UK raises terrorist threat level to severe

Mar 22, 2009
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The UK terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe", Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said.
The new alert level means a terrorist attack is considered "highly likely". It had stood at substantial since July.
It is in response to the perceived increased threat from international terrorism following the failed Detroit airliner bombing on Christmas Day.


Mr Johnson stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent.

If I was in the UK , especially in London , I would hide in some remote village until the situation cools off.I really feel bad for everyone in the UK.


This is either orchestrated or Al Qaeda is getting sloppy.
lol yeah cry for us

I doubt it's anything to get worried about, probably just government playing its scare games.
They probably scanned my "terrorist" thread here on
facepalm.jpg do they really think the terrorist scare STILL works on people?
It's only because Blair has to face the Iraq inquiry on the 29th January. There is no "severe" terrorist attack imminent it's just a cheap way to make sure he gets all the protection he can get.
facepalm.jpg do they really think the terrorist scare STILL works on people?

That's because it does.

Maybe not us, but to the below-average person it works wonderfully.
It might mean more to people that live in major downtown areas.

Just guessing.
some child of a popular politician was playing COD and he saw the airport scene
It's only because Blair has to face the Iraq inquiry on the 29th January. There is no "severe" terrorist attack imminent it's just a cheap way to make sure he gets all the protection he can get.

I wouldn't be that surprised if that's the case. In the U.S. they did raise the terror threat level whenever they wanted to pass a defense bill through congress under the Bush administration
There will be another attack in the uk. The government is weak with regards to islamic extremists. Look how they only just banned the group named islam4uk. The group who organized for muslims to spit on returning soldiers, and the group who were organizing a protest march through wootton basset against the troops once again.
lol yeah cry for us

I doubt it's anything to get worried about, probably just government playing its scare games.

Now I almost* wished something would happen just so you like the a fool.
It's not like something ever happened in Britain right?
It's not you have large group of extremists living in your Country......

Well, it's not. You see, if enough people wanted to perform terrorist attacks, they would probably happen rather more often. It's not difficult to, for example, bomb a metal detector queue. How would you even protect against that?
I would've thought after the last 'attack' they'd have lowered it.

"Terrorism threat level lowered as people realise Terrorists have trouble bombing their own underwear."
Now I almost* wished something would happen just so you like the a fool.
It's not like something ever happened in Britain right?
It's not you have large group of extremists living in your Country......


Yeah let's react like dumbars and run screaming. Acting terrorized is obviously the last thing terrorists would want us to do!

Hey, maybe the British, Irish, Northern Irish attitudes to terrorism might be a leetle more sensible than the yankee kneejerk 'hide in a corner crying' reaction, we have a tiny bit more experience with it after all.
If I was in the UK , especially in London , I would hide in some remote village until the situation cools off.I really feel bad for everyone in the UK.

You shouldn't feel bad for everyone living in the uk, you should feel bad for everyone living in western countries. You should feel sad even more so for your country because you are the main target.
I find it amusing how this raising of the threat level isn't based on intelligence, but rather on the realisation - as if it were a new one - that sometimes people actually try dodgy stuff on planes. There's just no ****ing logic there. Hey, I have an idea: considering how past terrorist attacks have largely caught us by surprise, why not ramp up the threat level higher and higher the more time passes with nothing happening? Then when we've gone a couple of years without an attack, we can all be sitting paralysed with fear in preparation, with the threat level at 'ANY MINUTE NOW!'

Pussified ****ing world. But as someone said, this could well be a gesture aimed at softening up the reception for Blair's appearance at the Chilcott inquiry. By ramping up terrorism paranoia, the government can stop the mob being as angry as they might be towards mass murderers of darkies, like Blair.
Are you a Yankee?

If I had to chose I'd go for troll.But I am not and **** you.

Yours truly ,


EDIT: Inb4 infraction.

EDIT2: Inb4 barbar hating mod sees the EDIT above and decides not to give me a infraction.

EDIT3: Inb4 mod decides to give me a infraction.

EDIT4:Repeat EDITS 2 and 3 until your brains melt.