uhhh, its not THAT great-

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Hmm. I play lots of games too, and I happen to greatly anticipate HL2. I think it looks like an extraordinary game.

And since I don't add off-base personal accusations to the ends of my posts, :rolleyes: I'll assume I'm more correct than nealm is.
nealm said:

This is a truly a group of very thin- skinned individuals who simply cant stand, and will not stand, for any outsider to come in and critique their "sacred cow" of a game. I guess all games and clubs have their cult following of fanatical fans, and thats fine, but id say most of you take it way too far and have been giving reviews of the recent media in a way that makes you look a bit brainwashed, and i was FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I WAS READING REVIEWS OF A GAME THAT IS FIVE YEARS FROM THE FUTURE.

They said it was going to "knock your socks off". But it dosent do that by a long shot!! IT just looks - average-

Anyone? Flamers?

Considering the frequency you are using caps and complaining one would think that you are the person that needs to get laid...... Just my opinion.
Guys cool down. He only laughs about how we gonna flame him down.
Just ignore him. Or, ...hmmm, kill him...
Nuff said with attachments.


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"I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car!"

Irony at its finest
nealm said:

This is a truly a group of very thin- skinned individuals who simply cant stand, and will not stand, for any outsider to come in and critique their "sacred cow" of a game. I guess all games and clubs have their cult following of fanatical fans, and thats fine, but id say most of you take it way too far and have been giving reviews of the recent media in a way that makes you look a bit brainwashed, and i was FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I WAS READING REVIEWS OF A GAME THAT IS FIVE YEARS FROM THE FUTURE.

They said it was going to "knock your socks off". But it dosent do that by a long shot!! IT just looks - average-

Anyone? Flamers?

Well, what would you expect? If i'd come to one of the forums you visited about your precious flight sims and started bashing them, wouldn't you get just... a little bit upset?
Nealm. Why are you even posting this? You're just a moronic troll. Why come to a HL2 fan site, and start pretending that the videos didn't wow you.

Maybe if you get those two brain cells working in tandem, you'll be able have thoughts complex enough to actually understand that being "different" by pretending a computer game that everyone is going to love is "mediocre does not make you "cool".

Lastly, why should we value your opinion over industry experts who are floored by the game and were present at the demo? That's right, we shouldn't. We should let you crawl back under the rock you came from, or at least seek the medical help you require in order to inhibit your perverse desire to provoke people to hate you.

Are you getting off on this?
ferd said:
stop making an ass out of yourself, looking at your sig you dont know shit about games in general

the story...djeez

I don't understand why you saying that ? :dozey:
you know what, its really impossible to say how it will be, or exactly how Doom 3 or stalker will be -


STALKER and D3 dont receive even a FRACTION of the hype and drool that this game does. And both of the media vids and pics of those two games easily rival this one.
Yeah, and this is a HL2 fansite mate, c'mon, those two braincells I was telling you about, you need to start utilising the other one.
nealm said:
you know what, its really impossible to say how it will be, or exactly how Doom 3 or stalker will be -


STALKER and D3 dont receive even a FRACTION of the hype and drool that this game does. And both of the media vids and pics of those two games easily rival this one.

Since when do graphics make the game?

I have to agree that Doom3 looks a bit better then Half-Life 2 but then again it's graphics are of another style, and the engine doesn't support large outdoor areas like hl2 does. Also, I am in favor of you leaving.
nealm said:

This is a truly a group of very thin- skinned individuals who simply cant stand, and will not stand, for any outsider to come in and critique their "sacred cow" of a game. I guess all games and clubs have their cult following of fanatical fans, and thats fine, but id say most of you take it way too far and have been giving reviews of the recent media in a way that makes you look a bit brainwashed, and i was FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I WAS READING REVIEWS OF A GAME THAT IS FIVE YEARS FROM THE FUTURE.

They said it was going to "knock your socks off". But it dosent do that by a long shot!! IT just looks - average-

Anyone? Flamers?
You seem to miss our point.

It's all down to personal preference.

I like coffee and don't drink tea.
My mother likes tea and she doesn't drink coffee.
My dad likes to drink both.
You might not like either.

Which ever one of those categories you fall under, I'm not going to go to you and absolutely slate you on your choice of drinks.

Which in a way is what you're doing. We do like the same games you like, but we think there's something good in HL2. You obviously don't like HL2 - first of all - we don't care if you like it or not. Second of all we're going to like it whether you like it or not. And thirdly we'd love to hear constructive criticism about the game but we really don't appreciate the way you referred to us in your first post.

If this carries on, and that goes the same to everybody else in this hostile, unconstructive manor then this thread is being closed.

To be "average", there has to be "better" and there has to be "worse", otherwise there wouldn't be an average. Now while I can appreciate that there are worse games out there, from what I've seen so far I can't remember having seen anything, in the same genre or otherwise, that's better. Therefore, by simple logic (and of course in my opinion) this game has to appear to be "above average" at the very least. I happen to think this game is / will be ground-breaking - not only graphically but emotionally and in terms of storyline - but that's just my opinion. I think this game will be an experience, more akin to taking part in a movie than merely playing a game.

