UK gov gives £50million

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thats quite good for belgium considering its size.

Btw according to bbc news the U.S is giving erm around 10 million, not 1 billion :\. I dunno where you get this information from
Meh you say 1 billion first then I see something that its around 10million and then you find something that says its 350 million. There must be a official site for this. The only thing thats a little odd is that according to a british news programme, britain has given the most money :P hmmm well we are very generous but well i dunno about that.
Fat Tony! said:
Meh you say 1 billion first then I see something that its around 10million and then you find something that says its 350 million. There must be a official site for this. The only thing thats a little odd is that according to a british news programme, britain has given the most money :P hmmm well we are very generous but well i dunno about that.
At the time the 50million was announced, it was the most. I think basically the government sucumbed to preasure from people saying that if the population could give so much money, the so could the government.

Fat Tony! said:
thats quite good for belgium considering its size.

Btw according to bbc news the U.S is giving erm around 10 million, not 1 billion :\. I dunno where you get this information from

Heh...I know you didn't mean this, but what you said sounds so patronising :P "Thats so good for a country populated by cows" :D

I think last time I saw, the US was giving about £18million

PistolOnly said:
It's not a competition.
Don't tell them that...think about it

Bush "We can't be misdonerfied by the other half of the world. Send in more troops!"

When the news spreads of Bush sending in more aid.

Blair " Well, yes the....situation is quite....critical, and a government believe....that....something has to be done. We must...resolve to....send more money"

etc :D
Kangy said:
It's not corrupt enough to deny millions of homeless, diseased and dying people aid though. Stop making up excuses as to why you won't give.

Well, then how about India? Why are THEY refusing ALL offers of aid?

Besides - the people that SHOULD be paying the most money are the Germans and Swedish people. For years those two countries have sent tens of thousands of tourists to those poor countries taking advantage of them. And now, with the tidal wave, I'm sure the Swedes and Germans will not be heading back.

Just like the Germans and Swedes to take from Third World countries. Serves 'em right they died. :smoking:
HateCrime said:
Besides - the people that SHOULD be paying the most money are the Germans and Swedish people. For years those two countries have sent tens of thousands of tourists to those poor countries taking advantage of them. And now, with the tidal wave, I'm sure the Swedes and Germans will not be heading back.

Just like the Germans and Swedes to take from Third World countries. Serves 'em right they died. :smoking:
That is the biggest pile of bull i have ever heard. So by visiting and spending their money and helping them they are taking advantage of them?? And your last comment, even to a Brit is offensive. Their are more than likely people here affected by this so i wouldnt say anything like that. You know that most of the people dead are children? The last comment sickens me.
HateCrime said:
Well, then how about India? Why are THEY refusing ALL offers of aid?

Just like the Germans and Swedes to take from Third World countries. Serves 'em right they died. :smoking:

Perhaps they think they can handle it themselves, and think aid needs to go elsewhere more?

Oh, that last comment surely cannot be meant. If it is, you really are amongst the sickest of bastards out there.
Kangy said:
Perhaps they think they can handle it themselves, and think aid needs to go elsewhere more?

Oh, that last comment surely cannot be meant. If it is, you really are amongst the sickest of bastards out there.
Thats why his nick is HateCrime...
This is why I leave and return to these forums like 5 times a day. We need an idiot-blocker.

Can you enter a computer network and ride lightbikes? :P

Seriously though, I have trouble actually believing names on the internet. I see "gthicprinceofdarkness" on XBL, but I rarely believe it means anything.
HateCrime said:
Just like the Germans and Swedes to take from Third World countries. Serves 'em right they died. :smoking:

Stop acting like an excuse for a human being.
These 3rd world countries need that tourism, it is a huge source of revinue for them. It is not exploitation.

If you want to see exploitation of a 3rd world country, look at when people in the US hire illigals at slave wages for manual labor.
HateCrime said:
Just like the Germans and Swedes to take from Third World countries. Serves 'em right they died. :smoking:

Sick f*ck, stop wasting all of our time, f*cking attention seeker.
I don't give a shit that Belgium only gave 1.7 million. They're not the most powerful country in the world, but they did donate what they could. I'm ****ing glad to have Belgium as a part of this world.
Homer said:
These 3rd world countries need that tourism, it is a huge source of revinue for them. It is not exploitation.

If you want to see exploitation of a 3rd world country, look at when people in the US hire illigals at slave wages for manual labor.

I don't give an arse about the US. - it's idiots like you folks who exploit the Third World by going on tourist trips and exploiting the locals.

Did you notice the FAT lazy Germans and Swedes being washed away?

Now that the world is short of a few thousand Germans and Swedes, let's see where the rest of them will go for next years vacation.

OMG HateCrime, haven't you listend at all, those countries need the tourism, they wan't westeners their, it's good for their economy, it's good for infastructure, exploitation is when you kolonize country and exploit it's resources without any rewards for that exploitation, like money, and just rape their country like the West-European countries did in from 15 til 20 century. With tourism it is different, the third world countries are benefited by that. Only exploitation is sextourism, you when Westeners go to thailand to have sex with minors.

Oh and I can't believe the Dutch government is only giving 2 million, the public has allready donated 10 million.
HateCrime said:
I don't give an arse about the US. - it's idiots like you folks who exploit the Third World by going on tourist trips and exploiting the locals.

Did you notice the FAT lazy Germans and Swedes being washed away?

Now that the world is short of a few thousand Germans and Swedes, let's see where the rest of them will go for next years vacation.


Why do you hate the Germans and Swedes so much? lol

but i also think the country is begging people to go back for tourism is a bit extreme. who wants to go over there now, at this time. they should use all the aid money, repair themselves and thier buisnesses, ask for people to come over to help.. THEN when everything is over and repaired, ask people back for tourism. :rolleyes:
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