Ugly water in HL2?


Aug 30, 2004
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When I loaded up the latest custom map for CS:S, I noticed it had arse-ugly water.

Will the same water texture be in HL2?

At first I was like, "nah, they're two different games, I mean, just because splintering wood isn't in CS:S doesn't mean it won't be in HL2..." But then I realized, nice looking water had already been shown in CS:S, in the aztec map video.

So, if there are any CS:S mappers out there, why the ugly water texture? Is it the official texture for HL2 water?
Yea, if you look at it from the videos it is, but I just hope it wasn't downgraded because of framrates or something...
I am a huge fan of water graphics in games. HL2 is the god of water graphics. If you were here in person, I'd slap you for saying that.

edit - I just noticed he's playing custom source maps and asking about the water being bad.....****in priceless. :rolling:

Uh, guys, what are you talking about? The water just looks god dang ugly...
guinny said:

Dude, what is your problem? You got a lot of anger to work out bud...
Wow....are you people nuts? Half-Life 2 has the best water of any game out there not only from a aesthetic viewpoint, but from a technical viewpoint as well.

So, if there are any CS:S mappers out there, why the ugly water texture? Is it the official texture for HL2 water?

There won't be any CS:S mappers out here because they tools for building levels in Half-Life 2 and CS:S are not out yet. If you're playing custom maps already (unless you're talking about the modified Hardware or Audio test maps), you're playing maps created with tools that came along with the leak. These tools are a year old, were never meant for public use, and are only capable of creating very primitive, very ugly, maps, which would explain why you think Half-Life 2 has ugly water. Also, Half-Life 2 does not use textures for water, it uses shaders which provide reflection and refraction while incorporating the Fresnel effect (which allows proper blending between the two based on the viewing point). The only texture used is a normal map, and it's only used to distort the surface of water. The water is really defined by it's environment. If you have a pool in an ugly, primitive room with poorly applied textures, it only has that to work with for reflection and refraction effects, so the water only looks as ugly as the room.
Ol' guinny is angry because you're to blind to see that Half-Life 2's water is the greatest. Have you bought Half-Life 2? Oh wait, that's right! It's not out yet! Hold your bitching until it actually comes out, okay?
And due to Half-Life 2's environment, the water will actually reflect a lot of things to create realism and ambience and you'll see a lot of ugly monsters being reflected.
I think the water looks very nice, and people should stop whining about a game that hasn't been released yet.
HL2 is water is nice, but I prefer Far Cry's water. Maybe not as fancy from a technical viewpont (I don't know) but just an "art direction" viewpoint if you will.
My system will explode if I set the water detail to Far Cry to high, so I set it to low, and that's also how I use 1600x1200 resolution!
What does water really look like in FarCry at the highest detail setting?
omfj!!! t3h wat3r in haf lief too is t3h br0akan, b0yc0t!!111

What with all these "HL2 water/shadows/textures/models suck" posts? Judge the game once it's out.
qckbeam said:
These tools are a year old, were never meant for public use, and are only capable of creating very primitive, very ugly, maps,

untrue, the tools are perfectly capable of creating wonderful maps (with hl2's trademark water), in most cases it's the designer of the map who is incapable.
Tredoslop, it's not that. It's that he thinks the waters ugly for hl2. You can clearly see in vids the water does not suck. He's referring to the several pathetic attempts of custom mapping some idiots have done, where the water looks like garbage.
the only reason farcry's water looks so good is because its blueish and the tropical setting goes well with it. i like hl2s actual water surface much better.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
What with all these "HL2 water/shadows/textures/models suck" posts? Judge the game once it's out.

You heard the man, no more talking about HL2 until it's out. Close the forums down.
Water effects, especially water effects, are really hard to judge from screenshots, since you need to see it in motion and the reflections on it in motion, to see how well done it is.
the water effects in hl2 are not comparable to any other games water effects, my friends this game will BLOW US AWAY. They are taking the time and effort in the little things that matter to make this game more realistic. Every hour that goes by the game gets that much better.Just be patiant.
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
the water effects in hl2 are not comparable to any other games water effects, my friends this game will BLOW US AWAY. They are taking the time and effort in the little things that matter to make this game more realistic. Every hour that goes by the game gets that much better.Just be patiant.

this coming from the guy who's first post was telling the community how bad hl2 looks. :cheers:
the custom map's water is made by the hammer from the hl2 beta, which was leaked a YEAR ago, its a year old hammer, and the mappers just suck at it, so ur stupid
stop complaining about css water! because....

they are using a YEAR old leaked hammer, its out dated by a YEAR! oh and did u mention that its a year old? and these mappers suck, stop complaining about waters on custom maps, stop1!!!!
This really belongs under the thread you're complaining about, not its own. [if it has a place at all]
umm, i dont know what to say? *goes and gets flame suite on*
ktimekiller said:
they are using a YEAR old leaked hammer, its out dated by a YEAR! oh and did u mention that its a year old? and these mappers suck, stop complaining about waters on custom maps, stop1!!!!

What do I have to do in order to play CS-S? What is the point of this whole thread? :|
iamaelephant said:
You heard the man, no more talking about HL2 until it's out. Close the forums down.

I don't get it. He said he hates all the threads on eg "why do the shadows suck?" etc...I agree with him, they're pointless.
The water in HL2 doesnt seem to actually ripple in response to an objects impact. It just creates a splash sprite and a ripple sprite. I remember seeing a video of CG game water where coins were flipped into water and the actual surface rippled slightly.
hi, i beleive the water in the stolen beta, was erm.. sort of... not there, they might have tried to improvise -_-
When I loaded up the latest custom map for CS:S, I noticed it had arse-ugly water.

Will the same water texture be in HL2?

At first I was like, "nah, they're two different games, I mean, just because splintering wood isn't in CS:S doesn't mean it won't be in HL2..." But then I realized, nice looking water had already been shown in CS:S, in the aztec map video.

So, if there are any CS:S mappers out there, why the ugly water texture? Is it the official texture for HL2 water?

I find it amusing how the people who downloaded material used from a VERY unfinished stolen build of the game, make assumptions that that is what will be in the final product. Yet you would figure that these people who see these things would realize that it is in fact, a crappy map made by a unfinished game and editor, and a bad mapper... but yet the assumption is made that the water looks ugly in hl2? Denying all reason from videos and screenshots of the actual water in the game. Are people really that ignorant and thoughtless? And then we all get to bask in the glory of it all but a brand new thread started about it. never ceases to amaze me it really doesn't

You best sum it up in your wonderfully contributing posts:
The examples that were used to show how "Good" the water was, is infact pictures from the stolen build. Back track in the URL and you will find that it is in the 'Non-Spoiler leaked build pictures' or somthing to that extent. Soooooooo yea, i wouldnt think that it is a good example.
Nice one buddy, you're saying a map compiled using a map editor for a pre-alpha HL2 , using pre-alpha shaders and shit, looks crap

Sparta said:
Nice one buddy, you're saying a map compiled using a map editor for a pre-alpha HL2 , using pre-alpha shaders and shit, looks crap


the water shader hasn't changed.
Holy SS BONGO!! I think the water looks ****ing incredible!!!

'nuff said
the water looks ok.. But why does it ripple all the time??
(in the videos).. that i dont like