uh oh in the sewer/flying buzzsaw scene.


Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
when you FIRST see the flying buzzsaws, the first one cuts down a plank of wood leaning against the wall. the saw hits the upper part of the plank, yet it breaks in the middle. i know we talked about the whole breakpoint jazz. hell it could be "mess-up" between demo and movie. i dont know but it def. didnt break where the saw buzzed through. maybe it only applies to gun impacts.
i think the'll fix it :)

was just a beta don't draw youre lines yet. They ofcourse know that this was happening, dont worry, the'll fix it.
well it also hits the wooden shelf and doesn't cut the shelf, it just knocks one or two of the pieces of shelving off, whats your point?

changed does to doesn't, im so sleepy.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
well it also hits the wooden shelf and does cut the shelf, it just knocks one or two of the pieces of shelving off, whats your point?
maybe it stopped before it hit the back of the shelf...my point is:

"the saw hits the upper part of the plank, yet it breaks in the middle. "
One break point is better than none, keep yer pants on.
Originally posted by Peks
maybe it stopped before it hit the back of the shelf...my point is:

"the saw hits the upper part of the plank, yet it breaks in the middle. "

ok, but "maybe it only applies to gun impacts" ??? i dont get it.....
Originally posted by Xtasy0
ok, but "maybe it only applies to gun impacts" ??? i dont get it.....

yea, maybe the breakpoints in certain areas are only applicaple when bullets from your gun hit, not flying buzzsaws.
Originally posted by Peks
yea, maybe the breakpoints in certain areas are only applicaple when bullets from your gun hit, not flying buzzsaws.

you seem to contradict yourself, the whole gun impact fiasco was because wood has preset breakpoints, and doesnt break anywhere you shoot it, not unlike a buzzsaw hitting the top of the wood and it breaking in the middle...so uhm, the buzzsaw and the gun have....done the same thing, so i still dont understand what only applies to gun shots, oi im too tired to read forums.
applying pressure to an object, wooden in this case, could cause a break in a different area then the exact spot hit, had that area been previously dented/cracked, or suffered from some other form of irregularity...easily done, especially through such a materials as wood.

yes..yes.. i doubt they went in to that much depth about it, but its something to nice to pretend, eh?
They are speaking not about the e3 movie.
There were another 8 small movies.
it was left out of the gamespy/fileplanet footage. gamespot however did have it, and it was part of the E3 footage, because it was shown at E3, but the color is wonky on all the gamespot videos, which sucks, and thats also the part with the hydra, which isnt in the gamespy movie.
i was missing out

edit: oh i saw that one.. duh.. just forgot.
Hm after viewing that movie for like the 50'th time I finally noticed something. With quicktime play frame by frame using arrow keys at the parts where the flying buzsaw hits the box and wooden door? IT is quite dissapointing, let me explain.

The box explodes the exact same way it did in HL1 :dozey: When the buzsaw contacts the wooden box and wooden door they both don't break apart like the wooden boards but instead seem to use the HL1 basics of just implementing a second model state, bouncing wood peices, blata blada ,but they don't break apart the same as the planks do...
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
Hm after viewing that movie for like the 50'th time I finally noticed something. With quicktime play frame by frame using arrow keys at the parts where the flying buzsaw hits the box and wooden door? IT is quite dissapointing, let me explain.

The box explodes the exact same way it did in HL1 :dozey: When the buzsaw contacts the wooden box and wooden door they both don't break apart like the wooden boards but instead seem to use the HL1 basics of just implementing a second model state, bouncing wood peices, blata blada ,but they don't break apart the same as the planks do...

I've been making a few posts about this, with the physics of wooden structures like tables and stuff, and if they are really realistically breakable or just scripted, or a mix of both.....but then everyone gets mad and tells me "of course you can destroy the simpler wooden-objects anyway you want, thats already been answered lots of times so dont ask it again".

I've never heard or seen that you could shoot a leg of a table at any point you wish...and as you say, some parts of the movies just makes me wonder......but I still hope the physics will be very realistic in the damage-model also.....not just the bouncing of barrels and stuff floating in water (even though that also is cool)

I also send a mail to Gabe with this question, of how realistic wooden-objects break apart....and another guy here also repeated my mail to him, but none of us got any answer....

