Unreal Tournament 3 PC Demo!

In regards to people saying about blurryness....

UT3 Forums said:
UT3 detects your computer's hardware and very aggressively configures the game for performance.

If you're experiencing blurry graphics, lots of jagged edges, and your system meets or exceeds our recommended system specs, it's possible this automatic configuration is the culprit.

You can override these detected settings by going to the Advanced Video options in the UT3 demo. You can access these settings by:

- Select Settings from the Main menu
- Select Video from the Settings menu
- Select the Advanced button on the Video Settings screen

Screen Percentage: The most likely reason for an overall low visual quality. If set to 50, for instance, and UT3 was running at 1280x960, the actual image quality would be comparable to 640x480. Set the slider to 100 to force the game's resolution to the resolution your game is actually running at. In the example above, this would mean the image quality at 1280x960 would actually be 1280x960.

Texture Detail: Determines the quality of the textures applied to the world.

World Detail: Determines the complexity of the geometry used to render the world.

BTW does it annoy anyone else at the fact that you cant Dodge/Jump like in UT2k4?
In regards to people saying about blurryness....

BTW does it annoy anyone else at the fact that you cant Dodge/Jump like in UT2k4?

Not really, I never used dodge or double jumping anyways.
Hmm, this looks like I might be interested to buy when this is released...
Just crashes to desktop as soon as it reaches the menu screen for me. Uninstalled/deleted.
No the @ key brings up the console for me too. I think it's due to your keyboard layout being British.
Now that's damn weird... the @ key, in which you hold shift and then press 2... brings up the console.

Normally the tilde key brings up the console.
I'm so buying this game!

One thing I don't understand are people who are complaining that UT3 is like Quake... I mean wtf? Even the movement isnt' close to quake, these guys must have just tried Quake on PSX or something.

The walker on the DM map needs to be removed for smaller games. I mean with 24 players it's okay since it'll go down in like 1min but in smaller games it's going to be a problem (well atleast in clan wars I guess).

Todays word? Juggernaut! Juggernaught + Minigun = monster kill.

Ou has anyone else had any bugs with the minigun? Today I was using the minigun (with juggernaught of course), everything went fine till I ran out of ammo. The gun just kept playing the same sound, muzzleflash was coming out etc but of course no damage to other players.
When they complain it's like Quake, they probably mean in the sense that it's too fast for them and actually needs skill to play. :D
How do you put in your email address in if the @ key brings up the fecking console?

Had same problem, just dont put the @ there, type ur email without it. Thats what i did.

Game is good, buying this without a doubt when its released.
All this talk over the new engine...

Sure, the graphics look new, but it doesn't feel "new"

It's just the same old stuff all over again...
All this talk over the new engine...

Sure, the graphics look new, but it doesn't feel "new"

It's just the same old stuff all over again...

I feel the same. If I do ever get it, it will be for the editor.
Was a huge fan of UT99 back in the day. But these new ones is not my cup of tea, way to fast phased. The graphics is not even that impressive, whats the point with incredible graphics when the game is so fast and chaotic you can barely see anyting anyhow?
Was a huge fan of UT99 back in the day. But these new ones is not my cup of tea, way to fast phased. The graphics is not even that impressive, whats the point with incredible graphics when the game is so fast and chaotic you can barely see anyting anyhow?

Cos if they wasn't, people would make sure they had a good moan about it.

And what is 'impressive' graphics? The game isn't even out yet, and the BETA client has half sized textures to start...
I thought the demo was, meh, but I think its because they've worn out the franchise. On a good note, the vehicle handling is a lot more better.
On a good note, the vehicle handling is a lot more better.

I hate the insta-turning on all the ground vehicles now.
The Scorpion and Hellbender are a bitch to drive properly... maybe it's just the map but it's really hard to keep them in straight line or even zig-zagging without hitting walls or anything.

The Raptor handles a lot better though, same with the Manta.
Had same problem, just dont put the @ there, type ur email without it. Thats what i did.

