Who Created The Terrorist Problem?

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That's my theory kathaksung, and if you don't pay me royalties, I'll sue the hell out of you.

"You bore me."

This is not my words. My original post was changed in minutes. By surveillance team, I think.

COMRADE: Nope, edited by me - I find it amusing.

Kathakasung Files D8383k8282

-MacChicken Surprise

243. In art232 Ronald 'james' Macdonald launched the 'big mac'

198. Big Mac was a cover for a new chicken frontieer, I think They wanted to sell chickens. As cows are scared to Hindus.

243. Macdonals run by Hindu Fronteir:

quote ronald macdonald i am a hindu.

982. 45/23/98 MacDonalds Launchs MacChicken sandwich, know then as do you want ice with that

I went into a Macdonalds to test this, only it wasn't a Macdonalds, It was church becuase that is also run by hindus. I am onto their ploy. I asked for a Macchicken sandich only to be given a KFC.


The feds don't want you to know this, they are scared of the truth.
"You bore me."

This is not my words. My original post was changed in minutes. By surveillance team, I think.

havent you figured it out yet? you've been compromised ..at some point, probably during one of your "blackouts", operatives implanted a tracking chip in the base of your skull ....you know what you must do
some guy named bob ..what relevance could that possibly have?
was he really named Bob? I would have imagined he (or she) was Islamic. Or maybe some European revolutionary. probably from the Balkans. Actually, didn't samurai commit suicide when they were defeated? I can picture one of them become a suicide bomber.
Nothing better then drinking some hot coffee at eight o' clock in the morning and watching the Forum Vets owning kathaksung.
who was the first suicide bomber anyway?

Wikipedia is your friend:

wiki said:
During the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships[citation needed], killing 140 Christians in order to kill ten times as many Muslims. Another early example of suicide bombing occurred during the Belgian Revolution, when the Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent being captured by the Belgians.

It was Stan.

Think about it, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, etc...
Oh shit! I think you may be onto something there.

Also, for the record: Tajikistan! :shh:
449. Harassing in internet (11/20/06)

My revelation of dirty bomb attack is very correct. Feds not only increased the patrolling car around my house, they also blocked me to access to many web sites in internet. In some sites, my thread was missing. When I tried to find it by "search", the page turned out was aimed at me. Here are some intimidation obviously from the surveillance team:

"Not Found
The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it."

" you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

The search feature has been turned off at this time for non-contributing members due to server load. If it becomes possible to turn this on in the future for all members then we will do so. "

Yesterday(11/19), I posted " 447. Dirty bomb and Iran war (11/10/06)" in a thread in halflife.com forum. Ten minutes later, I went back to that thread and found the whole article was missing. Instead there was a sentence "You bore me" which was not written by me. The Feds doesn't want people know the truth. They even replaced my article with their own words and made it look like written by me.

Today I went there and found #447 was deleted once again. This time he left with his name.

The page: "You bore me." (sentence left by someone who deleted the message 447)

This is not my words. My original post was changed in minutes. By surveillance team, I think. (my comment when I refill #447)

COMRADE: Nope, edited by me - I find it amusing. (Comrade Badger made a second delete and admit the words was left by him. )
Oh shit! ComradeBadger! I would never have suspected it without your tip off.

Thanks for advice kathak-toad. now i beat feds in run away to foreign country. but they still try find me. i will hide in mcdonalds until safe time coming. they think they have won battle but i tell them they have not won war. bush administration coming to end soon. rar rar rar winrar yeah. thanks.
boy that was awesome. i will not allow fdirty bomb go off in new york again.

good luck kathak-toad over and out.
shit, some pages wont load for me too, and give me the 404, the Feds must be blocking me from accessing vital modding pages!
Oh wow. I think the FBI is watching me, how can I tell for sure?
Holy shit, Comradebadger is famous now!

All you need to do is edit krazysung's posts and he'll report the changes to the entire internet.

Edit in a plug for Zombiemaster. :p
449. Harassing in internet (11/20/06)

My revelation of dirty bomb attack is very correct. Feds not only increased the patrolling car around my house, they also blocked me to access to many web sites in internet. In some sites, my thread was missing. When I tried to find it by "search", the page turned out was aimed at me. Here are some intimidation obviously from the surveillance team:

"Not Found
The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it."

