Uncooperative Woman Tazed

vegeta897 said:
It's called unnecessary use of force. The lady was not dangerous sitting in her car. As long as her hands are on the phone or in sight or w/e it's perfectly fine. Such dramatic action didn't have to be taken. Just call in for backup, and continue to tell the lady to get out of the car.
Thing is, that ain't procedure. What he did was perfectly acceptable by procedure. And that isn't going to cause any permanent damage to her. Oh, and guess what? She was BREAKING THE LAW. That means she HAS TO DO WHAT THE COP TELLS HER. The cop can do what he feels is necessary in that case.
Steve_O said:
Thing is, that ain't procedure. What he did was perfectly acceptable by procedure. And that isn't going to cause any permanent damage to her. Oh, and guess what? She was BREAKING THE LAW. That means she HAS TO DO WHAT THE COP TELLS HER. The cop can do what he feels is necessary in that case.
Bollocks. Cops aren't above the law, they have to follow the law just like everyone else. With your attitude, everything that the cops do is defendable.
The_Monkey said:
Bollocks. Cops aren't above the law, they have to follow the law just like everyone else. With your attitude, everything that the cops do is defendable.
You're acting like she was just some woman minding her own business. She wasn't. She was driving without a license, and when asked to step out of the car she refused to comply and actually took a couple swings at one of the officers, according to the video. I think that's quite defendable.
There's no denying he was pretty quick to shock that bitch into submission
vegeta897 said:
Are you saying he could have said "Get out of the car or I will shoot you with my 9mm Beretta" ? Oh, he warned her, so it's ok! No, stop using that argument, it doesn't work.

Stop trying to use THAT argument, it doesn't work. The case is, she has no permanent damage, the situation was not escalated, no one got killed. He didn't shock her because he was trying to abuse his power. If he was a crazy person that liked to tazer people he wouldn't have tried to tell her first. And NO COP would have shot her in that situation. You cannot compare a high powered projectile that can do serious, and permanent damge to a little device that immobilizes a person only long enough to get them into a position of submission.
Steve_O said:
You're acting like she was just some woman minding her own business. She wasn't. She was driving without a license, and when asked to step out of the car she refused to comply and actually took a couple swings at one of the officers, according to the video. I think that's quite defendable.
Did the police officer act in distress? Was his life or health threatened in any way? So you're saying that the police have the right to do what they want as long as the person have committed any form of crime?
The_Monkey said:
Did the police officer act in distress? Was his life or health threatened in any way? So you're saying that the police have the right to do what they want as long as the person have committed any form of crime?
Was HER life threatened in any way? No. The tazer is not a lethal weapon. It IMMOBILIZES. Nothing more.
Steve_O said:
Was HER life threatened in any way? No. The tazer is not a lethal weapon. It IMMOBILIZES. Nothing more.

Still pretty harsh, though.
Just because it isn't permanent damage means it's ok? No one likes to get hurt. It's not fun. What do you think torture is? The people aren't dying, they are just getting hurt, which is bad enough. People can sue over getting hurt. In this case, the cop didn't need to hurt her. If you don't need to, you don't. Or else it's unnecessary.
vegeta897 said:
Just because it isn't permanent damage means it's ok? No one likes to get hurt. It's not fun. What do you think torture is? The people aren't dying, they are just getting hurt, which is bad enough. People can sue over getting hurt. In this case, the cop didn't need to hurt her. If you don't need to, you don't. Or else it's unnecessary.
What he said. Except for the sueing business, that's just silly.
vegeta897 said:
Just because it isn't permanent damage means it's ok? No one likes to get hurt. It's not fun. What do you think torture is? The people aren't dying, they are just getting hurt, which is bad enough. People can sue over getting hurt. In this case, the cop didn't need to hurt her. If you don't need to, you don't. Or else it's unnecessary.
Well, technically she's not even getting hurt. She's feeling pain. I don't know if I lose or not, but I quit. I've vowed never to get angry on the internet again.
vegeta897 said:
Just because it isn't permanent damage means it's ok? No one likes to get hurt. It's not fun. What do you think torture is? The people aren't dying, they are just getting hurt, which is bad enough. People can sue over getting hurt. In this case, the cop didn't need to hurt her. If you don't need to, you don't. Or else it's unnecessary.

Ok, I'd like to see what you would do if you were a cop and you puled someone over, they have no license, you tell them to step out of the car multiple times, you try using mannual force, they try to swing at you a couple times (or so it seems), she is acting loony, you have a taser a baton and a gun. You are somewhat nervous, you warn her, and she does not react possitively...
Well, no one can really say (with any real authority) how they'd react in a given situation until they experience that situation first-hand.
If I was the cop, I would have popped her headlights out for good measure, take that ticket with 'cha
Steve_O said:
Well, no one can really say (with any real authority) how they'd react in a given situation until they experience that situation first-hand.

Thats what I was trying to get at. He probably never wanted to use his weapons, give the guy a break, she's the one breaking the law, not him. Even though ? I don't like cops I respect thier authority....(If I can't out-bike them) :laugh:
My mom's a cop, so I'm kind of obligated to take his side. Cops take so much shit for a few bad apples. It's really ridiculous.
^^^ Like me and my friends, I feel sorry for the 5-0 that hafta deal wit us.... lol. I would feel bad for the woman if I didn't know that tasers only hurt for a small bit, and then cause sorness for a few days.
I would have punched her in the head.
But thats why i'm not a cop.

How much noise does she wanna bloody make, over the top or what.
short recoil said:
I would have punched her in the head.
But thats why i'm not a cop.