And that really, really makes you mad? Is that why you'd spend a wasted life in the nonsensical profession of coming to a fan messageboard to complain that something sucks to fans? I mean, what's the point? Do you often go to Star Trek conventions to tell the fans what nerds they all are and how Star Trek sucks? I mean, as goofy as Star Trek fans are, that's even more pathetic than they could ever be.

this guy wins the flame award post

"Nealm. Why are you even posting this? You're just a moronic troll. Why come to a HL2 fan site, and start pretending that the videos didn't wow you.

Maybe if you get those two brain cells working in tandem, you'll be able have thoughts complex enough to actually understand that being "different" by pretending a computer game that everyone is going to love is "mediocre does not make you "cool".

Lastly, why should we value your opinion over industry experts who are floored by the game and were present at the demo? That's right, we shouldn't. We should let you crawl back under the rock you came from, or at least seek the medical help you require in order to inhibit your perverse desire to provoke people to hate you. "

c'mon, the rest of you arent even trying. At least put detail and thought into your insults like this dude did.

anyway, back to the discussion of this fantastic game. If you people in here have nothing better to do than have a drooling orgy of praise over this game, then at least you can tell me whats so great about it? I dont see near this much attention and praise over D3 and STALKER, and the screenshots from those games kicks HL2 ass-
nealm, first off, your wrong. The game is going to be very very good. These forums are for people who like Hl2 and want to talk about the game. Im pretty sure you signed on because you just want tostate your obviosly wrong opinion, but if its not in HL2's favor you know that you are going to get flamed. If you want to talk about how much HL2 sucks then go to the Call Of Duty forums and talk about how good their sounds are. "I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE" At least you were right on one thing, I am 15, but who cares?!??! you obviously are not getting laid, driving, or getting drunk right now. FACE IT, you are just like every one of us, sitting on the computer looking at all the cool E3 stuff. Have fun at the Call Of Duty forums!!!!!!!
The game looks fantastic, particularly the apartment scene, which in my opinion is one of the best looking scenes in a game I've ever seen. However, the topic creator is right about people taking things way too far. Although it's sort of expected when it's a fansite for a particular game that there's gonna be those extreme fans.

Regardless, I'd just like to say that Half-Life 2 WILL have the best opening segment in a game ever.
There is always someone who wants to ruin the greatness feeling of others. Why can't people think twice before posting this kind of things. Just to see the thread title saying "Uhh it's not that good" makes you feel like shit. Why can't you just let other people have their kicks, and go with the flow. Or be quiet.
nealm said:
you know what, its really impossible to say how it will be, or exactly how Doom 3 or stalker will be -


STALKER and D3 dont receive even a FRACTION of the hype and drool that this game does. And both of the media vids and pics of those two games easily rival this one.

1)Technically if those games receive ANY hype they do receive a fraction of the hype that HL2 does

2)DOOM 3 Gets a lot of hype some may even say the same or more that HL2 does or did you miss the annoucment of a DOOM 3 summer release being a big news event yesterdsay??
nealm said:
you know what, its really impossible to say how it will be, or exactly how Doom 3 or stalker will be -


STALKER and D3 dont receive even a FRACTION of the hype and drool that this game does. And both of the media vids and pics of those two games easily rival this one.
Perhaps the fact that they don't receive a fraction of the hype is an indication of something?
nealm said:
this is exacly what im talking about. about half of all the responses sounded like they came from junior high schoolers.

what did you expect? you deserve what you get...who is dumb enough to critize a game and it's fans on a website that's based on the game in question?

that's like going to a biker convention and shouting..."hey pansies!, you guys arent that tough"
nealm said:
STALKER and D3 dont receive even a FRACTION of the hype and drool that this game does. And both of the media vids and pics of those two games easily rival this one.

I actually completely agree with this statement. But Nealm, dear dear Nealm, how does that detract from HL2? All three game look awesome and all three are going to be the shit.
Seppo, come on dude. That's the whole point, it's ridiculous to care so much what others think about a videogame. I don't care if someone says to me "You know what Half-Life 2 looks like crap now, I simply don't care about it anymore." That's them. Let them think that. It doesn't particularly concern me very much. You just proved his point though, to be brought down because you see an opinion of the game that threatens to be different than yours is being extremely sensitive. Why should that bother someone?
nealm said:
anyway, back to the discussion of this fantastic game. If you people in here have nothing better to do than have a drooling orgy of praise over this game, then at least you can tell me whats so great about it?

It's funny that you mention having nothing better to do, so do please tell me what the hell you're doing on a HL2 website if you don't even like the game?
Don't YOU have something better to do, like wanking off to your sister in the shower, or like you call it "getting laid"?

