Upcoming BF2 video

Picture in picture and split views could look good if done well :)
Why not? If 24 can get away with it, why not our vid?
Qonfused said:
E-friends! Lolz, /nerdified. Anyway. I'm at my father's until Thursday.


I'm working on it, but guys, I'm still learning Vegas. Do you want this movie to just just fade-ins or some leet transitions, picture-in-picture, split views, etc.?

now you know we all want l337 transitions so your going to have to now. Perhaps with some crazy techno in the background?
No techno >.>
Perhaps no music at all? :O
I totally didn't see that coming!

btw, I nominate spitfire for soundtrack kthx.
SixThree said:
I totally didn't see that coming!

btw, I nominate spitfire for soundtrack kthx.


You're spreading our CS:S anthem!

TCfromBN said:
And I also want to know where the movie is, and if its not done, if you guys need a server to finish it on.
Oh its done. Its been done! We just liek dont no where liek it is kthx?
xombine said:
We just liek dont no where liek it is kthx?

:sniper: liek what you mean you dont know kthxbb!1?!/11?/1!

command and conquer told ja

wait thats only conquering:| hmmm

:borg: < I am the borg commander!?/!1!?/!?11!1/!

2nd edit:

that doesnt work as good as I was hoping
TCfromBN said:
:sniper: liek what you mean you dont know kthxbb!1?!/11?/1!

command and conquer told ja

wait thats only conquering:| hmmm

:borg: < I am the borg commander!?/!1!?/!?11!1/!

2nd edit:

that doesnt work as good as I was hoping

All I can say is...

D: ???
Me 'n bryan are making a video so you guys can up this thing whatever it is to dnf status.
TCfromBN said:
:sniper: liek what you mean you dont know kthxbb!1?!/11?/1!

command and conquer told ja

wait thats only conquering:| hmmm

:borg: < I am the borg commander!?/!1!?/!?11!1/!

2nd edit:

that doesnt work as good as I was hoping

That makes no sense, sir. Therefore... it's FABULOUS! :cheese:
xlucidx said:
That makes no sense, sir. Therefore... it's FABULOUS! :cheese:

I knew there was a reason I did it :D :D , I uh.. just didn't know it at the time?
Fabulous fad is dead, its sooooo 05 or something. Apart from that what the hell is going on?
No, please don't :/

Some fads have lasting appeal. The "fabulous" fad faded out after maybe half a day... and for good reason. It was hilarious at the time- now it's just... D:
JNightshade said:
No, please don't :/

Some fads have lasting appeal. The "fabulous" fad faded out after maybe half a day... and for good reason. It was hilarious at the time- now it's just... D:

not fabulous.
SixThree said:
Me 'n bryan are making a video so you guys can up this thing whatever it is to dnf status.

A 2 man video?

It's not for the "fad", it's purely for the sake of how funny it was when I read it and put it all together.
SixThree said:
Yeah. Like duck and cover. Except better (more pwning).

Like how I pwnt you with my flashbang vs your J10? :laugh: Hehe...

bryanf445 said:

but seriously holy you can be in it too if your nice :)

I'm leaving this Sat to head overseas, so I won't be able to take part in it :(
I Qon dead? Not seen him round these parts for a while.
SixThree said:
Yeah. Like duck and cover. Except better (more pwning).
lol, how could it have more than that video? Seriously though, that video shows some insane stuff. I find it amazing how the guy never looks down the sights, except for that one time. He totally pwns at the chopper too.
Ren.182 said:
I Qon dead? Not seen him round these parts for a while.

He blatantly avoids this part of the forum, so that he doesn't have to say he's hardly doing anything with the video :P
You're right. Qon if you read this, I double dog dare you that you won't post an update.