Unofficial BC2 server


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score

Alrighty boys, I took it upon myself to purchase a 24 slot server for ONE MONTH. Meaning, if donations aren't coming in, I'm not renewing the server. I'm still in school and don't have a job and can't keep dropping money every month. I'll explain more in depth later in this post.

GSP: Whilst they aren't as high quality as NFO, they are considerably cheaper, and for having over 100,000 customers, I can't imagine them being extremely bad.

NAME: Server
# Players: 32
Location: New York. I figured this is a good east coast location and the closet location to Europe.

Cost: $40 a month.

HOW TO DONATE: One thing that lured me to GS is that they have a sort of "community account" where you can donate with your paypal into a "clan account" and use that money to help pay for the server. Now, I'm not entirely sure how this works, and I'll get used to how ClanPay works later on in the month.

The way I see it, is we only need 10 people to donate $4 a month/6 people $7 a month/etc. I see this being more fair than having one person drop $30 a month, and $3 or $5 isn't a lot of money. AND, if I can get $60 a month coming in, I'll add a Euro server as well.

I'm not sure how the server will do on day one, it says it is active and running. This week I'll focus on getting used to the controls and stuff like that.


How to Donate

1. Click this link:

2. Make sure the clan is Half Life

3. Type an amount into the "How much do you wish to contribute?" box.

4. Follow the appropriate steps once in PayPal to complete the transaction.



March Donations

$20 - Thanks to Krynn72 for his donation!

$20 - Thanks to Shakermaker for the donation!

US East is awesome, and so are you. :D Now all I need to do is buy the damned game and I will personally kick your asses. Or be kicked by your asses. I'd donate, but I'm not sure how I could do so considering my location. :/

Damn textbooks being so expensive.
I'd donate, but I'm not sure how I could do so considering my location. :/

All it takes is a Paypal I believe. Don't really know much about it yet (just purchased the server last night!)
Sweet. I'll have to hop on...whenever the game downloads.
Made an announcement on steam. Thanks a lot for setting this up for us. I'll be sure to donate.
nice, excellent location for me...

i'll be on when i can
Awesome, as soon as the game unlocks for me (in europe) il favorite this server. Il try to donate if i can.
assuming it doesn't lag and we have a good amount of players on it at night, I'll try and chip in.
assuming it doesn't lag and we have a good amount of players on it at night, I'll try and chip in.

There might be some lag the first day(s) of release due to the demand. Hopefully it won't lag once stuff settles down.
awesome, looking forward to trying it out

not to seem ungrateful but, why not a 32 person server?
I'll give it a shot... and I'll even donate if it has people on it and my ping isn't over 9000.

However, since this is one of the few games I've paid full price for, I intend to be a heroepicpro at it and so dominating may occur.
If I get an acceptable ping to it, and there are a lot of( players on it, I might become a donator.

BC2 unlocks here tomorrow evening, so if there are players on it it'll be the first server I try.
I did just notice. Why not 32 players? That's one of them perks they gave us PC guys, remember?

OBVIOUSLY there are only 24 people who want to play.
Alright, its now 32 players. Price is also now $40 a month.
I tried to start the preload on lunch, but not go. I won't be able to get on tonight :(
Alright, its now 32 players. Price is also now $40 a month.

Nice. You should update the OP with paypal info once you understand how it works, or whatever.

EDIT: And its not a preload for us Pitzy, its actually released now.

EDIT2: Oh, nevermind about updating the OP. You already did.
Alright, I've spent the past few minutes fiddling around in the bc2cc tool. Here are game mode options, tell me what you guys want.

Team Balance
Friendly Fire
3d Spotting
Minimap spotting
3P Vehicle Cameras


Game modes:
Squad Rush
Squad Conquest

killcam off, team balance on. Those are the only two i care about. What is 3D spotting though?
Hardcore - does this mean less damage for a kill? if so, ya
Team Balance - yes
Friendly Fire - eh, probably not
Killcam - no
Minimap - yes
Crosshair - nah, but i'm sure most other people would want it
3d Spotting - yes
Minimap spotting - yes
3P Vehicle Cameras - no
Third person camera.

And how do you not know what a minimap is?
killcam off, team balance on. Those are the only two i care about. What is 3D spotting though?

If I understand what it says right, it allows you to see spotted targets in the 3d world. This is what it says in the bc2cc: See if spotted targets are visible in the 3D-world.

Hardcore - does this mean less damage for a kill? if so, ya
Team Balance - yes
Friendly Fire - eh, probably not
Killcam - no
Minimap - yes
Crosshair - nah, but i'm sure most other people would want it
3d Spotting - yes
Minimap spotting - yes
3P Vehicle Cameras - not sure what this is either

From what I remember from the beta, unless it was a server setting, Hardcore mode also removes the crosshair, which is annoying if you are using the tracer dart cause it removes the xhair for that as well. Unless they had hardcore mode on and xhair off, not really sure.

3P Vehicle Cameras allow you to control whatever vehicle you are in from a 3rd person camera. And yes, Hardcore mode makes the game more "realistic" a la more damage, less video-gamish things (maps, etc). If you played COD4 think of the HC mode it has.
Hardcore - No
Team Balance - Yes
Friendly Fire - No
Killcam - I don't care, it doesn't hurt anything being on.
Minimap - Yes
Crosshair - Yes
3d Spotting -Yes
Minimap spotting - Yes
3P Vehicle Cameras - Yes

All game modes would be kick ass

And I didn't mean preload, I meant download. I can't even start it with the servers being too busy.
All game modes would be kick ass

Sadly, BC2 only supports one game mode rotation. Meaning you cant go from Rush>Conquest>Squad Rush>etc, you can only stay within one gamemode. Which sucks and I don't know why DICE/EA did it this way. But if an admin is on, they can always change the gamemode end round.
Hardcore - No
Team Balance - Yes
Friendly Fire - No
Killcam - I don't care, it doesn't hurt anything being on.
Minimap - Yes
Crosshair - Yes
3d Spotting -Yes
Minimap spotting - Yes
3P Vehicle Cameras - Yes

All game modes would be kick ass

And I didn't mean preload, I meant download. I can't even start it with the servers being too busy.
This. I just got a job yesterday and now I can certainly chip in. I just have to get my first pay and figure out how to work it out with my parents because they have the PayPal account.
If anyone is able to get on in the next few hours post how it is as I have to leave for class in 10 minutes. Tell me if the server name is right and if the picture is there.
Idk if you can read this in time but password lock it! Add a pass like or something and we can play in it, lag free with spots open.
I dunno why I did that,I'm gonna leave it though cuz it's funny.
!!! Just randomly checked, first night:

Are those all from our community? Or just random people?
can you take hardcore off for now? until we all learn the maps etc
great having a server btw... thanks!
I've been coming to this forum for a long time, and me and my clan just got BC2... Guess what, without knowing it we joined the server, and we are that RDX clan in your screen... hahahaha. I'm EGBalla.

I came here just browsing around and I see all our names on your screenshot :cheers:
Oh snap I got it... I'll join soon.

edit: or not... is it me or are these servers failing like it's their job?
Can any .netters say how the server was doing?
stupid question alert: how do we manually find a server?

warm regards,