" you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

The search feature has been turned off at this time for non-contributing members due to server load. If it becomes possible to turn this on in the future for all members then we will do so. "

Yesterday(11/19), I posted " 447. Dirty bomb and Iran war (11/10/06)" in a thread in halflife.com forum. Ten minutes later, I went back to that thread and found the whole article was missing. Instead there was a sentence "You bore me" which was not written by me. The Feds doesn't want people know the truth. They even replaced my article with their own words and made it look like written by me.

Today I went there and found #447 was deleted once again. This time he left with his name.

The page: "You bore me." (sentence left by someone who deleted the message 447)

This is not my words. My original post was changed in minutes. By surveillance team, I think. (my comment when I refill #447)

COMRADE: Nope, edited by me - I find it amusing. (Comrade Badger made a second delete and admit the words was left by him. )

That seriously made me ROFL.
449. Harassing in internet (11/20/06)

My revelation of dirty bomb attack is very correct. Feds not only increased the patrolling car around my house, they also blocked me to access to many web sites in internet. In some sites, my thread was missing. When I tried to find it by "search", the page turned out was aimed at me. Here are some intimidation obviously from the surveillance team:

"Not Found
The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it."

" you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

The search feature has been turned off at this time for non-contributing members due to server load. If it becomes possible to turn this on in the future for all members then we will do so. "

Yesterday(11/19), I posted " 447. Dirty bomb and Iran war (11/10/06)" in a thread in halflife.com forum. Ten minutes later, I went back to that thread and found the whole article was missing. Instead there was a sentence "You bore me" which was not written by me. The Feds doesn't want people know the truth. They even replaced my article with their own words and made it look like written by me.

Today I went there and found #447 was deleted once again. This time he left with his name.

The page: "You bore me." (sentence left by someone who deleted the message 447)

This is not my words. My original post was changed in minutes. By surveillance team, I think. (my comment when I refill #447)

COMRADE: Nope, edited by me - I find it amusing. (Comrade Badger made a second delete and admit the words was left by him. )

Mr. Sung, we were forced to censor your message. As you know, according to government rule, we have to check and double-check each message for possible political or civil disobedience.

Your score so far is 24 on a scale of 50, where 50 points will result in civil rehabilitation in a civil rehabilitation camp near you.

Please have a nice and productive day.

- Pax
Dear Kathkasung

we regret to inform you that you have been targeted for termination ..for far too long you have been allowed to trace our every move unchecked ..you dechipered our coded messages which mentioned the assasination of Pope John Paul, you discovered our plot to overthrow the government of france and replacing it with a puppet regime headed by Jeb Bush, but most of all you have comprimised our undercover operatives who've worked hard for 3 years now to earn the trust of Half-Life2.net members ..this cannot go unpunished

- signed, the guys in the black helicoptor
Mr. Sung,

Helo! I am in charge of INSIDE GROUP.
I would like to say, keep up the great work!
Your word of mouth ad campaign has really boosted our ratings with the 12-36 demographic.
Ad revenue is at a premium!

450. Next plot (11/20/06)

Feds always attack people in the name of "terrorist". The tactic they used to use are: 1. Local terror cell such like in the cases of "Miami terror cell", "New York tunnel bombing". 2. Al Qaida warning. In each plot we always heard the threat from Bin Laden, or his vice Zawahiri. Al Jazeera did the work to broadcast their tape. 3. Terror attack in Britain. It started from last year. We saw 7/7/05 London bombing; 7/21/05 London bombing; 2006 August liquid bomb event.

2006 October surprise plot was a new inven-


You will not stop us this time.


-hat there were at least 30 active plots to attack Britain."

To bomb Iran's nuclear site needs a big excuse. Nothing will do it except a dirty bomb attack (or even a nuclear attack) Beware of a "Christmas surprise". The bombing gift will come from your own government but packaged in the sheet of "terrorist".
kathaksuck yahoo news said:
Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

The story or page you were trying to access may have expired.

If you are having trouble locating a destination on Yahoo! News, try visiting the Yahoo! News home page or browse through the News site index. Also, you may find what you're looking for if you try searching below.

I guess the guys in the black helicopter beat you to it and removed that newspost on yahoo kathaksuck! :eek:
Now we're all gonna die!
Look at me kathaksung! I am throwing stones at you and destroying your argument!

It's ok though, I moved out of my glass house sometime ago.
A message from Inside Group™

This thread is being suppressed, to serve you better.
Please forget that it ever existed.

Thank you for your assistance.
Inside Group™ values the support of our customers.

We apologise for any inconvenience.
Mecha steals my close idea from the other kathaksung thread :D
Your idea(s) are now the property of Inside Group™

Thank you for your assistance.
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