Who Created The Terrorist Problem?

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Freeper... nice. Can I call you a pinko, then?

Any reasoning left in your posts went out the window with that post. I see you have no real amibtion to have a real discussion. Piss off.:frown:
WTF is a freeper?

The idiots that post at http://www.freerepublic.com.

These are the people that let a man by the name of Andy Stephenson die by claiming that the money he was trying to raise for a surgery was a scam. Pay pal withheld his donated funds and he never got the surgery, he died a few days later. All of tht because he had a different view point from them.
Oh, it's ok if you call me a freeper but I can't call you a pinko. Double standard from a person who's way up there on his pedestal.
He didn't say you couldn't, now did he?
Oh, it's ok if you call me a freeper but I can't call you a pinko. Double standard from a person who's way up there on his pedestal.

Never claimed you couldn't. My point is you completely ignored everything I told you and replied with that idiotic post. This tells me you aren't here to have a reasonable discussion. Get a life. And I am almost positive you read freerepublic, I am still waiting to hear where you got those examples you posted about DU from.
Let's review -

He calls me a freeper.

I ask if it's ok I call him a pinko.

He freaks out.
I'm not going to engage in your pathetic insult hurling. You've proven just what kind of person you are and how civil you keep a discussion with someone who disagrees with you.
Ok freeper, I guess we are done here. Go back to your precious neocon board, maybe you guys can kill off some more people that don't agree with you. :thumbs:
Ya'll are like little kids...jesus christ.
Ok freeper, I guess we are done here. Go back to your precious neocon board, maybe you guys can kill off some more people that don't agree with you. :thumbs:

Yeah, and you can go spit in the faces of the victims of terrorism. :upstare:
Ya'll are like little kids...jesus christ.

True, but it was nemesis6 who first started dodging questions and refusing to debate the actual topic.

Back on topic:
I dont really think that the US is entirely to blame for the terrorist problem, but it sewed the seeds by giving the Taliban/OBL all that training and assistance in the 70s/80s. Thats the problem with ****ing in the affairs of other countries - chances are it'll come back to bite you in the arse eventually.
426. Feds, the real terrorist (8/10/06)

On 7/5, I wrote "418. Native terrorist group (7/5/2006)", alleged the Feds created that terror cell. The article of New York Daily News next day proved my opinion is very correct.

Quote, "Terror crew urged to hit FBI's bldgs.

An FBI informant urged seven terror suspects to target FBI offices throughout the country - including one in New York - and even helped the men scout the buildings, law enforcement sources told the Daily News yesterday.

The suspects, who also allegedly schemed to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, were denied bond in a Miami federal court yesterday as sources shed light on the FBI effort to ensnare them.

Last December, the FBI arranged for an undercover informant posing as an Al Qaeda terrorist to meet with alleged ringleader Narseal Batiste, who authorities say had already recruited six men to help bring down the landmark 110-story Chicago office tower.

But in March, in an effort to solidify his "terrorist credentials," the informant suggested the men widen their aims to attack FBI offices in Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington and New York, a law enforcement source said.

Batiste and his followers readily agreed, even taking an Al Qaeda oath at the suggestion of the informant, Justice Department sources said. Soon, Batiste and the agent began a surveillance operation of the FBI office in Miami - while the bureau watched their every move, sources said.

The FBI made sure the informant suggested Bureau buildings and not, say, airports, in order to maintain an element of control," said a law enforcement source. "The FBI knew exactly what was going on and was in complete control.

The terror suspects never performed reconnaissance on the Sears Tower or any other FBI office, including the one in lower Manhattan that was also targeted in a 1993 plot to blow up New York landmarks. They also never acquired any of the explosives to carry out their attacks, authorities said.

Originally published on July 6, 2006 "


In official story, one ring was lost - they never talked about who introduced that "Al Qaida representative". As I have said, it was impossible that a representative knocked at the door, said Allah told him to come. There must be an introducer. No one could be it except the ring leader Narseal Batiste. So Batiste was an informant too. Authority avoid to talk about this because it would reveal the terrorist group were created, acted under the guidance of the intelligence.

These kind of self created terror group used to have something common:
1. An informant disguised as terrorist to prove authority is true. Moussaoui and Nick Berg are the sample. Batiste in Miami terror cell, and Hammoud in NYC tunnel case are the same. The ignorant youths recruited always have been eliminated in "suicide bombing". Sometimes even these informants became sacrifice too. (like in 911, London bombing)

2. In Miami terror cell case, Al Qaida representative led (you know that's the FBI instruction) an Al Qaida oath. I believe it was recorded as evidence. When these youths died in a "suicide bombing", the media will show you a tape how these people swore to die for Al Qaida. Although these ignorant youths were not aware that oath was a trap.