Game is good, buying this without a doubt when its released.
I typed my email into notepad, CTRL-C, then CTRL-V into UT3. It works.
you will love this game. It's so amazing. I can't believe my shit graphic card could even produce a scene like that. UE3 ROX!

I really hope the remake republic commando in this engine..

and yes if you are an nvidia cardholder (lol at my credit card joke), download the latest drivers, my fps jumped from 12 to 27 after installation
Have some delicious vehicle summoning codes:

summon UTGameContent.UTVehicle_"Name"

Have some delicious vehicle summoning codes:

summon UTGameContent.UTVehicle_"Name"


Sweet those all work too.

The new Cicada looks sleek, it hasn't changed much though.
The Fury seems kinda've pointless, I think it's meant as a mobile defense turret.
The Paladin has a sexy new shield and look, the primary gun is the same.
And the Nemesis has to be the most useless aircraft I've ever seen, you have to get up close to enemies to even do any damage, and it does a hell of a lot of it too.
It's like a flying Darkwalker.
yes, I would like to know also. With a Geforce 7800gs, I am pretty surprised what I can see on my screen. The game looks perfect with AA (GPU AA).

BTW, the Dark Walker is F****** AWESOME! Oh my god. I just stared in awe as two walkers ai controlled walked by, the tentacles flailing and correctly well placed over obstacles, firing away their laser cannons at the tanks. My god, it was amazing. Amazing.

And last but not least, what happened to the leviathan??
that should just about cut the mark. I suggest you get the latest drivers. Then again, its ATI so I really dunno..
Sea, your specs just for reference, please.

Pentium 4 @ 2.5GHz (sometimes overclocked to 3.0; I think I've been trying at the factory speed), ATI Radeon X700 Pro, 1024MB PC3200 RAM. I can run UT2004 fairly decently on highest settings, with framerates between about 40 and 90 depending on the map, number of players, etc..

You really expected to run it well? :rolling:

It runs like a bag of shit on my PC, which is an AMD64 3800+, X800pro and 2gb of PC3200 (man its been that long, i think this is right). I have it on lowest settings at 1024x768 resolution... I never expected it to look, or run well on my meh PC.

Its also a beta, it's going to run worse naturally. If you want to run UT3 as well as you can UT2004, you need to upgrade, seriously. Thats like having a PC able to run HL1 and wondering why it won't run HL2. Completely different games, on completely different engines, UT3 is not an addon to UT2004.
amazing. this is totally amazing. The Geforce 7800 GS has the exact goddamn same number of pixel shaders, vertex shaders, clock rate and memory + clock rate as the ATI RadX800 pro. It is suppose to run well..

Id say it be ATI drivers destroying you both
Actually Alig, UT2007 should run pretty dammed on your machine. It's an extremely we optimized game.
It runs pretty smooth on 1024x768 both graphic options on 4..
Vehicle CTF is so ****ing fun!
I don't know, I think deathmatch is much more intense and fun. There's really nothing like killing someone, turning, and for a split second seeing a plasma ball come right at ya and ending up as gibs, only to respawn again and repeat! :D
Actually Alig, UT2007 should run pretty dammed on your machine. It's an extremely we optimized game.

Well, i kinda didn't let on that i also have a very dodgey running computer. I'm using Vista + NF3 motherboard, nVidia being lazy as they are, never released Vista drivers for this chipset, as it is to old, which in turn means that the AGP slot is unable to initialise if i install ATI video drivers. But, it works, thats all that counts haha. I can't even turn my PC off, the wireless network card has about a 10% chance of starting because the motherboard is driver-less. Can't even revert back to XP, keyboard works for BIOS but not for 'press any key now' to boot from cd, and you can't install an older OS from within windows.. So yeah, i'm fooked :x

I know it's well optimized, Epic are an epic developing team :) With my PC working as should, i would expect it to work better, but i wouldn't expect it to look even near like it should (also there is talk that the demo has half size textures and this hasnt been talked down afaik)
Has there been any word on a damn patch to fix the ****ing server browser yet?! Jesus!

We can't properly beta test without a working server browser!