US governor quits over gay affair


Jun 25, 2004
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"My truth is that I am a gay American," James McGreevey told journalists at a packed news conference.

He said his actions had left the governor's office vulnerable. He will leave his post on 15 November.

Mr McGreevey, a Catholic, asked forgiveness from his wife, who stood beside him during the announcement.

omg this is so funny
yeah it is, in a gay, not funny, useless news kind of way.
Wow, I thought you were just quoting a section of the article... but that's the whole thing.

Did he announce it to his wife at the same time he told everyone else?
He had his wife at his side, so I doubt it. Regardless of what you think about homosexuality, it takes some guts to do something like this.
People are starting to hail him and stuff for it, it confuses me. And what I'm saying has nothing to do with the gay issue, it's that he cheated on his wife. He cheated and now he's being hailed. It makes no sense!

If it had been a woman, would he be supported at all do you think? Some stuff to ponder on. I just hate people who cheat :p
meh it wouldnt have raised an eyebrow in any other part of the world, except of course the fundamentalists countries
Well, we don't exactly like people who cheat on their spouses, it says a little something about their character.

This guy was also being investigated for some fund raising issues, too.
ya it does boggles the mind that one president can be villified because he had an aafair yet another president lies through his teeth, invades a country and you all call him a hero ...I'll never understand my neighbours to the south
CptStern said:
meh it wouldnt have raised an eyebrow in any other part of the world, except of course the fundamentalists countries

Im sure they have lots of gay people in france.
CptStern said:
ya it does boggles the mind that one president can be villified because he had an aafair yet another president lies through his teeth, invades a country and you all call him a hero ...I'll never understand my neighbours to the south
Don't speak of what you know nothing about.
ShadowFox said:
Don't speak of what you know nothing about.

Have you missed Commander Stern's input into political debates on here or something?
Murray_H said:
Have you missed Commander Stern's input into political debates on here or something?
No, I've seen it. He generalizes and makes rediculous assumptions to support his anti-America rhetoric.
ShadowFox said:
No, I've seen it. He generalizes and makes rediculous assumptions to support his anti-America rhetoric.

I agree.

anyways :upstare: ...what does having an affair have to do with his job performance?
KidRock said:
Im sure they have lots of gay people in france.
You really shouldn't make assumptions.

I saw that and thought it was pretty weird. I mean he opposed gay marriages and now he admits he is gay. :rolling:
KidRock said:
Im sure they have lots of gay people in france.

What the hell does France have to do with this?

I hope that wasn't a derogatory remark about another nation.
The Mullinator said:
You really shouldn't make assumptions.

I saw that and thought it was pretty weird. I mean he opposed gay marriages and now he admits he is gay. :rolling:

he was towing the party line ...or he was overcompensating with the fact he is gay
KidRock said:
Its not assumptions. there are a lot of gay people in france

So? There are a lot of gay people in the US, Germany, Australia and Kenya.

Edit: Stern is a good man, but he's faster than me.
KidRock said:
i know..whats your point?

What was your point in saying France in particular had a lot of gay people?
CptStern said:
he was towing the party line ...or he was overcompensating with the fact he is gay
Well, he's a democrat, so it's not following the party.

He might be gay and oppose them because he believes that it's traditionally for a man and a woman with the term matrimony.
Hmmm... So if he married his wife he was either straight or did it for his political carrer. And if he was straight then his wife made him gay. Stay away from her men!!
what!? said:
Hmmm... So if he married his wife he was either straight or did it for his political carrer. And if he was straight then his wife made him gay. Stay away from her men!!
He said he tried to act normal because he felt that is the way people should be... aka social pressure. Not to mention his political career would probably have been less successful if he was gay.
I still say watch out for his wife; she is the George Castanza of women.
Kangy: thanks, you're a scholar and a gentleman :)

kidrock: you really should think before you speak. Please refrain from posting your ill conceived rhetoric other words ...shaddup :cheese:

RakuraiTenjin: I dont think too many gays are against gay marriage

shadowfox: ya you're probably right ...I'm sure the desire to have a political career probably prevented him "outing" himself in the past. BTW are there any openly gay members in congress? or the house of reps, or even governors etc?

Adrien C: to the point, hehehe

what!?: dear god a female costanza? cant-stands-ya :)
I think there is a gay member of congress, but I'm not sure who it is as I don't keep up with such things. :)
enigma I hope you get banned, as you're more than a bit of a ....knuckledragger (I could have said worse) ..oh and a homophobe too

Kidrock: what is your point? please enlighten us
KidRock: I dont understand you Stern..

CptStern: I just post drunk. dont mind me