Similar scene can be seen from a 7/6 news. A tape showed a London bomber, shehzad Tanweer (one of the London bomber), wearing a checkered kaffiyeh, warned that the attacks were only the beginning of a campaign of terror. The tape, could be made in same situation of that Al Qaida oath - under the guidance of intelligence.

3. Why FBI guide the terror cell to attack FBI office.

(1) On 5/31/02, I wrote that Feds was behind OKC bombing.
Re: The motive of OKC bombing by McVeigh is to revenge government's injustice in Waco. His target was FBI and BATF in Murrah Federal Building. Yet on that day, all staffs of FBI and BATF were absent. They knew the bombing in advance. Other federal employees became scapegoat. see "(68. Ashcroft's revenge (5/31/02))"

(2) A response to cover up my allegation. On 10/14/02, they shot a FBI staff to death to quit the allegation that FBI was behind DC sniper shooting spree.

Re: 10/2/02, Bill to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq was present to the House. 10/11/02, Senator passed the bill.
Same day on 10/2, sniper started his first shoot, within 10 days to 10/11, there were 11 shoots. This is action period. Purposed to intimidate law makers to pass the bill.

10/12 to 10/24, a retreat period. 3 shootings in 13 days period. to cover up the retreat.
10/14, 12th shooting. FBI staff Linda Franklin was shot to death. (a tactic of "Thief cried "thieves". "I am the victim. I am not the perpetrator". )
10/19, 13th shooting came with a demand of ransom. Plant the shooting spree a motive.
10/23, 14th shooting followed by the arrest of Muhammad and Malvo to finish the case. (see #128 and #129)

(3) Miami case. FBI guided terror cell to aim at FBI office resembles to the shooting death of FBI staff Linda Franklin. A tactic to avoid the profile of a perpetrator but remain more like a victim when the bombing happens. It originates from OKC bombing.

Just go kathaksung, no one gives a damn. Keep your paranoia to yourself.
Back on topic:
I dont really think that the US is entirely to blame for the terrorist problem, but it sewed the seeds by giving the Taliban/OBL all that training and assistance in the 70s/80s. Thats the problem with ****ing in the affairs of other countries - chances are it'll come back to bite you in the arse eventually.

Thank you gick for actually getting this thread back on track.

I fully agree, noone I think believes that if it weren't for the US there wouldn't be any extremist groups out there wanting to kill innocent people. The problem I think is that neocon policies our government continues to engange in do more harm than good. I would argue that if it wasn't for their policies during the 80s there 9/11 would not have happened. Also, you can not ignore the fact that some of that 40 million dollars the Bush administration gave to the taliban could have been used in 9/11. I am by no means saying there wouldn't be any other threats out there but Al Queda probably would not exist.

And nemesis, I don't know why I keep replying to you. But you are right, ignoring the facts that lead to 9/11 happening is not spitting in the face of 9/11 victims. Lets just all forget how we got there so that it can happen again. Do you fail to see how brainwashed you are? Call me a leftist, I could careless as I am, but I will never forget those poor people that died that day because of our failed policies. You, for partisan reasons, are willing to forget.
kathaksung, I'm not sure I fully understand your post. in the one source you showed are saying the FBI actually wanted this to happen? I don't think they wanted it to happen, I think they simply wantd to entrap these people so that we could have headlines like "worst plot since 9/11 stopped by the great Bush administration".

I would like to see some sources for your other information, kind of hard to take your word for it.
kathaksung, I'm not sure I fully understand your post. in the one source you showed are saying the FBI actually wanted this to happen? I don't think they wanted it to happen, I think they simply wantd to entrap these people so that we could have headlines like "worst plot since 9/11 stopped by the great Bush administration".

I would like to see some sources for your other information, kind of hard to take your word for it.

No one does, just poke him and be on your way. ^^
The idiots that post at http://www.freerepublic.com.

These are the people that let a man by the name of Andy Stephenson die by claiming that the money he was trying to raise for a surgery was a scam. Pay pal withheld his donated funds and he never got the surgery, he died a few days later. All of tht because he had a different view point from them.

Wow, holy shit - do you have any reading material on that incident?
Wow, holy shit - do you have any reading material on that incident?

Its a whole thing that went on a year ago between democraticunderground.com and freerepublic.com. Here is a wikipedia entry on it, not very accurate:


You can see the DU thread on the fundraising:


and here are some creative freeper posts about this:


If he is in a Virginia hospital, and getting medicaid, does that mean my taxes here are paying for his treatment?

