UK's dangerous cartoons act

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It's called "debate". I know it's foreign to you and your kind, but if you listen a while you might learn something!
, Yaoi (homosexual hentai),
thats funny are you comin out? cause how else would you know that. i never knew that. anyway, i dont want to offend anyone im just curious as to what youre opinion on this is..although im not against gays i definitely believe the gay rights media has a hold on our country at the moment..its impossible to disagree without offending some minority nowadays.
It's called "debate". I know it's foreign to you and your kind, but if you listen a while you might learn something!

I've scrolled down each page and I see CptStern going on about having kids or something, and everyone calling him an idiot.

I scroll down the last page and Vegeta is all "CAN'T YOU SEE WHY YOU'RE WRONG?! BAAAAAAAAAAAW"

Maybe a "debate" is foreign to me in this thread because to my quite lazy sense of investigation and legally blind evidental eye, there isn't even one present!
id rather listen to someone who has kids on this subject than someone who is a kid.
thats funny are you comin out? cause how else would you know that.
Common knowledge for anyone who's been on the internet for more than a day.
I've scrolled down each page and I see CptStern going on about having kids or something, and everyone calling him an idiot.

I scroll down the last page and Vegeta is all "CAN'T YOU SEE WHY YOU'RE WRONG?! BAAAAAAAAAAAW"

Maybe a "debate" is foreign to me in this thread because to my quite lazy sense of investigation and legally blind evidental eye, there isn't even one present!
I was making an Aussie politics joke :(
It was probably too complicated for an Au... oh, never mind.
thats funny are you comin out? cause how else would you know that. i never knew that. anyway, i dont want to offend anyone im just curious as to what youre opinion on this is..although im not against gays i definitely believe the gay rights media has a hold on our country at the moment..its impossible to disagree without offending some minority nowadays.

Are you deliberately trying to offend me, Private Joker?

Anyway, my opinion? Heh. I guess you're new. If I had my way, gay rights activists and those "public gays" would be in concentration camps, not because they're gay, but they're agents of chaos... seeders of disorder, sources of discontent, breeders of dissent, et cetera ad infinite nauseum.

But you know what? I don't care about private gays. Heck, I don't care (and actually don't want to know) what my creepy neighbor does when he thinks he's alone. And no government should - it's not cost effective, unless the act itself is too dangerous. Think of the manpower that constant surveilance requires. Think of how difficult documenting, recording, all those acts of indecency within someone's private home might be - and for what? Because we hate lolicons? This could be done with other things as well - like gays. Heck if this was for gay porn, you'd be getting your torches and pitchforks out. I know you're all a bunch of gay-defending folks, and I have no problem with that, except you're being hypocritical.
Goddamn I thought this thread ended three days ago when I beat Stern into a hole but then I guess it took him three days to STILL not get the point and try to come up with a rebuttal:

they're NOT criminalising drawings. they're criminalising a certain type of drawing that's ALREADY CRIMINALISED.
they're not criminalising drawings
they're criminalising a certain type of drawing
Goddamn fool do I have to treat you like you're mentally retarded now? I mean shit, Stern, we've had our battles and you've said some stupid shit in your time, but you're just like...goddamn, dude, are you really that dumb? How you've managed to completely miss the point the entire time is just wild.

And then Carlton and No Limit basically took up the same position and demonstrated the complete inability to recognize why the law shouldn't police on grounds of morality, and I see that No Limit even had the same trouble with the "violent video games" comparison that Stern had. Still has, apparently, trotting out outdated psych manuals.

Then this thread became about homosexuality as a mental disorder. This thread's gone all over the place now.


Oh, you guys.

Bunch of fags.
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