Edit: some bad spelling fixed :)



Seriously get a ****ing grip guys
Seriously, I'm sure loads of people have noticed some small problems with the demo vids but they don't show the finished product so would people please STOP shooting this game down and getting all dejected about stuff that doesn't really matter that much before it arrives on the shelves!! AAARRRRR!!!
Guyz thats prolly gonna get fixed in the final retail product, so is the blood splat sprites that were used also from Half Life 1.

Give it time.

Also on the point of the breaking chair off a table. I think they hava about 3-4 variations of a table, if they didnt think of this yet I suspet it must be easy to go and put in 2 break points per leg of table, and it updates automatically in the game.

So every table will have breaking legs now!
Has anyone said the game will suck if the physics are not as good as some of us hope they will be???
I for sure have not said that....but if everything breaks apart really realistic, then the game will feel more realistic and be more fun to play.

Its for sure a more relevant question than most of the stuff you whine about everyday in the forum. If you guys dont care then why do you read this???

Of course everyone has different questions and are curious about different aspects of the game, or just the engine and the gaming future!!!
I like the old blood splat sprites. They make me sigh with visceral nostalgia <sighs> But I suppose they won't use them. Oh well. Splat splat zombie splat. <sighs>
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
Hm after viewing that movie for like the 50'th time I finally noticed something. With quicktime play frame by frame using arrow keys at the parts where the flying buzsaw hits the box and wooden door? IT is quite dissapointing, let me explain.

The box explodes the exact same way it did in HL1 :dozey: When the buzsaw contacts the wooden box and wooden door they both don't break apart like the wooden boards but instead seem to use the HL1 basics of just implementing a second model state, bouncing wood peices, blata blada ,but they don't break apart the same as the planks do...

well email gabe :)
Originally posted by sharp
well email gabe :)

As I said above it seems to be somewhat secret for some reason....theres already been two mails about the breaking apart of wooden structures and they dont want us to know about it it seems.
Although some people say that we all already know exactly how it will work and that is the reason they dont reply :rolleyes:
They've been working 5 years on this. I don't think we will be dissapointed because it will be better than any game on the marked today.
Originally posted by BWMASTER
They've been working 5 years on this. I don't think we will be dissapointed because it will be better than any game on the marked today.

Well, if the movies we get to see somewhat fool people that some things is possible in the game, while they are not for real, then a few might get a little dissapointed.

I will be if I cant shoot legs of tables at any point I wish....or shoot large chunks of wood out of a door and so on....I expect it to be that good physics after seeing the movies.
But I really doubdt it will be that cool, and I know I'll be dissapointed if its not, how stupid it even may seem for some others in here. Maybe not so much for this particular game, but its fun when the game-possibilities evolve, and it sure will be a huge step whenever that realism is possible for real, and not scripted :)
Nah, I dont think they are messing with us. 5 years is a large time period and I beleive they acheived what they said they did. Wood breaks realisticly, most realistic charachters yet, nice ragdoll effects, physics engine...etc.

In the meantime, go get my Dynamic HL2 Countdown Wallpaper from my website and see time fly by until the release of HL2. (then it will fly by some more, lol)

Actually, if you look closely, the flying buzz saw pushes down on the top of the plank, making it break in the middle...and then the reamins of the plank stay around after .

I don't see the problem there.
If you go over it in slow motion, the breaking of the box is exactly like in HL2. I bet it will be fixed by the time it gets released. What do you think they are still working on?
I never said I was critisizing HL2 physics. I was simply making an annalasis. I am actually the one who's all about enjoying the game rather than nit picking perfect wood physics, ext... I just didn't like (dissapointed) the way the box and cabinet broke apart ala HL1 style where even the splintered wood peices do not represent the shape of the model, I never intended to sound like I am letting this get my hopes down about the HL2 physics. The movies do not lie.

BWMaster,you are prob onto something. In HL1 I beleive boxes all had teh same particle animation when broke. In HL2 however maybe they made many alternate breaking animations, aka some times the wood flies in this direction ext...