Why didn't medicaid require that he go to a hospital in his home state?

Better question: Why didn't medicaid cover his surgery?

And, not to ask too many questions, but why would a hospital not operate on a patient that can't pay? That doesn't sound like John's Hopkins to me....

Or better question: If you are destitute, do you deserve to go to the best hospital in the world for your procedure just because you are famous? If JHU is really not operating on people unless they pay cash in advance, aren't there any poor unknown people (people who are poor for reasons other than having quit their job to become famous) who would be better recipients of a free medical procedure at the best hospital in the world?

Last question: If he couldn't pay for a medical procedure, how could he pay for all these flights all over the country that he was taking before his surgery?

I hope that he ends up healthy, but the story has a lot of holes.
Oh I don't hope he dies. I hope he lives a long long life so he can pay back every damn dime Medicaid spent on him.
Andy, estranged from the infamous Barb Harris of Florida. Their all con artists and I am sooooo pleased they took the DUers for a ride.

And even after they found out he was dead the down right scum did not stop:


Take the money and run???


That or DUh just wants to cover up whole thing.

"What money? There were no donations, he's dead, why can't you leave him (and DU) alone?"

I'll bet he will still be voting in November..........


Maybe he is/ was a multi- skilled 'rat?


Just one question.

Is there a request on DU to send money for his funeral?

This is just something quick I put together using google, you can search everyting yourself by using site:freerepublic.com Andy Stephenson and site:democraticunderground.com Andy Stephenson . Keep in mind a lot of the posts have been deleted by freerepublic to hide their shame. I will try to get you a more official write up later.

This was absolutely the most vile thing I have ever seen online. Andy was a great guy, I never met him but I know many that did. There were so many that cared about him that he was able to raise $50,000 in small donations in just 12 days. He might have had left political views but he cared pationately about getting our voting to be as fair as possible. What these people did to sabotage his image after he got the cancer and after he died was dispicable.


This is also a great writeup http://www.democraticunderground.co...mesg&forum=203&topic_id=383284&mesg_id=383284
You know what some people call the inmates of Democratic Underground?

Democratic Underground?

Isn't that illegal or something? Or I'm confusing it for something else....
Democratic Underground?

Isn't that illegal or something? Or I'm confusing it for something else....

Are you serious?

Tron, do yourself a favor and just ignore him.
Americans created terrorism? Where the **** is that nonsense coming from. Jeez
Americans created terrorism? Where the **** is that nonsense coming from. Jeez

Its not so much that the US created terrorism, its more like they trained, funded and equipped some of the world's most violent and vicious fundamentalist terrorists in order to fight the Soviets. You cant do shit like that without it coming back to bite you in the ass.
Americans created terrorism? Where the **** is that nonsense coming from. Jeez

You have a real bad habit of not reading a damn thing before you actually post. What out of my original post are you disputing? Simply saying its nonsense makes you look like a total fool.

Also if you could go back to our old discussion I'd appreciate it. I'd love to see your explaination for why israel wont release the evidance they have that proves they weren't just targeting random civillians.

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It would have happened anyway. The threat created itself.
There ya go. Russia too. Israel indirectly created terrorism though, so I don't know if they'd count.
By bombing and killing Palestinian and lebonese civillians on a daily basis, orphaning children, widowing wifes. Randomly arresting people and detaining them without trial, bombing ambulances and hospitals. I'd say thats pretty much the best way to create a terrorist. Isreal are wholly responcable for the terrorism they 'suffer' from.
Well besides your country. They don't actually do anything :p.

well there's a lot more than just my country ..but yes we dont do a heck of lot ..unless you include peacekeeping (not lately ..thanks america) ...but when you say "we dont do anything" ..what is it that other countries do? becasue from where I'm standing the majority of countries involved in global affairs justification is self-serving

also before Israel was given Palestine ..they did parcipitate in terrorism of their own making

including targeting innocent civilians

By bombing and killing Palestinian and lebonese civillians on a daily basis, orphaning children, widowing wifes. Randomly arresting people and detaining them without trial, bombing ambulances and hospitals. I'd say thats pretty much the best way to create a terrorist. Isreal are wholly responcable for the terrorism they 'suffer' from.

I was talking more about when Israel was created.

And stern, it was a joke. Chillax.
ya I know ..but you're right ..when countries say they're active glabally you have to question their motives

btw I rarely get angry ...mostly I'm like spock (emotionless with a few outbursts during mating season)
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