Uncharted 2 IGN Video Review

Xbox users must be crying in their bed.
Oh don't worry. MW2 is going to flatten this game off the chart in November.

Not that I care or anything...

I guess its inevitable.

Developers mustve been annoyed when the release date was announced. Now theyve had to change their own release dates so that they actually make some sales. November is basically off limits to any developer that wants to do well in the charts that month.

And then there's christmas...wonder if MW2 will break WoW's record.

In reality I dont think Uncharted 2 will be as big as we think in terms of sales, but I'd buy it over MW2 anyday.

How much does a used ps3 go for these days?
Game's pretty good, especially when you compare it to the bland-fest of the first one. More than two environments? Count me in.

Also, co-op is damn fun
Hmm. According to Amazon, Uncharted 2 has more pre-orders than MW2 for the PS3...but of course that doesnt account for the 360 and predictably monumental PC pre-orders of MW2.

Atleast the PS3 exclusive will outsell the record-breaker in this side of the console sales war.

Im getting ridiculously hyped for Uncharted 2. And then theres AC2...ahhh theres too many amazing games coming in a one month section of the year!
YES! I just got emailed that the price for the special edition at GAME has increased but I get it for less cos I pre ordered it when it was 40 :P

Can't wait for this game!
Have to get up too early for work so missed the midnight release last night. Will pick it up tonight...along with A Boy and His Blob (Wii). :)
I hope you're geting Lost Winds before a Boy and his Blob! (I do want that too :))

I'll be picking uncharted up as soon as my new display turns up :bounce:
Traded in some games yesterday at GameStop and the guy asked what might I like to preorder(Get extra credit that way). Told him Uncharted 2 but said I would look around for a decent price first(didn't wanna commit to a preorder as that would mean I hadto use my credit value from the trade-ins on that preorder ONLY). He checked the price and said it would be 69.99!! wtf? That must be bs. No new game cost that much, unless the shops have all gotten a bug from Activision.
is that 69.99 euros for you? if so, that's madness
it's only 59.99 CAD here in Canada
Are you sure he didn't mistake it for the collector's edition?
That's what I thought but other ppl have posted the same price qoute on an irish gaming forum. It seems like it's the only store with that price but musn't be correct as their rivals are selling it for 40-50euro.
Wow. First few opening sequences of the game and I am already floored.

Get this game people.

I don't want to hear no excuses!
RRP here is £44.99 which is higher than in the US. Amazon are selling for £37.99 or 35 or something like that.

Im hating this wait. Today and tomorrow and then it arrives in the morning. ARGH!
Played up to stage 3 and MAN is it incredible. The presentation really is unbelievable with graphics that I constantly gawk at, not to mention the way the story is presented. The opening sequence is exceedingly tense and what follows is something that feels very different for Drake (in a good way). I am REALLY hoping that the stealth gameplay is used A LOT in the rest of the levels. ;)

I hope you're geting Lost Winds before a Boy and his Blob! (I do want that too :))
Sowwy. I didn't. But I haven't played ABAHB yet if that makes a difference...:)
I bought it today. Might play it later tonight. Or tomorrow. Anyone up for some multiplayer?
My copy came in early!! :D

Going to play it as soon as I can.
I wasn't impressed by the first Uncharted, but this game is amazing. This is the reason to get a PS3, no foolies this time!
5 Chapters in and its about ten times as fun as the first game. Love the stealth takedowns and the new melee combat system.
I wasn't impressed by the first Uncharted, but this game is amazing. This is the reason to get a PS3, no foolies this time!

I'm caving in next week and getting a PS3.

Though even uncharted 2 wasnt enough by itself. I also want Demon Souls.
I'm caving in next week and getting a PS3.

Though even uncharted 2 wasnt enough by itself. I also want Demon Souls.

don't worry, you're not alone
i'm very close to getting one myself
uncharted 2, demon souls, the last guardian, mgs4 etc... lotsa great games to be played
just beat the coop level from the demo, Nate's reaction at the end is ****ing PRICELESS.
this game makes me glad i own a ps3, cos its been gathering dust otherwise

there are many excellent moments, but favourite bit so far is the mountain village when your just walking around with your new brown leather jacket and people are going about their day and i swear to god, if you mute nathan and dont pan the camera around to see anything but the back of his head it could very well be Shenmue 3 :) you even get to kick a football back to a small asian child <cries>

edit: this game also has the best water effects and most realistic chickens i have ever seen in a game
Let's add each other and gett some crushing difficulty coop going! All the matchmaking coop games are putting me in easy mode :(
edit: this game also has the best water effects and most realistic chickens i have ever seen in a game
Yeah, I sat and stared at the way the water flowed in the fountain in the museum courtyard toward the beginning of the game. Incredible. The graphics really are shockingly good. Combined with the great story and engaging gameplay, this is one of the top games on any system...evah!! :thumbs:
This is the perfect combination of adventure and gunplay in a game. Also, beating people.
I am just happy with the added stealth component and the DRASTICALLY IMPROVED melee combat. Good times.
Just got it. Up to level 5. Graphics are teh sechs alright. I sometimes find the controls a bit weird. Mostly coz the cover button doesnt lock you into cover so I tend to leave cover when I dont want to. Haven't really tested the melee. I just mash the square button.
I've played it for six hours and the game is fun, but overrated to hell. Giving a perfect 10 to this game means games like Mass Effect and MGS4 deserved 20 out of 10. But whatever, even gta4 received perfect scores...
I think it has been overrated in reviews, but this is still easily the best game ever on the PS3..and potentially of this generation on any console. That should get the 360 fanboys going.

Its indescribeable in so many places. Its just perfect in every way.

And oh mother of god the graphics and level design. I had a crisis at each new chapter. Nepal just took the piss in how beautiful it was. And the snow and ice...its a technical masterpiece.

Gaming heaven.

And ive finally succumbed to being officially gay for Nathan. Best gaming character ever. The story and the way it is acted out in this game puts the vast majority of films out there by bigshot directors to some serious shame.
Got to chapter 7 in one sitting. Really great game so far.

We should all do some multiplayer sometime. PSN is Sliverrr.