Pst you wont see me on the #steam-hangout channel BTw as I was banned for changing my nickname to Gabe. :dozey:

Every one is a bit dissapointed if thats what the final product will look like, but it wont so we have nothing to worry about.
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
In HL2 however maybe they made many alternate breaking animations, aka some times the wood flies in this direction ext...

Well I'm afraid thats how it is....even though some people in here are so sure it all will be true physics, I really think that calculating how every wooden-object would react and fall apart only according to physics and nothing scripted.....it just feels as it belongs a few years into the future, or at least would take much much CPU-power, but I dont know.

We can always hope though :)
But to state that we already know that all wooden objects will really break apart as real as individual planks do, showed in the movie....well I dont know where "Apos" did get that information but thats his opinion, and I'm stupid not to believe it :rolleyes:

Just check the old thread, two mails send in it no answer....and lots of off-topic in the middle of it.

http://www.halflife2.net/forums/sho...perpage=15&highlight=table chair&pagenumber=1
....You know we've seen these movies so many times I think we've forgotten what we used to see when we watched these videos for our first time....

we? what am i talking about.. i think its just you... :p
With so many people complaining about wood I would think the the forum has been overrun by a bunch of carpenters or something.

Yeah the plank breaking is kind of weird. I'm not sure how it would break in real life. The top part certainly wouldn't have broken off. I suppose it would have just fell without breaking at all.

As far as the boxes are concerned? Of course it's like in HL1. In this case it worked quite well, althout I probably wouldn't wanna see the same effect if I hit it with a crowbar a couple of times.

On a positive note, take a look at the shelves. The buzzaw hits the bottom shelf making it fly up and hit the top shelf, which in turn causes some boxes to fall. Now thats cool. :)
First of all if you shoot a peice of wood of that thickness in real-life with an USP pistol it wouldnt splinter like that. There would be a hole through it.

And second, the demo we saw is 1 year old or so. They could of done alot in 1 year.
We shouldn't need to go over this a million times, or claim that Valve is avoiding the question. They've already answered the question rather openly several times: you just didn't spend any time searching for the answer before deciding they were hiding it from you. Remember that you are not a savvy investigative journalist chasing down a troubling story and being dodged by crafty Valve employees. You are a fan sending in one of a huge torrent of emails, and in your case asking a question that they've already answered several times over.

As Gabe says, in the info thread, how wood breaks is entirely up to map maker. Something can break as an entire object, or be put together out of little breakable objects, each of which can itself be made up of separate objects that can break apart. It can remain, or it can be replaced with standard wood debris. It's up to the map maker, and is a decision based on game design and poly count rather than engine tech. That's exactly what the tech demo is intended to show: what the engine can do.

No, you can't infinately break objects into smaller and smaller pieces at any point you want. Their physics system is based on rigid bodies.
Originally posted by Apos
We shouldn't need to go over this a million times, or claim that Valve is avoiding the question. They've already answered the question rather openly several times: you just didn't spend any time searching for the answer before deciding they were hiding it from you.

As Gabe says, in the info thread, how wood breaks is entirely up to map maker. Something can break as an entire object, or be put together out of little breakable objects. It can remain, or it can be replaced with standard wood debris. It's up to the map maker, and is a decision based on game design and poly count rather than engine tech.

No, you can't infinately break objects into smaller and smaller pieces at any point you want. Their physics system is based on rigid bodies.

I haven't seen that information as clearly as you put it in here...
And even if what you say are entirely true, it might be that it is only possible in theory...it works for only the smallest simple objects like a table maybe, and if you want more complex objects or maybe just more of them you might need a 5GHz or something.
Just cause it is possible for the map-maker to do what he wants doesn't mean it will be playable on todays or tomorrows systems.

And to me it sounds like very very demanding if all tables/chairs/doors and so on are going to be totally destructible, according to the laws of physics, and not scripted at all.

Just think about it, it sounds like the future.....doesn't it?

So I dont think us discussing this is stupid in any way, though I wont bitch about it any more cause we wont get a better answer in here thats obvious....and worst case is to wait a few months till the game is out and thats not the end of the world I guess :D
Im giving the same answer ive given to all of the other theads about bugs found in the demos.

They will probably have the problem fixed for the final release, plain and simple.