You sir, are an idiot.
umm....... how about the plot, at least what we have of it so far, the graphics, the gameplay, the sounds, the lip syncing, the weapons, the physics, the levels, the mood, etc.
For one thing, even this high res version is shaky cam, so it isnt looking as well as it will if BINK versions are released, or as good as it will look on our actual computers. So you can't judge solely by this video. And yeah, the body that went flying a huge distance, it would be more realistic if it blew to pieces, but it is just a game, and I thought it funny as hell.

BTW, I'm 26, 7 years past drinking age where I am. I have had 3 cars. But you are right, I do need to get laid, it's been a while. Of course, the last time was a threesome, so thats pretty good to hold me for a while.

Also, can you recommend any good flight sims? I used to enjoy them in my youth.
You seem to be blaming us for not Hyping up D3 and STALKER. How is that our fault? Hyping the game is the responsibility of the company who is creating it. Not ours.
wayne white said:
if i want a realistic game ill play rainbow six or something.

Don't do that. At least not RvS. I've been playing it since the demo..havn't in the past couple of months. Dreaming of HL2 has kept me away..not to mention the sucky net code and constant lag.
ok you all win - =)

this game is going fo fcuking rule (i hope), and im going to stand in line just like every other tom and dick on this message board, and shell out my 60 bucks for the game, christ knows how much for the latest fancy schmancy video card thats out at the time- (just like everyone did last year when they promised it would be out)

Tell you what flamers, listen-

If this game rules, ill come back here and put my head betweeen each andevery persons buttcheeks and kiss up and personal apologize for criticizing your hallowed game and ill personally apologize-

but until then, the videos make it look like - every other first person shooter thats on the market. the end.
Explosions cause force, shrapnel causes lacerations... A rocket could quite easily blow someone that distance, and for one I dont even think it hits him, it hits the side of the crane.


You're a troll. You came here with the express intention of stirring up a flamewar like this. You didn't just casually download the video and happen to register here. You've got at least one other account already. I applaud your dedication, but really - don't you have anything better to do?

Well, you do now....
I'm gonna go off on a limb here and say this:

You can't judge a game before it is released by screenshots and videos, because what if it turns out to be a really boring and redundant game. Yeah, I admit that I can't wait for the game to be released, whenever that is. But look what happened to Enter the Matrix, True Crime: The Streets of LA, and Hitman: Contracts...they all, for the most part, sucked! There is so much hype over this game, it's unbelievable...but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be a superb game.

Lastly, I hope that nealm will be proved wrong by Valve, and Half Life 2 will turn out to be what everyone had imagined...and more.
nealm said:
ok you all win - =)

this game is going fo fcuking rule (i hope), and im going to stand in line just like every other tom and dick on this message board, and shell out my 60 bucks for the game, christ knows how much for the latest fancy schmancy video card thats out at the time- (just like everyone did last year when they promised it would be out)

Tell you what flamers, listen-

If this game rules, ill come back here and put my head betweeen each andevery persons buttcheeks and personal apologize for criticizing your game and ill personally apologize-

but until then, the videos make it look like - every other first person shooter thats on the market. the end.

You do know that this will come back and kill you, won't ya?
nealm said:

This is a truly a group of very thin- skinned individuals who simply cant stand, and will not stand, for any outsider to come in and critique their "sacred cow" of a game. I guess all games and clubs have their cult following of fanatical fans, and thats fine, but id say most of you take it way too far and have been giving reviews of the recent media in a way that makes you look a bit brainwashed, and i was FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I WAS READING REVIEWS OF A GAME THAT IS FIVE YEARS FROM THE FUTURE.

They said it was going to "knock your socks off". But it dosent do that by a long shot!! IT just looks - average-

Anyone? Flamers?

You say that like you are the god of gaming or something... Quite honestly I dont give a shit what you have to say, but don't come into OUR forums and state bullshit like this. And wtf are you talking about with the realistic stuff? All games are friggin trying to be realistic, unless you just came out of a timemachine, then this is currently the best on the planet graphics-wise.
If this game rules, ill come back here and put my head betweeen each andevery persons buttcheeks and personal apologize for criticizing your game and ill personally apologize-

Nice. very clever. By who's definition is this? What defines if it "rules"? The majority vote? Sales figures? Or your personal preference. Begone, troll.
if this game sux so much, why didnt you post this when the first videos came out???? ....................dumbass

better people than you have tried to slander this game, and they all failed.

If you like Doom3 and Stalker then no1 is stopping you from going to their web sites and talking about those games.

I personaly think D3 is a joke Plastic zombies and flying skulls on mars in hell..... :rolleyes:

but you dont see me going to a D3 site and asking those people to tell me why i should like the game.

your 15 right?
This stuff happens because the trolls want attention. In future IMO, threads like this - which are blatantly attention-seeking - should be hidden on sight and the author invited to make another decent attempt at a discussion. It would be nice, even if it doesn't happen. ;)
nealm said:
If this game rules, ill come back here and put my head betweeen each andevery persons buttcheeks and kiss up and personal apologize for criticizing your hallowed game and ill personally apologize-
Quite frankly, I'll be too busy with the game to care about what you will write. Save your time.
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