Upcoming BF2 video

[Updated Script]

To better understand my "vision," download the Resident Evil Movie Theme by Marilyn Manson.

The beginning would be four (Ren.182, xombine, CrazyJeepDriver and Shodan) USMC crouched and facing eachother just behind a ridge overlooking a MEC base. Then cut to two (Bvasgm and French Ninja) USMC in a Blackhawk far from the MEC base, flying lowly as if not to be seen. The "gong"-like sound would be a fast-forward cut from the BH to the MEC base. One MEC (JNightshade) would be manning a machine gun on a vehicle, two (Dumb Dude and MorneHeru) would be standing guard around the building. The other three would be inside the building.

Now, when the drum comes into the song (about :52 in the song) would be a cut to the pan of the USMC ground forces standing up. The "twinkling" would be them moving up the the ridge to peak over the top. Another cut to the perspective of one the the MEC guards (over the shoulder) seeing the BH come in. The machine gunner starts shooting at the BH causing it to smoke. All the MECs react signaling the USMC ground forces to respond and rush over the hill. The MEC MG (same one that caused the BH to smoke) starts gunning down the USMC ground forces, keeping them away. The blackhawk would slow down and fly slowly parallel to the building as Bvasgm one-shot snipes the MG guy (previously hurt to insure a one-hit kill snipe) as the mini-gun from the BH keeps the MEC people at bay. One MEC runs towards the nearest TOW and blows the BH apart.

For here on, I'll have certain things going on but for the most part, it'll be improv.

hmm thursday, ill be there

edit: actually i dont think i will, but ill be there with all of you (in spirit)

We're seriously short on people. Where the hell is Amish/Evo/Unfocused?
Depending on GMT time, may be able to have a quick dabble after work..though i doubt i'd be able to participate much.. D:

Unfocused is on Oblivion non-stop, but may return if asked...

dunno bout Amish
DON'T MIND THIS LINK. http://bf2demos.rackage.com/

Server IP: ...
PORT: ........ 16567
Password: ... CHO

2:30pm-5:00 EST or 7:30-9:00 UK time.

[Roles - USMC]

Peshy: ........ BH flyer [CONFIRMED]
Bvasgm: ...... Sniper [CONFRIMED]
French: ....... BH gunner [CONFIRMED]
Ren: ............ Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
xombine: ...... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Jeep: ........... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]

Shodan: ....... Ground forces

[Roles - MEC]

MorneHeru: ... Ground forces
JNightshade: . Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
AiM: ............ Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Dumb Dude: ...... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]

We still need two people for the MECs.
Here's the area we're using, it's the north base on 64 man kubra dam. Notice the TOW, the jeep and the perfect setup for a good infantry battle. We'll have to move the tank, but it's really not that big of a deal.

Pre-approved by Q.
Pesmerga said:
Wtf, Kubra? I vote no.

It's not like we're playing an actual game on the map, so why does it matter?

shut the **** UP YOU AOwer23yr1278 tr7qwy dad

fxed. KF weuzaaa
I still need Shodan and MorneHeru to confirm. Then I need two more people.
Just to let you know, you will be using the -=256=- Clan Server for this, thanks to JB for discussing this with Qonfused last night to get this working!

Be glad that our clan match that night is an 'away' game :D

Remember your all always welcome on the server for some mini-scrims :P
^ Thanks!

We should definately have some mini-scrims with HL2.net vs 256, we haven't done anything in a while...

*looks at John*

Server IP: ...
PORT: ........ 16567
Password: ... CHO

2:30pm-5:00 EST or 7:30-9:00 UK time.

[Roles - USMC]

Peshy: ........ BH flyer [CONFIRMED]
Bvasgm: ...... Sniper [CONFRIMED]
French: ....... BH gunner [CONFIRMED]
Ren: ............ Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
xombine: ...... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Jeep: ........... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]

Shodan: ....... Ground forces

[Roles - MEC]

MorneHeru: ... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
JNightshade: . Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
AiM: ............ Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Dumb Dude: ...... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Link: ................. Ground forces [CONFIRMED]

Still need Shodan to confirm and we need one more guy. C'mon, we can do this!
Tonight is really touch and go for me. Can't say i'll be here at all, but still a chance. If i'm about i'll message you on xfire and see how your numbers are going.
AiM said:
^ Thanks!

We should definately have some mini-scrims with HL2.net vs 256, we haven't done anything in a while...

*looks at John*

not enough players
i prefer just making 256's sever our own
Shodan cannot make it.

So basically, we need two more people. That's it guys. All the rest are confirmed. Spread the message around! Anyone who's on your Xfire list... just send 'em a quick message.

I'm at work 6-9 on that day.

Son of a bitch, I really wanted to help with this, sorry guys.
john3571000 said:
not enough players
i prefer just making 256's sever our own

I suppose that works too, but it'd be nice to have a HL2.net vs 256 happen :p How many do you think we need?
AiM said:
I suppose that works too, but it'd be nice to have a HL2.net vs 256 happen :p How many do you think we need?
well we could do a 16 player map 8v8, we should be able to do that but to fill a 32 player map we'd fail
The interest just collapsed after 5 or 6 clan matches :(
Well, the shoot's today.

I have a TS server set-up for us. I will want all participants in the TS server even if you don't have a mic.
No password
Whoa! What's going on? Sorry, I've been playing Oblivion lately :P
Is connection time 7.30, or is it before. Experience tells me that if we are aiming to start at 7.30, we need to start getting into servers and setting up earlier than this.
No, no. The times are when we have the server RESERVED. We can start shooting within those time periods. If we start early, the server won't be closed down for us.
Server IP: ...
PORT: ........ 16567
Password: ... CHO

2:30pm-5:00 EST or 7:30-9:00 UK time.

[Roles - USMC]

Peshy: ........ BH flyer [CONFIRMED]
Bvasgm: ...... Sniper [CONFRIMED]
French: ....... BH gunner [CONFIRMED]
Ren: ............ Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
xombine: ...... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Jeep: ........... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Drackard: ....... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]

[Roles - MEC]

MorneHeru: ... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
JNightshade: . Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
AiM: ............ Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Dumb Dude: ...... Ground forces [CONFIRMED]
Link: ................. Ground forces [CONFIRMED]

I don't know if we're going to achieve the last guy. :\
Hi guys

Hope the shoot goes well tonight (if i have the timings right, it should be tonight), if you need any help setting the server up, give me a shout and ill have a look.

Hm... I might be able to bring along a friend or two, that might be able to fill up that spot.