uhhh, its not THAT great-

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I have been reading alot of the hype on this site for a days about this new game, and decided to try the new monster sized 650 meg full demo movie. I cant believe how you people are absolutely tripping over yourself to praise such a medicore game - its not THAT great-

I realize and admit that it does look a lot more realistic than the first one, but im sorry to say, the physics and character animation just arent quite cutting it. In other words - yes, it "sort of" looks real, but just how the disney land animatronic characters "sort of " look real. They look fake, and plastic, and move jerkily and unnatural. Sure it looks better than the first one, but, I think their effort falls FAR SHORT of the praise that it recieves on this site.

The textures look really good, th ebuilding textures and water. The sound effects, paticularly in this video absolutely SUCKED. Some were so bad that I laughed out loud at it, like that metal ball thing that keeps coming at you, sorry it is just corny- and lame. If i had to see too many of those, and keep hearing their cute chirpy pin-ball machine noises, i would just turn the game off. The sounds absolutely blow, they dont even hold a candle to the Call of duty sounds-

The buildings and maps look pretty good - but ... once again, we run into the same problem with the fakeness issue. They are trying so hard to push it closer and closer to reality, that any shortcomings become glaringly obvious and completely ruin the illusion. Some of the things that really kill it are when objects dont shadow consistantly, or shadow the wrong way, or when - (and i have to be honest, this made me laugh) when you shoot a missile at a guy in the tower, and his intact body flies 500 YARDS AWAY!!!??? I know that I need to just stop myself and say, wait - its just a game, but the amount of praise and hype that this game has received on here is SO COMPLETELY OVERBLOWN!!

I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE
Ide like to say one thing to u...

....Prepare to be FLAMED BY HL2 FAN BOYS!!
Put on your flame suit.

Look at what the mod community has done with Half-Life and I can't even think of what the HL2 mod community will be able to pull off with the Source engine.
Don't feed the troll he is a headcrap with one post...... or a Masocist or both.

Go back to the Doom3 boards fool.
Hmm, first post and it's a flame.

Who the fack cares??
Graet that some one has to come along to ruin the 'greatness' feeling -_-
Why flame?

Hes just trying to get a rise. Pathetic. He has 1 post...he just signed up to say this to try to piss people off. Lmao, and he talks about US not getting laid! How bored he must be. Hes probably in a yahoo chat room looking for someone to cyber with.
I see a mob of pitchfork and torch weilding HL2 fanboys coming for you.
Maybe you laughed at the rocket thing because it was actually funny and not unrealistic

*zips up flame suit*
nealm said:
I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE

And I get the impression you wont be here long.

Ok, the rest of your post; Perfectly fine, obviously your opinion and everyone is entitled to that. But the quoted statement? Was that even neccessary? How does that support your argument of HL2 being mediocre?

I guess we will all see when we get the game. No biased opinions, no hype, just pure reactions.
Go away, troll. No one cares about your impressions. If you don't like the game, stay away from fansites.


Voted banned, and I predict a lock in 5....4.....
nealm said:
Some of the things that really kill it are when objects dont shadow consistantly, or shadow the wrong way, or when - (and i have to be honest, this made me laugh) when you shoot a missile at a guy in the tower, and his intact body flies 500 YARDS AWAY!!!??? I know that I need to just stop myself and say, wait - its just a game, but the amount of praise and hype that this game has received on here is SO COMPLETELY OVERBLOWN!!

I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE

i have to be honest, this post made me laugh too. i have to say (since the creatures gib completely, which you conveniently left out) that i would rather the game not look cartoony and stupid and have the body erupt in a flame of gore, i would rather they just show off source and have the body launch a couple feet. much more funny to watch.

and yes, while i may be too young to buy alchohol, the local homeless community is more than happy to get me some, asswipe. moreover i have to ask why you would even bother adding that paragraph in. was it an attempt to make you look cool, and us look dumb? maybe ill run your sorry ass over in the honda civic that i got with my JOB.
Whoever said anything about it being ultra-realistic? It's a game, and it's meant to be fun. What would you rather see, the Combine soldier getting hit and just crumpling at the top of the tower, or what you saw in the video? I know what I would, because what I did see made me swear profusely with excitement.
nealm said:
I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE

Its been my experience that any1 saying that is usualy describing themselves.
buddy...whackin' in the closet when mom is away isnt "getting laid"

drinking the last of daddy's chocolate liquer isnt drinking

and driving mommy's mini van isnt really driving

please take yer anti-fanboyisms to someplace that actually cares for your opinion
see -

this is exacly what im talking about. about half of all the responses sounded like they came from junior high schoolers.

why should my opinion on the game be banned or censored? The point i was trying to make is - NO ONE ELSE thinks that this game is gods gift to the world, just the fanboys on here. I play a lot of games, call of duty, unreal, flight sims, etc... - and this game isnt ANYTHING SPECIAL.