LOL I can picture it now

Today on COPS:
Recoil: Get out of the car bitch!
Bitch: Holy shit I'm ****ing wac!
Recoil: You asked for it!
*Recoil administers the smackdown thuroughly*

Edit: I just watched it again, That chic needs to STFU. She was like " The cop is gonna shoot me" DAMN STRAIGHT! so get the **** out of the car, she is ****ing retarded.
Steve_O said:
Thing is, that ain't procedure. What he did was perfectly acceptable by procedure. And that isn't going to cause any permanent damage to her. Oh, and guess what? She was BREAKING THE LAW. That means she HAS TO DO WHAT THE COP TELLS HER. The cop can do what he feels is necessary in that case.
1.) It completely justifys everything that happend because it was procedure? Nice.

2.) He felt it was necessary to protect himself from a 115 pound young woman with a cell phone in her hand? What? She was gonna sit there for 30 years and give him cancer?

Police brutality is taken way to lightly in America.
She was at LEAST 120! Don't even play!

SupremePain said:
1.) It completely justifys everything that happend because it was procedure?
Yeah. That's why it's called procedure. If you wanna argue with the procedure, fine. But as long as it's procedure, it's legally justified. You wanna argue moral grounds? Whatever. Procedure works for me.
Steve_O said:
She was at LEAST 120! Don't even play!


Yeah. That's why it's called procedure. If you wanna argue with the procedure, fine. But as long as it's procedure, it's legally justified. You wanna argue moral grounds? Whatever. Procedure works for me.
Whatever it is then. I suppose :)

EDIT: "Can it be both?" :laugh:
I said procedure a whole lot in my last post. I'm really tired. I hate work.

"Can it be both?"

I don't get it! ;( ;( ;(
Steve_O said:
"Can it be both?"

I don't get it! ;( ;( ;(
I think it's a Futurama quote, if not it's a Family Guy quote..... or a Spin City quote lol
Well, in that case, it's very funny, or hilarious...or funny and awesome because of Michael J. Fox.
Well, she broke the law and if any of US were in HER position I'm sure we would get out of the damn car.
What a stupid bitch. He keeps telling her to get out of the car. She keeps refusing. He then says get out or I'll taze you. Says that a couple of times, then does it. What did she expect? That he was bluffing? My God!
He says it like four time, and you can tell he is meaning buisness by the furrow of his brow and the anger in his throat.
MarcoPollo said:
He says it like four time, and you can tell he is meaning buisness by the furrow of his brow and the anger in his throat.

I suspect alot of people would have got the message once he got the tazer out. :laugh:
SimonomiS said:
I suspect alot of people would have got the message once he got the tazer out. :laugh:
I suspect most people would have got the message after he told them to get out of the car...at the very latest, after he said 'Get out or I'll taze you.' Like I said..she's an idiot.
God I cant believe people ALWAYS take the side of the idiot. I bet if it was a huge fatass white trash bitch you all would be on the side of the police. But nooo! This is ethnic regression! That white officer is punishing that black motorist - because shes black!! Its so ingrained into your subconscious that you cant even help it. Youre all seduced by her temper tantrum. I theorize that everybody who sympathizes with this woman grow up to raise irresponsible, brat children who need to be tazed themselves. oh! Little timmy wants a cookie, I better give in to him or else he will wail some more. This spoiled bitch got exactly what she deserved - 50k volts right to the boobie. I would have tazed her until she shut up.
While I agree the woman is very whiney and should've listened to the officer, there's no ****ing reason for him to tazer her. Jesus christ, talk about overreacting. You don't need to tazer someone. Just grab her out of the damn car or tell her you'll take her down to the precinct.
gh0st said:
God I cant believe people ALWAYS take the side of the idiot. I bet if it was a huge fatass white trash bitch you all would be on the side of the police. But nooo! This is ethnic regression! That white officer is punishing that black motorist - because shes black!! Its so ingrained into your subconscious that you cant even help it. Youre all seduced by her temper tantrum. I theorize that everybody who sympathizes with this woman grow up to raise irresponsible, brat children who need to be tazed themselves. oh! Little timmy wants a cookie, I better give in to him or else he will wail some more. This spoiled bitch got exactly what she deserved - 50k volts right to the boobie. I would have tazed her until she shut up.

I love you cockfag! I'm going to beat MY children shows em' whos boss!
You all who are defending her apparently didn't read my post with the many links about routine traffic stops that escalate to full blown shootouts with less of a negative reaction that she has been giving him. She was acting in a suspicious, and hostile manner and he needed to do what was within his power to lawfully remove her from the vehicle AFTER she had been refusing to get out from multipe requests.

You guy try being a cop in a routine traffic stop. SOme of you would probably be shot in the head.
I'm glad they tazored that whore, she was resisting and he asked her twice.
Raziaar said:
You all who are defending her apparently didn't read my post with the many links about routine traffic stops that escalate to full blown shootouts with less of a negative reaction that she has been giving him. She was acting in a suspicious, and hostile manner and he needed to do what was within his power to lawfully remove her from the vehicle AFTER she had been refusing to get out from multipe requests.

You guy try being a cop in a routine traffic stop. SOme of you would probably be shot in the head.

Well, I plan on joining the FBI one day...is that close enough?

I understand what your saying, but tazering a woman for speeding?
DeusExMachinia said:
Well, I plan on joining the FBI one day...is that close enough?

I understand what your saying, but tazering a woman for speeding?

What, do you think a speeding woman without a license, who refuses to cooperate, who argues against the validity of the policemans ability to pull her over poses no danger or rapid danger?

READ THOSE LINKS that I presented a few pages back, on all the routine traffic stops, when somebody was speeding. It should have been simple, and routine, but cops ended up dead, the people in the vehicles ended up dead after firing on the cops... shootouts and stabbings ensued.

She was being uncooperative and hostile, and there's absolutely NO way he can tell if she's dangerous or not, not without seeing her license to run it through, and especially not since she's acting erratic and hostile.