop overnight and decide to help the people of iraq oust a tyrant of their own making? ..it literally was overnight ..the video of Colin Powell saying Saddam doesnt have wmd is from May 2001, 4 months before 9/11:

"Saddam Hussein had not been able to "build his military back up or to develop weapons of mass destruction" for "the last 10 years". America, he said, had been successful in keeping him "in a box"."

so saddam rebuilt his wmd in 4 months?
CptStern said:
you being american can you explain why? surely there must be some reason they cant see what everybody else has been saying for years ..it just baffles me to no end
I really wish I had an answer for you CptStern. Everybody in my circle of friends feels the same way I do about it and we discuss it often. It seems that anyone else who does support it buys into their lies while igrnoring the very obvious signs as to what is wrong with this whole situation. Its very frustrating to be here at this point in time feeling powerless to do something about it.
I am not even sure why you say we will have a thousand more 9/11s. If I recall corectly Clinton had 8 years of peace...no wars declared. Then BAM 9/11. What did peace buy us? Now that we are on our feet and fighting a war on terrorism it has stirred up the hornets nest but also crippled them and may one day finish them off for good. How far did peace get us?
This paragraph needs a rousing, patriotic soundtrack, with an American flag fluttering purposefully in the background.

it simply went like this, US has no problem.. evidence comes to light of the new bush administration's premptive plans to go into Iraq drawn up before 9/11.. those papers are released into the public domain 3 years afterwards.

9/11 happens, the most astonishingly impossibly retarded break down of security and the most heavily defended airspace in the USA.

Bush administration claims Osama bin laden to be the culprit , poor evidence is given including a suspiciously fake looking video.

Bush administration want to 'smoke him out' of afghanistan, troops are sent.

Bush administration then claims he is allies with saddam hussein,

US and coalition troops attack Iraq, US begins bombing... reports that civilian's are being killed by the bombs begin hitting the media.

Bush administration perpetuates that to this day.

Cheney gets billions of dollars in contract's for haliburton to rebuild parts of Iraq,

The way is clear for the construction of a 4 billion dollar pipeline from the caspean sea to the south coast, bush's father has share's in the company.

The US military steps up production, the corporate side of the military industrial complex have an orgasm.

economy is lifted slightly.

Look at what these people have gained, not just this idealisitic view of good vs bad, this isnt some kind of superhero movie.
See, now clarky you would have almost had a respectable point there, but you had to throw in an "Osama is fake" conspiracy theory that doesn't make sense.

Try not to do that as much, and you'll be on the road to success!
kaf11 said:
I really wish I had an answer for you CptStern. Everybody in my circle of friends feels the same way I do about it and we discuss it often. It seems that anyone else who does support it buys into their lies while igrnoring the very obvious signs as to what is wrong with this whole situation. Its very frustrating to be here at this point in time feeling powerless to do something about it.

well there's always the next election ..not that that would change all that much, maybe just delay the neo-cons plans of imperialism. I am encouraged by the fact that there's still many vocal groups in america voicing their opinion against the war ..albeit a minority
It would also help if the vocal minority wasn't full of so many undermining crackpots as well.

"Bush is a vessel host to the imperial Zyrmen species from the galaxy Beta-4, planted on Earth to exert their influence!"
ya and why are they so hateful ..some of them have this crazyed look in their eye as they're foaming at the mouth rabid screaming about something or other
CptStern said:
ya and why are they so hateful ..some of them have this crazyed look in their eye as they're foaming at the mouth rabid screaming about something or other
lol, shut up sterns! your thirty-five minutes are up. Just shut up! Alright cut his mic.:LOL:
All these people are like "Bush is soooooo bad. Bush is evil. Bush is stupid." But then they go and compare Bush to Hitler. That's just unfair.
Hitler wrote a book...


Anyway, the argument that we shouldn't be wasting our tax dollars on helping people in another country is moot- because we've already been wasting our tax dollars on killing people in another country. Now THAT we shouldn't have done, but at this point, the least we can do is make up for it.
Mechagodzilla said:
See, now clarky you would have almost had a respectable point there, but you had to throw in an "Osama is fake" conspiracy theory that doesn't make sense.

Try not to do that as much, and you'll be on the road to success!

shat ap with the patronising, I said it looks suspiciously fake, i didnt say it was, even the media questioned the quality and how genuine it was, but thats besides the point, the brief timeline is correct.