CptStern said:
buddy...whackin' in the closet when mom is away isnt "getting laid"

drinking the last of daddy's chocolate liquer isnt drinking

and driving mommy's mini van isnt really driving

please take yer anti-fanboyisms to someplace that actually cares for your opinion

Hilarious...mommys minivan was the killer.
this is probably a joke account. Someone is trying to get everyone worked up. Just ignore it. It happens all the time on every forum. One guy will come in and try to do his best maddox impression by dissing what everyone else is praising just to make a name for himself. Meh.
nealm said:
see -

this is exacly what im talking about. about half of all the responses sounded like they came from junior high schoolers.

why should my opinion on the game be banned or censored? The point i was trying to make is - NO ONE ELSE thinks that this game is gods gift to the world, just the fanboys on here. I play a lot of games, call of duty, unreal, flight sims, etc... - and this game isnt ANYTHING SPECIAL.


1)You should have expected the responses after insulting the entire community in the first post.

2)You are a troll and this thread will be locked shortly and you will be warned about your conduct

3)After insulting the community I think that not many care for your opinion, you have a right to it, but the way you expressed it shows either complete fundamental understanding of proper behavior or a deliberate attempt to cause a controversy (trolling)

Also comparing a video of a game demo to games you are actually playing is a little cock eyed don't you think??
nealm said:

Why should we waste our time to do that? If you don't like it, go back to CoD and Flight Sims. We honestly will not miss you, your views, or your immature comments.
You know, I would have let this post go as somones opinion, but the guy decided to insult everybody on the last line, so I just wonder why he is bothering to join a forum, just to insult people - just because they like somthing he doesnt, the world has become a very sad place.
nealm said:
I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE

First of all, that's a ridiculous stereotype. There are people of all ages on this forum, and yes, granted, most of them are younger but a lot of people here, despite their age act a lot older than they are. Either way it's irrelevant.

Your claim that the game is only average, indicates to me that you must know of a game that you personally feel is better than Half-Life 2. Which game is it exactly? Whatever game it is, perhaps your offensive comments towards this community and your criticism towards the game would be better directed on a forum that like the same game as you.

"I play a lot of games, call of duty, unreal, flight sims, etc..."

I could say exactly the same things about those games that you've said about Half-Life 2. But I'm not going to, least of all to a website full of fans of those games. I don't see those games as anything special but I'm not going to moan about it because it's personal choice.

I appreciate Half-Life 2 might not be your thing, but it really is pathetic when you go to the biggest Half-Life 2 community just to insult them and the game that they obviously enjoy. It's pathetic.
nealm said:
when you shoot a missile at a guy in the tower, and his intact body flies 500 YARDS AWAY!!!??? I know that I need to just stop myself and say, wait - its just a game, but the amount of praise and hype that this game has received on here is SO COMPLETELY OVERBLOWN!!

It would have been much better if he just fell 1 yard, wouldn't it?
nealm said:
this is exacly what im talking about. about half of all the responses sounded like they came from junior high schoolers.

considering your first post i think most of the responses in this thread has been coolheaded and mature.. and i cant for the life of me understand how you expect to get usefull replies when you wrote what you did in the first post..

it sounds to me that you have a bit too high standards.. you have to find a balance between "fun" and "realism"..
maybe you should join the army or something instead?.. most stuff there are very lifelike.. not very fun tho..
Look man, All games are great, they all awsome.


HL2 got this feeling of more than just a game. So that makes it more than Awsome.

If you don't like it, that is fine, I don't have a problem with that.

You must understand one thing, this game got what other games don't have, do you know what is that ?

nealm said:
I have been reading alot of the hype on this site for a days about this new game, and decided to try the new monster sized 650 meg full demo movie. I cant believe how you people are absolutely tripping over yourself to praise such a medicore game - its not THAT great-

I realize and admit that it does look a lot more realistic than the first one, but im sorry to say, the physics and character animation just arent quite cutting it. In other words - yes, it "sort of" looks real, but just how the disney land animatronic characters "sort of " look real. They look fake, and plastic, and move jerkily and unnatural. Sure it looks better than the first one, but, I think their effort falls FAR SHORT of the praise that it recieves on this site.

