Upcoming BF2 video

Pesmerga said:
I think, the more explosions, the better.

We were thinking of a lone jet to fly by a bomb the area first. It can't kill anyone. I was going to implement that if we had more than 13.
Qonfused said:
Ah! That would be epic, what I'm looking for!

It might prove too hard, we'll give it a few tries. But yeah -- I can envision that. A slight turn of the BH, snap of the sniper rifle and BH bullets flying everywhere.
It wouldn't be hard (for me at least [/humility]) as long as the guy was injured. A headshot from inside a moving blackhawk just isn't going to happen.
bvasgm said:
It wouldn't be hard (for me at least [/humility]) as long as the guy was injured. A headshot from inside a moving blackhawk just isn't going to happen.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
xfire me when you do it, i may be able to come then.

How about... some guy sends a rocket flying towards the jeep... then just before it hits his mate sitting next to him, who is a sniper, caps the guy in the head and steals the kill... of course the rocket still hits so we still get the explosions :P
Ok, about the helo insertion, the guys inside don't parachute out, the helo touches down for 1, maybe 2 seconds (keeping foreward momentum), it's very important that this is fast, and the people inside hop out.

Pre approved by Q.
[Roles - USMC]

Peshy: ..... BH flyer
Bvasgm: ... Sniper
French: .... BH gunner
Ren: ........ Ground forces
Veggie: .... Ground forces
Jeep: ....... Ground forces
Shodan: ... Ground forces
Pesmerga said:
can i fly the blackhawk?
Qonfused said:
[Roles - USMC]

Peshy: ..... BH flyer
Bvasgm: ... Sniper
French: .... BH gunner
Ren: ........ Ground forces
Veggie: .... Ground forces
Jeep: ....... Ground forces
Shodan: ... Ground forces
Ok, I CAN be in it. My PC was only screwy 'cause the Omegas were f*cking it up.

So count me in!
I thought it was a stunt video you were doing qonfused? We did absolutley tonnes of footage for it, and you are 'editting' it now? This seems to be just some kind of arranged ambush then i assume, for a different video i guess?

Can't say if i can do it without specific date/time, not sure how everyone else can either, but i'll lend a hand if need be.
Starting a new project before finishing the last spells trouble to me. Also, if theres a lack of motivation to complete the last project, who says this one will get done too. The cynic i am always asks these things.
xombine said:
This is going to be a machinima video.
From what little I can understand from the last hour, there isnt any dialouge. There is also random turtle porn clips inserted in the final video. >:
Yes, yes there are.

And turtle porn does exist, I assure you.
yeah...and thousands upon thousands of question marks on the screen. And "Cleansweep = shit".
Bah sorry I missed the chat, I was watching a movie...


In a nutshell, my speciality is attack helo flying (solo or w/ gunner) So if you want incorporate anything with that I'll be glad to help.
Hahaha, I had to read that a second time. So many laughs. This is a giant bash.org quote.
Yeah, I read through that a second time. ROFL.

Hectic, we finished the last video -- I don't know what you're talking about. Halflife2.net vs. Battlefield 2. Look at my Filefront profile if you need to.

LOL @ sig, Pessy. :P
No, no, no. It's not a machima. It's just a quick, epic raid video and it's supposed to be dramatic. I'll update the current list in a moment.

[Roles - USMC]

Peshy: ........ BH flyer
Bvasgm: ...... Sniper
French: ....... BH gunner
Ren: ............ Ground forces
xombine: ...... Ground forces
Jeep: ........... Ground forces
Shodan: ....... Ground forces

[Roles - MEC]

MorneHeru: ... Ground forces
JNightshade: . Ground forces
AiM: ............ Ground forces
Dumb Dude: ...... Ground forces

We only need one more.

I planned on editing it myself but I'm still sort of new with Vegas. If I feel there's a better editor, I'll go ahead and appoint one (Ennui if you're up to it). I, myself, won't be a participant in the "acting" itself unless we don't have enough people. I'd rather be a spectator and be kind of "coaching" the timeline out. I also plan on doing the scene twice and then pick the better of the two and/or using scenes from both.

Script for those who are lazy:

Alright. I wish I saved my convo with Shodan -- I gave him my "vision."

To better understand my "vision," download the Resident Evil Movie Theme by Marilyn Manson.

The beginning would be 3-4 USMC crouched and facing eachother just behind a ridge overlooking a MEC base. Then cut to 2-3 USMC in a Blackhawk far from the MEC base. The "gong"-like sound would be a fast-forward cut from the BH to the MEC base. Two MECs would be patrolling the front, crossing eachother back and forth. One MEC would sitting on the back of a van with a machine gun. The other two MECs would be in a building or summat.

Now, when the drum comes into the song (about :52 in the song) would be a cut to the pan of the USMC ground forces standing up. The "twinkling" would be them moving up the the ridge to peak over the top. Another cut to the perspective of one the the patrolling MEC guards (ove the shoulder) seeing the BH come in. All the MECs react. The machine gunner starts shooting at the BH which either: [Shodan's idea] 1.) the BH turns a little to leave the area as the mini-gunner makes mincemeat of the van; or [my idea] 2.) the BH turns a little to leave the area as an AT sends a rocket to blow up the van.

The BH will turn to leave the area as the 2-3 men inside with jump. The flyer will be the 13th.

The foot soldiers then rush over the ridge. From this point on, I'm gonna let the participants "improv"-it. I still have to think about this. The ending of the video would be one USMC vs. one MEC. MEC wins. It fits the song better.
when do you plan on filming this? i suppose i could act if it's a time i have free
On/after Wednesday as I don't have my computer/broadband until then. Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon seemed alright with everyone. I need some confirmation though.

EDIT: On second thought, I'm going to have it filmed on Thursday afternoon (3:00pm - 5:00pm EST). Please tell me via here/MSN/Xfire if you can or cannot make it.

MSN: qonfused@gmail.com
Xfire: qonfused
Why can't these things EVER happen on my day off? gosh.
Maybe Quan will be nice enough to postpone it, so veggie can play too.
Pesmerga said:
Maybe Quan will be nice enough to postpone it, so veggie can play too.

Veggies busy until Saturday and I'm tied up for the weekend. Then I have to start going to school again Mon.
Hm.. if you want MEC to win wouldn't it make sense to have the blackhawk blown up as well?
Qonfused said:
Veggies busy until Saturday and I'm tied up for the weekend. Then I have to start going to school again Mon.
You know, I might actually be able to do it while I'm at the LAN party... And another guy there has BF2 also so we can get him in on the action as another actor...
Alright, the date is set on Thursday afternoon.

And AiM, that's a nifty idea. The BH to could fly slowly, the USMC jump out and as the BH takes off a TOW could blow it to pieces.
Thursday 3:00 - 5:00 EST is perfect. I'm in.

edit: Q, one thing, the BH i'm in wouldn't be flying slowly parallel to the target building, we'll orbit it once or twice, then stop and turn/rotate (not turn as in keep circling, turn as in rotate) so that I'm facing the mec machine gunner pinning down the USMC. While that's happening the BH gunner pins down the mec. We turn back to keep circling, but right before we move foreward the TOW hits us. (We should work on the timing so that the TOW hits us right after we resume our orbit of the building)