The textures look really good, th ebuilding textures and water. The sound effects, paticularly in this video absolutely SUCKED. Some were so bad that I laughed out loud at it, like that metal ball thing that keeps coming at you, sorry it is just corny- and lame. If i had to see too many of those, and keep hearing their cute chirpy pin-ball machine noises, i would just turn the game off. The sounds absolutely blow, they dont even hold a candle to the Call of duty sounds-

The buildings and maps look pretty good - but ... once again, we run into the same problem with the fakeness issue. They are trying so hard to push it closer and closer to reality, that any shortcomings become glaringly obvious and completely ruin the illusion. Some of the things that really kill it are when objects dont shadow consistantly, or shadow the wrong way, or when - (and i have to be honest, this made me laugh) when you shoot a missile at a guy in the tower, and his intact body flies 500 YARDS AWAY!!!??? I know that I need to just stop myself and say, wait - its just a game, but the amount of praise and hype that this game has received on here is SO COMPLETELY OVERBLOWN!!

I get the impression that the majority of you havent even gotten laid yet, and are too young to buy alcohol, or perhaps even drive a car! In other words, get over yourselves kids, the game is AVERAGE
I hope your kidding...right?

Well, I'm not here to argue with you, but I do understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I respect your insight and opinion, but others here will probably not, since they are all fanboys(well, at least most of them). If you think, from what you saw, that Half-Life 2 will not live up to the hype, then...well...I hope your wrong.

And that last paragraph about being too young, that was just completely unnecessary and unrelated.

I see the flaming has already started.
Life must be pretty crappy for people who are always so pessimistic..
Plastic looking what do you mean Far Cry looked like toy soilders this game looks real not that it is REALY real. but so games are suppost to be fun and the anamations are good and its not glichy. Were did you download the movie from if it wasn't the high rez one then mabe i can see what your talking about and not all of us are little kids and yes we have been laid and for that your a little kid and you have a small one so you want to start somting go back to far cry and the story line for it sucks.
I guess youre right about one thing, no game deserves this much attention before it's out and ppl can play it. But your remarks about the buildings and the sound fx are wrong imo...i find the sound fx very good...

for your other post: HL2 is something special imo, i play alot of games to, ive been playing on nintendo and pc daily since i was 9 years old, and tbh, lately their are few good games that give me the same feeling like f.i. Goldeneye, Mario64 etc. Only Metroid came close this year. No over the years ive become familiar with hypes (daikatana and such). So normally you wont see me getting all hyped up about a game, simply to avoid being dissapointed. But HL2....the class this game has is just unbelievable.

I'm sorry but HL2 is something special.
There are already many many threads about the videos where you could have posted your opinion. Generally, it's not a good idea to use your very first post on a new messageboard to start a new thread, and make that first thread contain a ton of personal insults about people who happen to really like a game. Just seems like common politeness, really.

This is a truly a group of very thin- skinned individuals who simply cant stand, and will not stand, for any outsider to come in and critique their "sacred cow" of a game. I guess all games and clubs have their cult following of fanatical fans, and thats fine, but id say most of you take it way too far and have been giving reviews of the recent media in a way that makes you look a bit brainwashed, and i was FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I WAS READING REVIEWS OF A GAME THAT IS FIVE YEARS FROM THE FUTURE.

They said it was going to "knock your socks off". But it dosent do that by a long shot!! IT just looks - average-

Anyone? Flamers?
Will people shut up with the "you're going to get flamed by HL2 fanboys". Anyone in their right mind should disagree, not just fanboys. Did the video show an "average, mediocre game". I think not. In fact, it's probably wise you seek help, as your perspective is undeniably skewed.
G0rgon said:
Look man, All games are great, they all awsome.


HL2 got this feeling of more than just a game. So that makes it more than Awsome.

If you don't like it, that is fine, I don't have a problem with that.

You must understand one thing, this game got what other games don't have, do you know what is that ?

stop making an ass out of yourself, looking at your sig you dont know shit about games in general

the story...djeez
Nealm -

So what upcoming FPS do you think looks better than HL2? I really can't think of any. You're not going to get a rise out of us by just coming here and trolling. Hmm...trolling, this is something that junior highschoolers who have never gotten laid do more than anyone. You come here just trying to get a rise out of people and then call us immature. Take a look at yourself buddy.

Anyway, stick around and you might learn to enjoy the community around here. I've found that there are a ton of intelligent, mature gamers to talk to on this site. If you hang around maybe some of it will rub off on you.
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